• About
  • Organizational Structure

Faculty of Social Sciences - organizational structure

  • Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Office of the Dean
      • Sekretariát děkana a kancelář tajemníka
      • Student Services Office
      • Accounts Office
      • International Office
      • Research Office
    • Institutes
      • Institute of Economic Studies
        • Department of Microeconomics and Mathematical Methods
        • Department of Macroeconomics and Econometrics
        • Department of Finance and Capital Markets
        • Department of Institutional Economics
        • Department of European Economic Integration and Economic Policy
      • Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism
        • Department of Media Studies
        • Department of Journalism
          • Photolab
          • Copy-Editing and DTP Laboratory
          • Radio and Television Laboratory
        • Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations
        • Centre for Media Studies
      • Institute of International Studies
        • Department of North American Studies
        • Department of German and Austrian Studies
        • Department of Russian and East European Studies
        • Department of European Studies
      • Institute of Political Studies
        • Department of Political Science
        • Department of International Relations
      • Institute of Sociological Studies
        • Department of Sociology
        • Department of Public and Social Policy
        • Secretariat of the Institute of Sociological Studies
        • Centre for Social and Economic Strategies
    • Centra
      • Center
Last change: February 13, 2013 11:39 
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