• About
  • Organisational Structure

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics - organizational structure

  • Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
    • Dean's Office
      • Secretariat
      • Financial Department
      • Research and International Affairs Department
      • Study and Student's Affairs Division
      • IS/IT Division Karlov
      • Building Administration
    • School of Physics
      • Astronomical Institute of Charles University
      • Institute of Physics of Charles University
      • Laboratory of General Physics Education
      • Department of Physics Education
      • Department of Surface and Plasma Science
      • Department of Physics of Materials
      • Department of Low Temperature Physics
      • Department of Condensed Matter Physics
      • Department of Macromolecular Physics
      • Department of Geophysics
      • Department of Chemical Physics and Optics
      • Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics
      • Department of Atmospheric Physics
      • Institute of Theoretical Physics
    • School of Computer Science
      • Department of Software and Computer Science Education
      • Department of Applied Mathematics
      • Katedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémů
      • Department of Software Engineering
      • Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic
      • Network and Labs Management Center
      • Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics
      • Informatický ústav UK
    • School of Mathematics
      • Department of Algebra
      • Department of Mathematics Education
      • Department of Mathematical Analysis
      • Department of Numerical Mathematics
      • Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
      • Mathematical Institute of Charles University
    • Technical Support
    • Other Departments
      • Katedra jazykové přípravy
      • Department of Physical Education
Last change: February 13, 2013 11:39 
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