Rector's Directive No. 68/2017

Elements of a Certificate of Completion of a Lifelong Learning Programme and of Completion of an Internationally Recognised Course

To implement: Article 5 (2) of the Rules for Lifelong Learning of Charles University

Date of effect: 1st November 2017

Article 1 Award of a Certificate

Graduates of a lifelong learning programme (“the Programme”) and graduates of an internationally recognised course (“the Course”) are awarded a certificate of completion of the Programme or Course by Charles University (“the University”).

Article 2 Classes of Certificates

The University issues certificates according to the orientation of programmes (Article 3 (1) and Article 7 of the Rules for Lifelong Learning of Charles University (“the Lifelong Learning Rules”)), i.e., interest-oriented programmes, including the University of the Third Age, vocation-oriented programmes, and internationally recognised courses (Rector’s Directive No. 47/2017).

Article 3 Common Elements of Certificates

  1. All awarded certificates must include the following elements:


    name of the university, registered address, ID number, and the name of the entity offering the Programme or Course;


    reference to the relevant provisions of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws, as amended (“the Higher Education Act”), and of the Lifelong Learning Rules according to which a certificate is being awarded; certificates of completion of the Course include a reference to Article 34 of the Constitution of Charles University instead of a reference to the Lifelong Learning Rules;


    record number of the certificate;


    first name, surname, date, and place of birth of the graduate of the Programme or Course;


    title of the Programme or Course;


    date and place of issuance of the certificate;


    imprint of a stamp of the entity offering the Programme; if the entity offering the Programme is the Rectorate, or rather a department of the Rectorate, an imprint of the stamp of that department, and the in case of a certificate of completion of the Course, an imprint of the stamp of the University;


    name and signature of the person representing the entity offering the Programme; if the entity offering the Programme is the Rectorate, or rather a department of the Rectorate, the Rector’s name and signature, and in the case of a certificate of completion of the Course, the name and signature of the person representing the entity offering the Course and the Rector’s name and signature;


    University logo consisting of the emblem and logotype; in the case of a certificate of completion of the Course, there is the University’s Coat of Arms instead of the University logo.

  2. If the Programme is carried out based on the co-operation of multiple units of the University or multiple departments of the Rectorate (Article 3 (3) of the Lifelong Learning Rules), only one of those units or departments is designated as the lead entity carrying out the Programme. The certificate of completion bears an imprint of the stamp of the designated lead entity.

  3. If the Course is carried out based on a common intention of multiple units of the University (Article 7 (2) of Rector’s Directive No. 47/2017), one of those units is designated as the lead entity carrying out the Course. The certificate of completion bears the name and signature of the Rector and the designated lead entity.

  4. If the Programme is coordinated by a Rectorate’s department that is in charge of the lifelong learning (Article 3 (3) of the Lifelong Learning Rules and Article 19 of Rector’s Directive No. 2/2017, as amended by Rector’s Directive No. 51/2017), the certificate of completion bears an imprint of the stamp of the University and the Rector’s name and signature.

  5. Persons authorised to sign certificates of completion on behalf of entities carrying out the Programme are deans of faculties, directors of higher education institutes, and other University establishments (Appendix No. 1 to the Constitution of Charles University). Persons authorised to sign certificates of completion on behalf of entities carrying out the Course are deans of faculties and directors of higher education institutions.

Article 4 Other Elements of Certificates

  1. A certificate of completion of the University of the Third Age must state that it is being awarded for this type of programme.

  2. A certificate of completion of a vocation-oriented programme also includes the following elements:


    number of the education institution accreditation granted to the University;


    reference to a provision of the relevant legal regulation on the basis of which the certificate is being issued;


    number of the accreditation of the Programme;


    the scope of the Programme including the number of lessons and the duration of the Programme in the format of dates from – to.

  3. A certificate of completion of an interest-oriented programme may also include information on the scope of the programme including the number of lessons and the duration of the Programme in the format of dates from-to.

  4. A certificate of completion of a vocation-oriented programme and of an interest-oriented programme, including the University of the Third Age, may also include the following elements (in the case of vocation-oriented programmes, the elements are in the format prescribed by the authority granting the accreditation to the University under paragraph 2):


    a more detailed specification of the Programme;


    information about (an) exam(s), final exam(s) taken, and defence of a final written work, whereas said information can be provided in the attachment to the certificate of completion;


    name and signature of either the chairperson of the board of examiners, or a lecturer, and/or a guarantor of the Programme;


    a logo, e.g., of a sponsor, the European Union, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, etc.

  5. A certificate of completion of the Course may also include a symbol of the entity carrying out the Programme, and/or a logo, e.g., of a sponsor, the European Union, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, etc.

  6. The text in a certificate of completion of an internationally recognised course is bilingual (Czech and English). It is stated in the certificate that it is being awarded for said type of course, and it also determines the internationally recognised degree, if awarded.

Article 5 Record Number of a Certificate

A record number of a certificate is provided in the following format: AAABBCCCCDDDD, whereas:


AAA refers to the orientation of the Programme or Course. In the case of an interest-oriented programme, the record number includes the abbreviation CVZ; in case of the University of the Third Age, it includes the abbreviation CVU; in the case of a vocation-oriented programme, it includes the abbreviation CVP; and in the case of a Course, there is the abbreviation CVM.


BB gives the third and fourth digit of a RID code of the entity offering the Programme or Course. If the Programme is carried out based on the co-operation of multiple units of the University, or multiple departments of the Rectorate, or, in the case of the Course, the Course is carried out based on a common intention of multiple units of the University, BB gives the third and fourth digit of a RID code of the designated lead entity carrying out the Programme or Course (Article 3 (2) and (3)).


CCCC stands for the calendar year in which the Programme or Course was completed.


DDDD stands for the serial number of the certificate.

Article 6 Paper Used for the Production of Certificates and the Printing of Certificates

  1. The paper intended for the production of a certificate of completion of an interest-oriented programme and of an internationally recognised course is an A4 Conqueror LAID cream-coloured sheet with paper weight of 100g/m2.

  2. In a certificate of completion of an interest-oriented programme the University logo is printed along with the other text included in the certificate; the coat of arms of the University is printed in the colour defined as percentages of individual process colours of the CMYK colour register, whereas C = 0%, M = 91%, Y =65%, K = 11%.

  3. The emblem of the entity offering the Course in a certificate of completion of the Course is printed along with other text included in the certificate in compliance with Rector’s Directive No. 31/2016 Rules for Uniform Visual Style at Charles University. The coat of arms of the University is printed in the colour defined as percentages of individual process colours of the CMYK colour register, whereas C = 0%, M = 91%, Y =65%, K = 11%

  4. The paper intended for the production of a certificate of a vocation-oriented programme is an A4 sheet with security elements against forgery. The paper is bond paper which is manufactured with a watermark and fibres, custom-made raster underprint with iris effect, and an intaglio-printed coat of arms of the University.

  5. If a certificate of completion of the Programme or Course contains a logo (Article 4 (4) and (5)), it is possible to use an A4 Conqueror sheet of white colour with paper weight of 100g/m2 to produce the certificate. A file which will be accepted as a source for the printing of a logo that an entity offering the Programme or Course wants to have printed on a certificate must be entered by that entity into the Study Information System and must have the following parameters: Portable Network Graphics (PNG 1.2, ISO/IEC 15948:2004; MIME type image/png; PUID: fmt/13; suffix: .png).

  6. Another condition to be satisfied is that in the case of a certificate of completion of the Programme, the aspect ratio of the graphics is 5:1; the expected dimensions are 150 mm x ÷ 30 mm (it can differ depending on the printer setting);

  7. and in the case of a certificate of completion of the Course, the aspect ratio of the graphics is 4:3.

  8. At the same time, the entity offering the Programme or Course must comply with rules for the use of a logo prescribed by the owner of the logo.

  9. The printing of certificates of completion of the Programme or Course is carried out by the entity offering the Programme or Course through the Study Information System.

Article 7 Signatures in Certificates

  1. The name and signature of an entity offering the Programme is located on the right margin of the sheet. If the certificate also bears the signature of the chair of a board of examiners, a lecturer, and/or a guarantor, the name of the entity offering the Programme is located on the left margin of the sheet, and the name and signature of the chair of the board of examiners, lecturer, and/or guarantor is located on the right margin of the sheet. In the case of a certificate of completion of the Course, the Rector’s name and signature is on the left margin of the sheet, and the name and signature of a dean or a director of a higher education institute on the right margin of the sheet.

  2. A certificate is to be signed manually. It is recommended that black, light resistant, Document ink be used.

Article 8 Fee for the Issuance of a Certificate

A fee for the issuance of a certificate of completion of the Programme and Course is determined on the basis of the calculation made by the entity offering the Programme or Course.

Article 9 Final and Transitional Provisions

  1. Until the paper for the printing of certificates of completion of a vocation-oriented programme is manufactured (bond paper), the certificates will be printed on the paper intended for the printing of certificates of completion of an interest-oriented programme.

  2. Rector’s Directive No. 10/2016 of 10th May 2016 is hereby repealed.

  3. This Directive becomes effective on 1st November 2017.

In Prague, 17 October 2017

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Last change: August 5, 2019 14:33 
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