Rector's Directive No. 40/2017

To implement: Article 3 (5) of the Rules for Lifelong Learning of Charles University

Date of effect: 1 June 2017

The Lifelong Learning Board of Charles University

With respect to the development of lifelong learning at Charles University and to the Long-Term Strategic Plan of Charles University, and in compliance with section 10 (1) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws, as amended (“the Higher Education Act”), and Article 3 (5) of the Rules for Lifelong Learning of Charles University, the Lifelong Learning Board of Charles University has been established.

Article 1 Lifelong Learning Board of Charles University

  1. The Lifelong Learning Board of Charles University (“the Lifelong Learning Board”) is an advisory body of the Rector of Charles University (“the University”) for the field of lifelong learning.

  2. The mission of the Lifelong Learning Boards is as follows:


    it performs consultation and coordination functions and heeds the quality of the lifelong learning at the University;


    it focuses on aspects of the lifelong learning across the University, on the registration and assessment thereof, and on proposals for methods-related and conceptual measures and recommendations in said area.

  3. The Scope of main activities of the Lifelong Learning Board:


    it significantly contributes to the creation of conceptual and methods-related materials;


    it facilitates communication across the University focused on the exchange of experience and the co-ordination of activities in the area of lifelong learning;


    it generates suggestions for the creation of a long-term plan of the University, annual updates thereof, and evaluation of such updates, it prepares an evaluation report of the lifelong learning programmes;


    it evaluates proposed and implemented programmes of lifelong learning at the University;


    it makes proposals for possible amendments of internal rules and regulations regarding lifelong learning at the University;


    it monitors and assesses issues related to accreditations in the area of lifelong learning;


    it analyses external demand for the implementation of lifelong learning at the University, and it instigates corresponding steps to satisfy the demand.

    Article 2´

Article 2 Members of the Lifelong Learning Board

  1. Members of the Lifelong Learning Board are appointed and dismissed by the Rector of the University. The Lifelong Learning Board consists of at least five members.

  2. Members of the Lifelong Learning Board are primarily representatives of entities carrying out the programmes from among their employees; a member of the Lifelong Learning Board is always the head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning of Charles University.

  3. The chair of the Lifelong Learning Board is a member of the Lifelong Learning Board designated by the Rector. When the chair of the Lifelong Learning Board is not present at a meeting, he is substituted by a member of the Lifelong Learning Board who has been authorised thereto in writing by the chair of the Lifelong Learning Board.

  4. The position of a member of the Lifelong Learning Board is a position of honour and it cannot be delegated to anyone else.

  5. The term of office of a member of the Lifelong Learning Board is three years. A member of the Lifelong Learning Board can be reappointed.

  6. A member of the Lifelong Learning Board may resign from the position. Membership ceases on the day that follows after the day on which the resignation in writing has been delivered to the Rector.

Article 3 Meetings of the Lifelong Learning Board

  1. The Lifelong Learning Board meets at least twice a year, minimally once each semester.

  2. Meetings of the Lifelong Learning Board are convened by its chair, or, as the case may be, by a deputy from among the members of the Lifelong Learning Board designated by the chair.

  3. Meetings of the Lifelong Learning Board are chaired by the chair or by a substitute from among the members of the Lifelong Learning Board designated by the chair.

  4. The Lifelong Learning Board has a quorum if a simple majority of all its members is present. Each member of the Lifelong Learning Board has one vote.

  5. The Lifelong Learning Board adopts resolutions through voting; a resolution of the Lifelong Learning Board is adopted if at least a simple majority of the members present has voted for it.

  6. An employee of the Centre for Lifelong Learning of Charles University, which arranges meetings of the Lifelong Learning Board, is the secretary of the Lifelong Learning Board and does not have voting rights.

  7. Minutes, including an attendance sheet, are taken of Lifelong Learning Board meetings.

Article 4 Final Provisions

  1. This Directive becomes effective on 1 June 2017.

  2. Rector’s Directive No. 8/2014 of 30 January 2014 is hereby repealed.

In Prague, 22 May 2017

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Last change: August 19, 2019 16:55 
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