Consolidated Rector’s Directive No. 73/2017, as amended by the Rector’s Directive No. 32/2018 and No. 10/2019

Date of effect: 1 January 2018

The Consolidated Rules for Internal Governance of the Rectorate

Part One Fundamental Provision

Article 1

The Rules for Internal Governance of the Rectorate of Charles University (“the Rectorate”) provide the details of the internal organisation of the Rectorate in accordance with Article 14 (4) of the Constitution of Charles University (“the University”).

Article 2

  1. The Rectorate is the executive apparatus of the University.1

  2. The registered seat of the Rectorate is in Prague.

  3. The Rectorate uses an official round stamp with the national emblem of the Czech Republic and the text “Univerzita Karlova” (Charles University) in cases provided for in the legislation.2

  4. The Rectorate may use other stamps as required in accordance with a Rector’s directive.3

Article 3

  1. In addition to the activities carried out under the University Constitution4 the Rectorate performs other tasks as stipulated by the Rector or the Bursar within the scope of the Bursar’s powers (Article 24).

  2. The Rectorate also arranges the material and administrative aspects of the activities of the Board of Trustees.5

Article 4

The Rectorate is the place of work6 for University employees who are assigned to the Rectorate.

Part Two Organisational Units of the Rectorate

Article 5

The following organisational units are established in the Rectorate:


Rector’s Office;


Bursar’s Office;


departments of the Rectorate; and


Internal Audit Office.

Article 6 Rector’s Office

  1. The Rector’s Office arranges for the execution of decisions of Rector and where applicable of other bodies of the University.

  2. The Rector’s Office supports the activities of Rector and if required also the activities of other University bodies.

  3. The Rector’s Office supports the activities of the Rector’s Board and the meetings of deans (the Extended Rector’s Board).

  4. The Rector’s Office also supports the activities of the Board of Trustees.

  5. The Head of the Rector’s Office is appointed by the Rector.

  6. The Head of the Rector’s Office manages7 the activities of the Rector’s Office and is accountable for its operation to the Rector. Other powers of the Head of the Rector’s Office are stipulated by the Rector.

  7. The Rector’s Office is divided into:


    The Rector’s Secretariat;


    The Rector’s Board Office;


    The Audit Office;


    The Office of Analyses and Strategies;


    The Organisational Office;


    The Records Management Office; and


    Other organisational units established by Rector.

    Due to employment reasons, the University’s Academic Senate Office8 and the Secretariat of the Board of Trustees are also assigned to the Rector’s Office. The Data Protection Officer, who is directly subordinated to the Rector, is also assigned to the Rector’s Office.

  8. The Rector’s Secretariat provides administrative support for the discharge of the office of Rector and the Head of the Rector’s Office.

  9. The Audit Office:


    Carries out audits of the performance of the internal administration of the University and its units;


    Carries out audits of the financial management of the University and its units;


    Investigates complaints;


    Carries out activities related to Act No.106/1999 Sb., on free access to information, as amended; and

    at the same time provides guidance on methodology in its field of activities.

  10. The Office of Analyses and Strategies ensures the performance of tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector and the members of Rector’s Board in the following areas in particular:


    The preparation of analytical documents serving to set the strategy for the future development of the University and for setting its medium-term and long-term objectives as well as the preparation of documents for the assessment of the achievement of the objectives;


    The preparation of major strategic documents of the University;


    The preparation of major position documents of the University; and


    The evaluation of strategic documents of the Czech Republic, European Union, OECD, etc. as well as the materials of key institutions of national and European Research and Education Areas.

  11. The Organisational Office in particular ensures the operation of the historical part of the Karolinum building, the Blue and Green Lecture Halls, and the University hotel, and ensures events organised by the bodies of the University or the faculties and supports the activities of the History Board of Charles the University.

  12. The Records Management Office primarily ensures:


    The receipt, registration, and distribution of all documents delivered to the mail room of the Rectorate;


    The sending of documents dispatched by the Rectorate;


    The digitalisation of analogue documents directed to the Rectorate;


    The distribution of data messages delivered to the data box of the University;


    The coordination (management) of the Records Management Office at the Rectorate and certain other units of the University and at the same time provides, within the framework of the Rectorate and certain other units of the University, guidance on methodology in its field of activities;


    The activities of the central files management office of the Rectorate and certain other units of the University including administration and elimination of documents and files stored in the central files management office.

  13. The Records Management Coordinator of the University9 is assigned to the Records Management Office.

  14. The head of the Audit Office, head of the Office of Analyses and Strategies, head of the Organisational Office, head of the Records Management Office, and the Data Protection Officer are appointed by the Rector.

Article 7 Bursar’s Office

Bursar’s Office provides administrative and, if required, also advisory support for the discharge of the function of the Bursar.

The activities of the Bursar’s Office are managed10 by the Bursar.

Article 8 Departments of the Rectorate

  1. The departments of the Rectorate are the basic workplaces of the Rectorate’s activities.

  2. The following workplaces are established at the Rectorate:


    Student Affairs Department;


    Department for the Quality of Education and Accreditation;


    Research Support Office;


    International Relations Office;


    Public Affairs and Communications Department;


    Finance Department;


    Legal Department;


    Public Procurement Department;


    Project Support Department;


    Department of Construction;


    Centre for Information, Counselling, and Social Services;


    Centre for Lifelong Learning;


    Human Resources Department;


    Security and Occupational Safety Department.

  3. The departments of the Rectorate perform coordinating, advisory, information, registration, and conception activities as well as providing guidance on methodology in their respective fields of activities to the units of the University.

  4. In addition to the direct support for the activities of the Rector and the relevant members of the Rector’s Board explicitly listed in Articles 9 to 21, the departments of the Rectorate are involved in supporting the activities of the Bursar and the Head of the Rector’s Office.

  5. The departments of the Rectorate are further structured as required into offices, units, and possibly other organisational units not mentioned in these Rules, which are established by the Bursar after discussion with the head of the department.

Article 9 Student Affairs Department

The Student Affairs Department performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector, Vice-Rector for Education, Vice-Rector for Conception and Quality of Education, Vice-Rector for Projects and Publishing, Vice-Rector for Research, and other members of the Rector’s Board designated by the Rector in these fields in particular:


Registration of students and study documents;


Admissions procedure and admissions review procedure;


Decisions on the rights and duties of students;


Social security of students, bursaries and scholarships, prizes awarded to students;


Operational area of fees for study;


Operational area of the recognition of foreign education;


Performance of legal operations in the field of study.

Article 10 Department for the Quality of Education and Accreditation

  1. The Department for the Quality of Education and Accreditation supports the activities of the Rector, the Vice-Rector for Conception and Quality of Education, and other members of the Rector’s Board designated by the Rector in these fields in particular:


    Ensuring the process of the internal approval of study programmes within the institutional accreditation by the Internal Evaluation Board;


    Registration and administrative support for applications for the accreditation of programmes of study and applications for institutional accreditation filed with the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education (“NAB”) and other related activities as required by the NAB;


    Ensuring the creation and implementation of study programmes in cooperation with a foreign higher education institution and implementation of Cotutelle agreements;


    Ensuring the process of internal evaluation of the quality of educational activities in the programmes of study offered by the University;


    The operational area of programmes of study (study programme characteristics, profile of the graduate, curricula, provision of personnel, etc.) for the purpose of granting the authorisation to implement a programme of study within the institutional accreditation or an application for accreditation;


    The operational area of quality of educational activities and other related activities (educational activities evaluation by students, evaluation of quality of qualification theses, etc.).

  2. The Department for the Quality of Education and Accreditation supports the activities of the Internal Evaluation Board of the University.

Article 11 Research Support Office

  1. Research Support Office performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector, Vice-Rector for Research, Vice-Rector for Projects and Publishing, Vice-Rector for Academic Appointments, Vice-Rector for European Affairs, and other members of the Rector’s Board designated by the Rector in these fields in particular:


    Gathering, processing, and presentation of outputs of scientific, research, and other creative activities;


    Administrative support for the internal grant system of the University;


    Science and research programmes offered within or outside the sector;


    Prizes awarded to academic and research staff (national and international);


    Associate professorships and full professorships and research degrees;


    Honorary doctorates, Visiting Professors, Professor Emeritus, degrees awarded in memoriam;


    International programmes and international cooperation in science and research, including European Union programmes in this field and the activities of the European centre.

  2. The Research Support Office supports the activities of the Research Board of the University.

Article 12 International Relations Office

  1. The International Relations Office performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector, Vice-Rector for Foreign Affairs, and Vice-Rector for European Affairs in these fields in particular:


    In the field of university cooperation, ensuring cooperation with international partners within:

    1. Bilateral agreements;

    2. University networks;


    In the field of international cooperation, the use of

    1. Cultural agreements;

    2. International higher education training programmes, in particular the programmes of the European Union;

    3. International governmental and non-governmental organisations;


    University mobility projects (e.g., Mobility Fund).

  2. The International Relations Office includes the European Office which ensures, in particular, the mobility of students and academic staff within European Union programmes.

  3. The International Relations Office includes the Centre for Strategic Partnerships which ensures mutual pedagogical and research relations between the University and international universities involved in strategic partnerships. The Centre for Strategic Partnerships is directly accountable for its activities to the Vice-Rector for Foreign Affairs and Mobility.

Article 13 Public Affairs and Communications Department

  1. The Public Affairs and Communications Department performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector and Vice-Rector for Public Affairs in the following fields in particular:


    Ensuring and providing information within the University and externally;


    Contact with mass media;


    Presentation of the activities of the University and events organised including the publishing of promotional materials, periodicals and items, awarding prizes; and


    Expanding and maintaining a database of textual, photographic, and electronic material.

  2. The Public Affairs and Communications Department includes the unit of the Public Relations Officer who performs the tasks of the University and ensures the activities of the Rector primarily in the field under paragraph 1 (b).

Article 14 Finance Department

  1. The Finance Department performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector and the Bursar in the following fields in particular:


    Within the framework of the University operational area:

    1. Preparing the draft budget of the University and a breakdown of non-investment contributions and subsidies from the state budget for operation;

    2. Ensuring final evaluation of events subject to programme financing;

    3. Settlement with the state budget, tax duties, contact with the relevant Tax Office, and the administrative agenda of payments;

    4. Discharge of the function of an entity for the purposes of accounting for the University and central accounting office, the processing of statements and the relevant accounting documents, and compliance with the reporting obligations;

    5. Preparing of drafts and updates of internal University regulations governing financial management and wages at the University;

    6. Methodology guidance and advisory activities for the University units in the field of tax and accounting;


    Within the framework of the Rectorate operational area:

    1. Processing of the budget of the Rectorate and the breakdown of the relevant part of non-investment contributions and subsidies from the state budget for operation;

    2. Discharge of the function of accounting office for the Rectorate and the processing of the relevant parts of statements and finance documents;

    3. Preparing drafts in the field of financial management and wages at the Rectorate.

  2. The Head of the Finance Department is the Chief Economist of the University.

Article 15 Legal Department

The Legal Department performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector and Bursar in the following fields in particular:


Proper discharge of legal operations;


Involvement in the preparation of internal University regulations;


Advisory activities for the University units in legal matters.

Article 16 Public Procurement Department

The Public Procurement Department performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector and the Bursar in the following fields in particular:


Coordination of activities in the field of public procurement;


Preparation of conceptions of public procurement at the University;


Methodology guidance and advisory activities for the units of the University in the field of public procurement;


Performance of centralised purchasing tasks based on internal University agreements.

Article 17 Project Support Department

The Project Support Department performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector, the Vice-Rector for Development, and the Bursar in the following fields in particular:


Project operations in the field of non-investment development funded from the EU operational programmes, in particular:

  1. Monitoring of individual calls and the related requirements;

  2. Registration of project applications and projects implemented;

  3. Coordination and management of so-called University-wide projects;

  4. Cooperation and partnership with external entities;


Project operations in the field of investment development, in particular:

  1. Monitoring and use of EU structural funds and the related national sources supporting investment construction, including the construction of University campuses;

  2. Coordination and supervision of the preparation, submission, and implementation of this type of project application;

  3. Coordination of monitoring and final reports;


Development programmes of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for public higher education institutions;


Preparation, coordination, and evaluation of the Institutional Plan of the University;


Projects funded within the framework of Education Policy Fund of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; and


Coordination and supervision of projects sustainability.

Article 18 Department of Construction

The Department of Construction performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector, the Vice-Rector for Development, and the Bursar in the following fields in particular:


Conceptions of the medium- and long-term development of the University in particular in the fields of major investment and infrastructure projects;


Preparation and ensuring of investment construction, renovation, modernising, and repairs of buildings and equipment;


Preparation of regular management reports for large investment projects;


Gathering of information on and the creation of passports (“pasportizace”) for immovable things, basic projects (“generel”) of faculties and units;


Registration of immovable things of the University;


Preparation of documents for allocation (“dislokace”) within the University;


Technical support to faculties and other units of the University;


Ensuring internal approval of investment plans and their submission to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports including status reports and requests for changes.

Article 19 Centre for Information, Counselling, and Social Services

  1. The Centre for Information, Counselling, and Social Services (Department) performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector, Vice-Rector for Public Affairs, Vice-Rector for European Affairs, and other members of the Rector’s Board designated by the Rector in the following fields in particular:


    Gathering, processing, and publishing of information on study and lifelong learning;


    Provision of information on the possibilities of study abroad and within the framework of international programmes and processing of the related operations;


    Provision of information on other activities of the University;


    Provision of advisory services (e.g., professional, social-legal, psychological, for special-needs students and employees);


    Organising of promotional events in relation to the study offer;


    Work with graduates;


    Social issues of students and employees.

  2. The Centre for Information, Counselling, and Social Services is divided into:


    Information Office;


    Carolina Centre;


    Office for Employees and Graduates;


    Gift and Souvenir shop (CU Point).

  3. The Information Office ensures the gathering, processing, publishing, and provision of information in the field of international mobility of students and academic staff.

  4. Carolina Centre provides social services to students and employees, services for special-needs students and psychological, social, and social-legal advisory services.

  5. The Office for Employees and Graduates is, among others, in charge of employment benefits and the Charles University Alumni Club.

Article 20 Centre for Lifelong Learning

The Centre for Lifelong Learning performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector, the Vice-Rector for Education, and other members of the Rector’s Board designated by the Rector in the following fields in particular:


Coordination of lifelong learning activities at the Rectorate and the University;


Methodology guidance and advisory activities;


Preparation of conceptions in the field of lifelong learning;


Issues of lifelong learning quality and evaluation of lifelong learning programmes;


Implementation of lifelong learning programmes for professional and lay participants;


Implementation of educational activities for academic staff and other staff of the University;


Involvement in the promotion of lifelong learning;


University-wide registration of lifelong learning programmes;


Support for the activities of the Lifelong Learning Board;


Operation of State Rigorosum Examinations.

Article 21 Human Resources Department

The Human Resources Department performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector and the Bursar in the following fields in particular:


Methodology for personnel management within the University;


Analyses and preparation of conceptions in the field of wages;


Preparation of a draft catalogue of types of work for the University and changes thereto;


Administration of employment relations and other personnel operations within the Rectorate and designated other units of the University;


Development of human resources within the Rectorate, training and employee internships.


Article 22 Security and Occupational Safety Department

The Security and Occupational Safety Department performs the tasks of the University and supports the activities of the Rector and the Bursar related to crisis management, a condition of threat to the state, possible state of war and other extraordinary situations in the following fields in particular:11


Performance of the tasks of the University in preparation for the defence of the state and for mobilisation;


Civil protection;


Fire protection;


Occupational health and safety;


Performance of tasks of the University arising from the regulations on the protection of classified information.

Article 23 Internal Audit Office

  1. The Internal Audit Office performs the internal audit at the University.12

  2. The Internal Audit Office is directly subordinated to the Rector.

  3. The head of the Internal Audit Office is appointed by the Rector.

Part Three Management of the Rectorate, Bursar

Article 24 Heads of Departments of the Rectorate

  1. The head of a department is appointed by the Rector upon the advice of the Bursar.

  2. The head of department of the Rectorate manages the activities of the department.

  3. The head of department is accountable to the Rector and the relevant Vice-Rector13 for the activities of the department; this does not apply to the Finance Department, Legal Department, Public Procurement Department, Human Resources Department, and Security and Occupational Safety Department, where the head of the department is accountable to the Rector and the Bursar for the activities of the department.

  4. The heads of the departments are subordinated to the Bursar in employment and economic matters and from the point of view of internal governance of the Rectorate.


Article 25 Bursar

  1. The Bursar decides on matters of the University and acts on its behalf in the matters listed in Article 15 (3) and (4) of the Constitution of the University within the scope of these Rules for Internal Governance.

  2. The Bursar convenes regular meetings of the heads of departments of the Rectorate and may convene meetings of all employees of the Rectorate or groups of them.

Part Four Final Provisions

Article 26

  1. The Rector’s Directives No. 2/2017 and No. 51/2017 are hereby repealed.

  2. These Rules for Internal Governance become effective on 1 January 2018.

In Prague on 27 December 2017

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA



Article 3 (5) of the Constitution of the University.


Ss. 2, 5 and 6 of Act No. 352/2001 Sb., to regulate the use of state symbols of the Czech Republic, as amended.


Article 56 (4) of the University Constitution.


Article 14, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the University Constitution.


S. 14 of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws, as amended.


S. 34 of Act No. 262/2006 Sb., the Labour Code, as amended.


Also s. 302 of Act No. 262/2006 Sb., the Labour Code, as amended.


Articles 43 and 44 of the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the University.


The Records Management Coordinator of the University performs a role under Article 3 (5) of the Rector’s Directive 6/2013 – Record Management Rules of the University.


Also s. 302 of Act No. 262/2006 Sb., the Labour Code, as amended.


E.g. Act No. 239/2000 Sb., as amended; Act No. 240/2000 Sb., as amended; Act No. 585/2004 Sb., as amended; and Act No. 412/2005 Sb., as amended.


Act No. 320/2001 Sb., on Financial Control, as amended.


S. 10 (4) of the Act to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws, as amended.

Last change: August 20, 2019 13:04 
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