Specialisation Training

Medical graduates without completed specialisation cannot work independently (i.e. with no supervision) in the Czech Republic. Hence, after completing a Master’s degree (or its equivalent) in the field of general medicine, students usually continue into a specialisation training programme to attain their specific qualification (e.g. paediatry, gynecology, neurology etc.).

Specialisation training is mostly focused on practice – its aim is to provide students with the required experience to become an independent medical specialist after passing the necessary attestations. It is realised alongside student's employment in an accredited medical facility. Both full-time and part-time options are viable. Simply put, it resembles a "paid internship" under a professional supervision.

The received diploma is valid internationally - absolvents of the specialisation training in the Czech Republic can also work in other countries of EU and vice versa. If your future plans involve working outside the EU, make sure to familiarise yourself with the specialisations required for the local clinical practice.


  • Due to regular interactions with patients, an a priori sufficient level of the Czech language is required.

  • Physicians, dentists and pharmacists who as foreign nationals have obtained medical qualification outside the European Union and wish to practice their profession in the Czech Republic or the European Union must pass the Approbation exam.

For more information about the specialisation training see the Law no. 95/2004 Sb. (in Czech).

Prospective students fill in an online application form on the website of the Ministry of Health (or at the website of the respective medical faculty). A completed application form needs to be saved, printed and sent with all the required documents to the Department of Specialisation Training of the respective faculty (see below). Accredited medical facilites regularly publish calls for vacancies to fill their residency positions in different specialisations according to their capacities. All the current calls are published by the Ministry of Health here.

Departments of Specialisation Training

First Faculty of Medicine (website)

Oddělení specializačního a celoživotního vzdělávání (OSCV)

Kateřinská 32

121 08 Praha 2

Second Faculty of Medicine (website)

Kancelář specializačního vzdělávání

V Úvalu 84

150 06 Praha 5

Third Faculty of Medicine (website)

Oddělení specializačního vzdělávání

Ruská 87

100 00 Praha 10

Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň (website)

Oddělení specializačního vzdělávání

Husova 3

306 05 Plzeň

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové (website)

Oddělení specializačního vzdělávání

Šimkova 870

500 38 Hradec Králové 1

Departments of Specialisation Training at other medical faculties (universitites) in the Czech Republic are in Olomouc, Brno, and Ostrava.

Last change: July 11, 2023 11:33 
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