Rector's Directive No. 4/2020

Mini-grants for the Support of 4EU+ Projects in 2020

Article 1 – Introductory Provision

This Directive regulates the provision of financial support to projects within the 4EU+ Alliance, the so-called mini-grants. The aim is to support both ongoing and new projects of cooperation among 4EU+ universities using the funds within the system of the Institutional Support of Long-term Conception Development of a Research Organization approved as part of the Principles for Allocation of Contributions and Subsidies at Charles University (“CU”) by the Academic Senate of CU on 21 June 2019. The Directive is in compliance with the Long-Term Strategic Plan of the University and the 4EU+ Alliance Mission Statement adopted by the relevant University bodies.

Article 2 – Rules for Filing and Application

  1. An applicant for financial support must be an employee of CU with a minimum of 0.5 FTE.

  2. The maximum amount that can be applied for is CZK 300,000.

  3. In addition to the lead researcher at CU, at least two of the five potential 4EU+partners must participate in the envisaged project.

  4. The activities supported must be in compliance with the 4EU+ Alliance Mission Statement and the branch or topic must cover one of 4 flagship fields of the 4EU+ Alliance.

  5. The deadline for submitting applications is 1 March 2020.

Article 3 – Structure of an Application

  1. An application must be submitted in the prescribed form (Appendix 1 to this Directive). It is submitted electronically to

  2. An application must contain the following data:


    The universities and researchers involved (it may be an existing cooperation or a new one with agreed partners);


    Project abstract and envisaged outputs;


    Project objectives;


    A brief rationale proving the compliance of the project with the 4EU+Mission Statement;  


    Budget requested with a brief reasoning;


    Other intended long-term funding of the project;


    Written confirmation of foreign partner units’ interest in cooperation signed by the researcher and the head of the relevant workplace.

  3. Spending of allocated financial support must terminate by 18 December 2020.

Article 4 – Decision on an Application

  1. The decision on the allocation of support is made by the Rector on the advice of a commission composed of the Vice-Rector for Research, Vice-Rector for Education, Vice-Rector for Conception and Quality of Education, and Vice-Rector for European Affairs.

  2. Based on the Rector’s decision a trilateral agreement is made among the CU, the lead researcher of the project, and the relevant faculty.

Article – 5 How the Support May Be Used

  1. The funds allocated may be used in order to support research projects including the research itself, travel expenses, organizing conferences and/or workshops and preparatory project meetings, to support exchanges of doctoral students or post-docs, short-term stays within research teams, creation of common materials to enhance virtual mobility, or to support persons engaged in the preparation of the respective projects.

  2. The funds allocated may not be used to cover refreshments and investments.

  3. The support must be used in compliance with the Decision of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to Provide Subsidies from the State Budget of CR for the Long-term Conception Development of a Research Organization for the year 2020.

Article 6 – Final Provisions

  1. Rector’s Directive No. 3/2019 is hereby repealed.

  2. This Directive becomes effective on 15 January 2020.

In Prague on 15 January 2020

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA Rector

Charles University Minigrants 2020: Request for support

Last change: March 23, 2020 17:33 
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