Rector's Directive No. 1/2020

Rules for Granting and Using Personal Development Days at Charles University

Article 1 Introductory Provisions

  1. This Directive for the purposes of s. 305 of Act No. 262/2006 Sb., the Labour Code, as amended, enables individual units of Charles University (“CU”) to regulate the rights of their employees in employment relations to the employees’ benefit beyond the framework of the Labour Code and for this purpose provides the Rules for Granting and Using Personal Development Days within Charles University.

  2. A personal development day (“PDD”) is a free working day, which may be used by an employee for personal development (to develop personal potential). The employee is paid for this leave in accordance with the Internal Wages Regulation of CU.

  3. The decision on the introduction of PDDs under the stated rules is made in a directive issued by the dean of a faculty or the director of another unit who is charged with acting in employment affairs (Rector’s Directive No. 25/2017). The decision on the introduction of PDDs at the CU Rectorate and at other units whose directors are not charged with acting in employment affairs is made in a directive issued by the Bursar of CU.

Article 2 Conditions for Granting PDDs

  1. The granting of PDDs applies to all employees of a CU unit where PDDs were introduced who have an employment contract for at least 0.5 FTE. PDDs may be granted to a maximum extent of 5 days per calendar year.

  2. PDDs may be used as individual days or as a number of consecutive days.

  3. An employee who does not fully or partially use PDDs within a given calendar year is entitled neither to transfer of the PDDs to the subsequent year nor to any form of compensation for the wages.

Article 3 Procedure for Using PDDs (Application for and Approval of PDDs)

  1. The employees of a CU unit where PDDs were introduced may use PDDs only with the consent of their superior. Approval to use PDDs depends on the decision of the superior employee who must ensure the operation of the workplace and consider whether the employee complies with the annual plan of using leave.

  2. An employee always applies for the use of PDDs well in advance. The records of PDDs used by individual employees is kept by the head of the given workplace.

Article 4 Wages and Records of PDDs

For PDDs used, the employee is entitled to financial compensation amounting to gross monthly wages that the employee would otherwise receive for work. The employer ensures that the mandatory financial levies are paid in the same way as in the case of wages for work.

Article 5 Final Provisions

  1. Rector’s Directive No. 31/2019 is hereby repealed.

  2. The deans of faculties, directors of other units, and the Bursar of CU are instructed to repeal directives which introduced the granting and using of days for sick leave under Rector’s Directive No. 31/2019.

  3. This Directive becomes effective on 15 January 2020.

In Prague on 14 January 2020

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA Rector

Last change: March 23, 2020 17:39 
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