Rector's Directive No. 6/2020

Priorities for the Activities of Mobility Fund of Charles University

  1. Priorities in individual fields:


    Study for full-time students at a foreign university for one or two semesters, in particular the following:

    • Students, based on an inter-university agreement on direct cooperation;

    • Students in joint doctoral programmes with respect to joint degree, double degree, and cotutelle;

    • Students implementing a stay in the form of “free movers” in a master’s programme of study;

    • Students implementing a stay in the form of “free movers” in a doctoral programme of study;


    • in relation to reciprocity;

    • with respect to long-term exchange;

    • involving presentation of the student’s research outputs.

    The stay abroad must be credited as an integral component of the curriculum of doctoral students and at least as a partial component of the curriculum of students in master’s programmes of study.


    Study of foreign students at CU:

    • Students, based on inter-university agreement on cooperation;

    • Full-time students in doctoral and master’s programmes with respect to joint degree, double degree, cotutelle, and “free movers” form.


    Stays of foreign university or research workers at the University:

    • Introduction of a new discipline (field) of study or research at CU;

    • Expansion of the current state of instruction in a given field;

    • Work at several faculties at CU;

    • Preparation for the involvement of CU in an international joint project;

    • Work of a foreign university worker on “sabbatical” at CU;

    • A short-term lecturing or research stay at CU.


    Short-term research stays abroad


    within the framework of preparation of a joint programme (in particular a doctoral programme) with a prestigious foreign entity.

    This does not apply to trips to conferences, seminars, congresses, etc.

    A stay of a minimum of three weeks.

  2. Deadline for the submission of proposals:

    • In the summer semester: by the end of March;

    • In the winter semester: by the end of October.

  3. Repealing provision: Rector’s Directive No. 58/2018 setting priorities for the year 2019 is hereby repealed.

In Prague on 23 January 2020

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA


Last change: March 23, 2020 17:55 
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