Associate Professorships and Full Professorships

In compliance with Act no. 111/1998 Sb. on higher education institutions, the appointment procedure (habilitation) for Associate Professorships (the degree “docent”, abbreviated to “doc.”) verifies the applicant’s scholarly or artistic qualities, primarily based on the defence of a major scholarly or artistic work submitted by the applicant (the habilitation thesis) plus other scholarly or artistic work previously produced or published by the applicant, in addition to the applicant’s pedagogical competence, based on the evaluation of a lecture and previous teaching activities.

In compliance with Act no. 111/1998 Sb. on higher education institutions, the appointment procedure for Full Professorships (the degree “profesor”, abbreviated to “prof.”) verifies the applicant’s pedagogical and scholarly or artistic qualities. Applicants for Full Professorships are important and respected figures in their respective fields.

Appointments to Associate Professorships and Full Professorships (“docent” and “profesor”) at Charles University are carried out in fields of study with the necessary accreditation in compliance with Act no. 111/1998 Sb. on higher education institutions.


Code of Procedure to Grant Associate Professorship and Full Professorship

Consolidated Rector's Directive No. 9/2014, as amended by Rector's Directives No. 17/2014 and No. 26/2017 till 01.10.2019

Rector's Directive No. 35/2019 after 01.10.2019


List of Associate Professors

List of Professors

List of Accredited Fields of Study

Appointments Pending

Last change: August 23, 2023 14:21 
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