Rector's Directive No. 36/2020

Support for submitting ERC grant applications at Charles University

Responsible: Research Support Office

Effective date: 1 October 2020

Article 1 Introductory provisiosn

The objective of the support is to motivate the academic and research staff to submit high-quality applications for grants of the European Research Council (the “ERC”). The support will be financed from resources set aside by the university as a part of the Breakdown of Non-Investment Contributions and Subsidies at Charles University (the “university”) in accordance with the Strategic Plan of the University.

Article 2 Conditions for providing the support

An application may be submitted by an applicant who


cooperates while preparing their ERC grant application with a university contact employee and the ERC coordinator at the university (the university contact employee must be given access to the submitted application in the Funding and Tenders portal) and


is a member of the academic or research staff of the university at the time of submitting the application for support.

The maximum amount of support is CZK 100,000.

Submitting an application for support under this directive excludes the option of submitting an application for support relating to preparation of collaborative projects in accordance with Rector’s Directive 63/2017. Allocated support may be used according to the discretion of the applicant, for example, as remuneration, refunding travel expenses, or otherwise in accordance with Act no. 130/2002 Sb., on Support for Research and Development.

Article 3 Procedures for submitting the application

The application for support may be submitted any time after submitting the ERC grant application, though no later than 1 October of the calendar year in which the ERC grant application was submitted. Applications for support with all attachments are submitted electronically to the e-mail address An application for support must contain the following:


The ERC grant type that the applicant is applying for and the submission date,


The complete text of the submitted ERC grant application.

Article 4 Assessment of submitted applications

Only applications that fulfil the conditions set out in articles 2 and 3 of this directive will be assessed. Support will be granted based on a decision of the Vice-Rector for Research on recommendation of the ERC coordinator and will be contingent on the budget.

A decision on applications for support will be issued no later than 1 December of the specific year.

Article 5 Additional provisions

The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the support is used efficiently, economically, and effectively and in accordance with the relevant legal regulations, the terms and conditions of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and this directive.

Article 6 Final provisions

Rector’s Measure no. 54/2018 is hereby rescinded.

This measure comes into effect on 1 October 2020.

In Prague, on 30 September 2020

prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Last change: November 4, 2020 08:30 
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