Rector’s Directive No. 46/2020


Declaration of State of Emergency at Charles University

For implementation:

Art. 66a et seq. of the Constitution of Charles University


Rector’s Office

Effective from:

5 November 2020

Declaration of State of Emergency at Charles University

Art. 1 Declaration of state of emergency

By this measure, and due to the national state of emergency and threat to life and limb at Charles University, the Rector hereby declares a state of emergency at the University, which will last for no longer than 60 days from the day on which this Measure comes into effect. During the state of emergency the provisions of Art. 66c to 66e of the Constitution of Charles University shall apply.

Art. 2 Central crisis staff

  1. The Rector hereby appoints the following crisis staff:

    • Tomáš Zima, Rector,

    • Tomáš Horáček, Bursar,

    • Milan Prášil, Head of the Rector’s Office,

    • František Zahálka, President of the Academic Senate,

    • Milena Králíčková, Vice-Rector for Education,

    • Radka Wildová, Vice-Rector for the Conception and Quality of Education,

    • Jan Škrha, Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Mobility,

    • Anna Shavit, member of the Rector’s Board,

    • Michal Zima, member of the Rector’s Board,

    • David Hurný, designated student president of the Academic Senate,

    • Antonín Rezek, Director of CU Facility Management,

    • Petr Bulíček, head of the Security and Occupational Safety Department,

    • Marie Fiantová, Head of the Human Resources Department,

    • Ludmila Součková, head of CU Point,

    • Jan Wagner, head of the Legal department,

    • Václav Hájek, head of the Public Affairs and Communications Department,

    • Vratislav Kozák, head of the International Relations Office,

    • Alena Vlasáková, head of the Student Affairs Department,

    • Věra Barnová, head of the Organizational Office,

    • Lukáš Nachtigal, head of the Doctoral Studies Office,

    • Martin Rychlík, head of the Unimedia Office,

    • Miroslava Hurdová, head of the Dormitories and Canteens accommodation unit,

    • Aleš Houdek, head of the network infrastructure department – Computer Science Centre.

  2. The central crisis staff shall be chaired by the Bursar.

  3. The tasks of the central crisis staff shall chiefly include:


    monitoring and evaluating the situation,


    coordinating the activities of individual faculties, other units of the University, the Rectorate and their workplaces,


    help prepare adopted measures adopted and


    inform the public of adopted measures through the public section of the University’s website, and by other appropriate means.

  4. All faculties and other units of Charles University are obliged to immediately nominate a contact person for discussions with the central crisis staff. Faculties and units must notify the Rector’s Secretariat of the name, e-mail address and telephone number of their contact person. If they fail to do so, it shall be assumed that the contact person is the dean of the faculty or unit director.

Art. 3 Closing provision

This Measure comes into effect on 5 November 2020.

Prague, 4 November 2020

prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Last change: February 3, 2021 16:09 
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