Large research infrastructures

Involvement of Charles University in research infrastructures can be found in this table. You can find there links to specific infrastructures and contact details.

 “Research infrastructure is a research facility necessary for comprehensive research and development with high financial and technological intensity, which is approved by the government and established for use by other research organisations.”

Do you want to know what research infrastructures are? Find out more here.

Research infrastructures are one of the key pillars of national research and innovation systems of the EU Member States, the European Research Area as a whole, and other formations of the macro-regional and global dimension and impact. They form the backbone network for excellent basic and applied research and they are a platform for the development of the most advanced technologies that are characterised by large knowledge-intensity and a potential to be applied in innovative goods and services with high added value.

- Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022, update 2019

For more information see this website dedicated to large research infrastructures in Czech Republic or this page about European Research Infrastructures

ELIXIR-CZ – Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data
ELIXIR-CZ – Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data

Last change: October 18, 2023 18:34 
Responsible for site content: Research Support Office
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