Rector's Directive No. 2/2021


Awarding scholarships to students at Charles University in urgent emergency situations

To be implemented:

Article 9(1), second sentence of the Scholarships and Bursaries Rules of Charles University, as amended

Responsible unit:

Student Affairs Department

Effective date:

1 February 2021

Awarding scholarships to students at Charles University in urgent emergency situations

Article 1 – Introductory provisions

  1. This Rector’s directive sets out the terms for awarding scholarships in the event that a student of Charles University finds themselves in an urgent emergency situation (the “student”) as scholarships in cases worthy of special consideration, in accordance with Section 91(2e) of Act no. 111/1998 Sb., on institutions of higher education, as amended (the “Higher Education Act”) and Article 9(1) of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules of Charles University (the “scholarship” and the “Scholarships Rules”).

  2. The scholarship is intended for students who are currently experiencing a serious and difficult situation in cases where it is not possible to use any of the other tools of assistance or when their use is insufficient for effectively assisting the students.

Article 2 – Scholarship

  1. In accordance with this Rector’s directive, the dean decides on the award of the scholarship upon request of the student in accordance with the terms set out in the internal regulations of the faculty, pursuant to Article 4(2) of the Scholarships Rules, or the Rector. A student may submit one application to the dean and one application to the Rector relating to the same matter. The faculty informs the head of the Carolina Centre at CU Point (the “Carolina Centre”) about the student’s application submitted to the dean without undue delay. The Carolina Centre informs the dean of the faculty at which the student is enrolled about the student’s application submitted to the Rector without undue delay.

  2. After consideration of all the circumstances of the case, the dean or the Rector will issue a decision on the application for awarding a scholarship without undue delay. In the event of concurrent proceedings on an application for the same matter with the dean and the Rector, the Rector will await the dean’s decision before issuing a decision.

  3. The amount of the scholarship is determined by the dean or the Rector so that the scholarship effectively assists the student in their emergency situation.

  4. The scholarship is paid out in one lump sum by bank transfer to the student’s account. In exceptional cases, the dean or the Rector may permit another form of payment.

  5. The monetary limit for scholarships that a student may awarded during an academic year is CZK 100,000. This amount includes scholarships awarded both by the dean and the Rector.

  6. The student is required to truthfully state in the application for the award of a scholarship all information and facts that may be decisive for the award of the scholarship – in particular, the reason the student is applying for a scholarship, i.e. a description of the emergency situation in which they find themselves or the imminent threat of such a situation, and also how the student expects the award of the scholarship to help them overcome the situation. If possible, the student is required to demonstrate these facts. The student also provides an affidavit stating whether the application is also submitted to the Rector or the dean. After commencing the proceedings, the student is required to immediately inform the dean or the Rector of any new information and facts that could be decisive for the assessment of their scholarship application up until the time the decision on the application becomes final. Culpable infringement of this obligation may be a reason to commence disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the Disciplinary Code of Charles University.

  7. There is no legal entitlement to the scholarship.

  8. The scholarship cannot be awarded or paid to the student in the event of obstructions, pursuant to Article 13 of the Scholarships Rules, or if there are reasons for termination of studies.

Article 3 – Awarding the scholarship by the Rector

  1. A student who finds themselves in an urgent emergency situation may apply for a scholarship, especially if the student:


    becomes an orphan,


    must care for a dependent,


    motherhood or parenthood,


    has serious problems relating to their health,


    has been affected by a natural disaster or another misfortune or accident,


    is a victim of a crime,

    or is in imminent danger of such a situation.

  2. Applications for awarding scholarships are submitted to the Rector throughout the calendar year via the mail room of the Rectorate.

  3. The Rectorate disburses the scholarship in accordance with the terms in the Rector’s decision on awarding the scholarship.

  4. Administrative and organizational support for assessing applications for awarding scholarships by the Rector is provided by the Carolina Centre.

Article 4 – Final provisions

This directive comes into effect on 1 February 2021.

In Prague, on 27 January 2021

prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA


Last change: February 3, 2021 16:07 
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