Rector’s Directive No. 40/2021


Registration of creative activities, projects and employees´ mobility at Charles University

Lead Office:

Department of Science and Research

Effective date:

15 November 2021

Registration of creative activities, projects and employees´ mobility at Charles University

Part I - Introductory provisions

Article 1

  1. This Directive governs the rules and procedures applicable at Charles University (“University”) in the following areas:


    Internal classification of subject-areas of science (“Internal Classification”);


    Register of personal identifiers of academics and researchers, doctoral students and other persons participating in creative activities (“Register of Identifiers”);


    Register of data regarding projects of external providers (“Register of Projects”);


    Internal competitions within creative activities and mobility (“Internal Competitions”);


    Register of participation in large research infrastructures;


    Register of data regarding the creative outputs (“Register of Outputs”);


    The collection of full-text outputs of creative activities; and


    Register of employees´ mobility data (“Register of Employees´ Mobility”).

  2. This Directive follows applicable versions of the legislation of the Czech Republic, methodological guidelines issued by the Government’s Research, Development, and Innovation Council (“RVVI”), and internal regulations of the University, in particular the following:


    Act No. 130/2002 Sb., to govern the support of research and development (the “Act”);


    Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions;


    Government Decree No. 397/2009 Sb., on an information system for research, experimental development and innovation (the “Government Decree”);


    Government Decree No. 274/2016 Sb., to regulate accreditation standards in higher education;


    Guidelines for the Evaluation of Outputs of Research Organisations and Outputs of Completed Programmes issued under section 35 of the Act (“National Evaluation Guidelines”);


    Article 14 (3) and Article 46 (2) of the Constitution of the University;


    Code of Procedure for the Internal Evaluation Board of the University; and


    Rules for the System of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Charles University.

  3. Procedures implemented and data acquired in compliance with this Directive are to serve, in particular, the following purposes:


    To document creative and project activities at the University;


    To compile output data sets for the Information System for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in accordance with section 32 (3) of the Act and section 4 of the Government Decree (“IS VaVaI”);


    To compile data sets regarding projects for the module Subsidy Registration System (“EDS”) of the Budgetary Information System of Program Funding under section 3 o) of Act N. 218/2000 Sb. (Act to regulate budgetary rules);


    To create overviews and analyses for annual activities reports of the University, its faculties and other units (“units of the University”), for the needs of the management of the University and managements of the units of the University, including evaluation, and as a basis for the distribution of revenue of the University in accordance with Article 49 (1) of the Constitution;


    To acquire background materials for ensuring, and internal evaluation of, quality at the University, including materials required for accreditation under Government Decree N. 274/2016 Sb., and in accordance with internal and other regulations of the University;


    To make available selected data;


    To acquire, store and make accessible selected data and full texts of the outputs in the institutional repository of publication activities of the University (“Institutional Repository”); and


    For the purposes of preparation and implementation of other projects in which the University is to participate, and for other purposes.

  4. Activities under paragraph 1 are recorded primarily and to the necessary extent in modules of the centralised information system Věda (“IS Věda”) managed by the Computer Science Centre of the University (“ÚVT”) and other systems of the University.

Last change: January 10, 2022 14:31 
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