Rector’s Directive No. 47/2021


Rules for the division of funds allocated for ensuring activities of Boards of the research areas within the Cooperatio Program

Article 1 - Introductory provisions

  1. This Directive expands Rector´s Directive N. 18/2021 governing the Principles of the Cooperatio Program (“Principles”).

  2. The purpose of this Directive is to set rules for the division of funds allocated for ensuring activities of Boards of the research areas in compliance with Article 3 (2) b) of the Principles (“funds”), and for the disposition thereof.

Article 2 - Division of funds

  1. The funds are to be divided as follows:


    60% to cover fees for coordinators of research areas (“coordinator”), and


    40% to cover fees for members of the Boards under Article 3 (11) b) of the Principles.

  2. Such division is to be carried out annually within the schedule of contributions and subsidies of an institutional nature.1

Article 3 - Coordinator´s fee

  1. The coordinator´s fee is composed of the following parts:


    A fixed part awarded to all coordinators in the same amount, and


    A flexible part awarded only to those coordinators of research areas where more than one Unit of the University has been engaged; the fee is composed of additional fees for every unit exceeding one Unit engaged in the respective research area (“unit above one”).

  2. The annual amount of the fixed part of a coordinator´s fee including all levies equals the two-thirds quotient of the amount under Article 2 (1) a) and the number of constituted Boards of research areas.

  3. The amount of the additional fee under (1) b) herein equals the quotient of the number of units above one of all research areas and one third of the amount under Article 2 (1) a).

  4. The coordinator´s fee is to be paid by the Rectorate usually in two half-year instalments.

Article 4 - Fees for Board members and for the work for Boards

  1. The amount of funds allocated for fees of deputy coordinators, other Board members or for work for Boards, which is the responsibility of the Coordinator of a respective research area to set, is to be determined by the number of Board members; every Board member represents the value of the quotient of the total number of positions occupied on the Boards and the amount under Article 2 (1) b).

  2. The fee is to be paid by the Rectorate upon an application of the respective Coordinator on the closest pay day possible.

Article 5 - Final provisions

  1. The use of funds not allocated under Articles 3 and 4 is to be determined by the Vice-Rector authorized under Article 13 (2) of the Principles.

  2. This Directive becomes effective on 1 January 2022.

Prague, 18 November 2021

prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA



Article 49 (1) of the Constitution.

Last change: January 18, 2022 13:57 
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