Rector´s Directive No. 3/2022 (consolidated version)


Introducing and defining the concept of “post-doc” at Charles University

To implement:


Lead Office:

Department of Science and Research


17 January 2022

Rector´s Directive N. 23/2021 as amended by Rector´s Directive N. 3/2022 (consolidated version)

Introducing and defining the concept of “post-doc” at Charles University

Article 1 – Introductory provision

The Rector´s Directive herein specifies the usage of the term “post-doc” at Charles University (“University”).

Article 2 – Post-doc

  1. A post-doc is an academic or researcher employed by the University under a fixed-term employment contract for a minimum of one year, and who was awarded the degree of Ph.D. or an equivalent (“Ph.D.”) not earlier than eight years ago. The maximum of eight years does not include periods of maternity leave, military service, serious health problems and/or a period of similar long-term statutory obstacles to work (e.g., time spent with long-term caring for a family member / close person).

  2. Vacant positions assigned for post-docs are to be filled under the Competitive Hiring Process Code of Charles University, or alternatively under the specific requirements of the respective project for which the post-doc is to be hired; qualified applicants are those awarded Ph.D. at a foreign (or possibly a Czech) university.

  3. An employee working at the same unit of the University where he or she completed the doctoral study during the time relevant under paragraph 1 is not considered a post-doc for the purposes of this Directive.

Article 3 – Duties of Faculties and other Units

  1. Faculties and other Units of the University (“Units of CU”) are obliged to follow this Directive in their decision-making regarding whether an employee is or is not a post-doc.

  2. Units of CU expressly stipulate in their employment contracts that the employee is a post-doc; the Units are to ensure that the post-doc is unambiguously designated as such in the personnel system of the University no later than on the first day of force of the respective employment contract. Where the existing employment contracts are to be modified, or supplements are to be attached thereto for other reasons, the provisions of the preceding sentence are to be used with necessary modifications.

Article 4 – Transitional and final provisions

  1. Units of CU ensure that post-docs in an employment relationship existing on the day of effect of the Directive herein be unambiguously designated in the personnel system of the University no later than by 1 October 2021.

  2. The Directive herein become effective as of 1 September 2021.

The consolidated version became effective as of 17 January 2022.

Prague, 17 January 2022

prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA


.pdf to download

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