Rector's Directive No. 18/2018


Creation and competences of Coordination Boards of doctoral programmes of study at Charles University

To Implement:



1 June 2018

Creation and competences of Coordination Boards

Article 1 Introductory provisions

  1. A Subject Area Board plays an irreplaceable role within the doctoral study; the Board bears the main responsibility for the content of the programme of study and for its implementation. Coordination Boards are to be established for the purposes of supporting cooperation among individual Subject Area Boards and for creating a space where common and shared standards for individual doctoral programmes of study can emerge.

  2. A Coordination Board is a platform for cooperation primarily among those Subject Area Boards which have declared their affiliation in closely related areas of education.

Article 2 Activities of a Coordination Board

A Coordination Board is to coordinate activities of participating Subject Area Boards. Its responsibilities are mainly as follows:


Strategic decision-making with respect to the direction and development of doctoral programmes of study in the respective area;


Identifying intersections in the implementation of doctoral programmes of study;


Creating uniform standards for programmes of study related by their topics (such as criteria for admissions procedure, quality criteria for scientific outputs achieved by students and quality criteria to be met by supervisors, criteria for dissertations etc.);


Proposals of measures aimed at increasing the students’ rate of success in study;


Cooperation in preparing possible common accreditation; and


Communication with relevant units of the Rectorate and faculties.

Article 3 Composition and meeting of a Coordination Board

  1. The Coordination Boards of the doctoral programmes of study are composed of the chairs of Subject Area Boards of the doctoral programmes of study. The Chairs of Subject Area Boards become members of such Coordination Board to which their Subject Area Board has been assigned according to their affiliation with a particular area of education; alternatively, they can be assigned to a Coordination Board they have chosen, upon their appointment by the Rector in that respect. The Chair of a Subject Area Board may be a member of more than one Coordination Board. A Coordination Board member may be represented at a meeting by a designated deputy, who is a member of the respective Subject Area Board and acquires all relevant rights and duties for the purposes of the meeting.

  2. A representative of the Faculty engaged in the implementation of the doctoral programme of study included in a respective Coordination Board, may become a member of the Coordination Board. Alternatively, it can be a specialist proposed to the Rector by the Dean or the Chair of a respective Coordination Board and appointed by the Rector.

  3. Board members nominate a Chair of the Board from their membership and the Chair is then appointed by the Rector. The Chair or any deputy designated thereby is to convene and preside over the meeting.

  4. The Coordination Board is convened when necessary, usually twice a year. Minutes of a meeting are to be taken, as well as a brief report regarding proposed measures is to be drafted; the report is to be submitted to the member of the Rector’s Board who is in charge of doctoral study at Charles University.

  5. Methodological assistance to Coordination Boards is provided by the Student Affairs Department of the Rectorate, which would also arrange for administrative support of activities should it be requested by the Coordination Board Chair.

  6. Meetings of a Coordination Board may be attended by a member of the Rector’s Board, or their designated deputy, in their capacity as a permanent guest.

  7. Meetings of Coordination Boards are open to the public. If need be, the Chair may decide that the meeting, or part thereof, will be closed to the public.

  8. Coordination Boards can adopt, by resolution, more detailed rules governing their meetings and vote.

Article 4 Final provisions

  1. This Directive comes into effect on 1 June 2018.

  2. The main roles of persons and bodies engaged in doctoral studies is summarized in Rector’s Directive no. 19/2018 - Doctoral Study Handbook.

  3. The recent outline of composition of Coordination Boards is available at the Student Affairs Department of the Rectorate of Charles University.

Prague, 23 May 2018

prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA


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