Rector´s Directive No. 6/2023


The Constitution of the International Advisory Board of Charles University and the Rector´s Advisory Board

To Implement:


Lead Office:

Department of Science and Research


15 February 2023

The Constitution of the International Advisory Board of Charles University and the Rector´s Advisory Board

Article 1 Introductory provisions

  1. The Constitution of the International Advisory Board of Charles University (IAB, CU) and the Constitution of the Rector´ Advisory Board (AB) is to determine activities, composition, and meetings of these bodies respectively.

  2. The IAB is an advisory body of the Rector that considers the principal directions in scientific and educational activities of Charles University, research programmes, their evaluation, and systems of funding of CU. The IAB is composed of outstanding and internationally recognised scientists with a high scientific reputation and moral integrity who have long professional standing outside the Czech Republic.

  3. The AB is an advisory body of the Rector to consider selected substantial issues on scientific and educational activities of CU and the development of CU, such as ERC support, cultivation of the scientific environment of CU, etc. The AB is composed of outstanding scientists with high personal integrity who work in the Czech Republic.

  4. The IAB and the AB hold their common session once a year.

Article 2 Activities

The IAB is to, in particular,


provide opinions and recommendations with respect to newly launched programmes of funding the main activities of Charles University, and new research and study programmes of CU;


propose scientific activities and programmes of research centres of CU;


submit initiatives to improve the organisation and processes particularly in scientific and research activities at Charles University;


propose the framework, form, and criteria for scientific and educational activities of Charles University, and consider the conclusions of their evaluation;


evaluate, upon the request of the Rector, the performance of individuals and teams nominated for grants, medals, and awards of CU.

Article 3 Composition of the IAB

  1. The IAB is composed of a minimum of 9, and a maximum of 15 members.

  2. The Chair, Deputy Chair, and other members are appointed by the Rector; the nomination of members of the IAB is to be considered by the Research Board of Charles University.

  3. The term of office for IAB members is four years; appointment to IAB membership can be repeated without limit.

  4. The IAB Chair is responsible for the work of the IAB and for communication with the Rector and Vice-Rectors of CU. The Deputy Chair represents the IAB Chair during their absence.

  5. The IAB members take part in meetings of the IAB and are active in its work.

  6. The IAB membership is honorary. Charles University will reimburse, upon application, reasonable costs relating to their activities in the IAB and their participation at IAB meetings.

Article 4 The IAB meetings

  1. The IAB is convened on a regular basis, at least once a year.

  2. An IAB meeting is convened by the Chair of their own initiative, or alternatively, of the Rector´s initiative.

  3. An invitation to the meeting includes the proposed agenda to be considered, along with relevant documents. The IAB members have the right to propose additional changes in the agenda of a respective IAB meeting.

  4. The IAB meeting is managed by the IAB Chair.

  5. The IAB has quorum if a majority of its members are present at the meeting. The IAB adopts resolutions by a majority of present members.

  6. The IAB meetings are closed to the public. The IAB meetings can be attended by the Rectrix, respective Vice-Rector, the Chair, and members of the Rectrix´s Advisory Board, invited experts and guests.

  7. Minutes from a meeting are taken; the minutes are to be approved by the IAB per rollam. Approved minutes are to be referred to the IAB members and the Rector.

  8. The IAB´s working language is English, in which all materials of the IAB are drafted.

Rectrix´s Advisory Board

Article 5 Activities of the Advisory Board

The AB, in particular,


is to receive, for information, relevant conceptual materials of the Rector´s Board (RB);


may propose to the Rector any issue to be put on the agenda of the RB; a representative of the AB may be invited to a meeting of the Rector´s Board;


provides positions and recommendations regarding issues requested by the Rector and Vice-Rectors;


provides positions and recommendations regarding strategic issues and values with respect to the development Charles University.

Article 6 Composition of the Advisory Board

  1. The AB is composed of seven members. The Chair, Deputy Chair, and members are appointed by the Rector. Some members are to be appointed from among members of the research Board of Charles University.

  2. The term of office of the AB is identical with that of the Rector; membership in the AB can be repeated without limit.

  3. The Chair is responsible for the work of the AB and for communication with the Rector and the CU management. The Deputy Chair represents the AB Chair during their absence.

  4. The AB members take active part in its work.

  5. The AB membership is honorary. The AB members, upon their request, are reimbursed by CU for reasonable costs relating to their work in the AB and their participation in AB meetings.

Article 7 AB Meetings

  1. The Advisory Board is convened, on a regular basis, at least four times a year, including their common meeting with the IAB.

  2. Meetings of the AB are convened by the Chair of their own initiative, on the initiative of the Rector, or of at least two members of the AB.

  3. An invitation to the meeting includes the proposed agenda to be considered, along with relevant documents. Items on the agenda are submitted by the Rector or proposed by AB members.

  4. Meetings are managed by the Chair of the AB.

  5. The AB decides by resolution. The AB has quorum if a majority of its members are present at the meeting. The AB adopts resolutions by a majority of the present members.

  6. Meetings of the AB are closed to the public. The Authorised Deputy of the Rector is a permanent representative of the Rector´s Board in the Advisory Board.

  7. The AB is interlinked with the Research Board of CU through their several members; the Research Board, if necessary, can be involved in the ongoing debates of the AB, if the Rector and the AB Chair think such involvement proper.

  8. Minutes from a meeting are taken; the minutes are to be approved by the AB per rollam. Approved minutes are to be referred to the AB members, the Rector, and her Authorised Deputy.

Common provisions

Article 8 Common meetings of the IAB and the AB

Common meetings of the IAB and the AB are governed by the rules applicable to meetings of the IAB.

Article 9 Invited experts and guests

  1. The Chair of the IAB or the AB respectively may, of their own initiative or on request of the Rector or a member of the IAB or the AB, invite external experts and guests to their respective meetings.

  2. Invited experts and guests have an advisory vote regarding the respective issues at the meeting.

Article 10 Per rollam vote

  1. The Chairs of the IAB and the AB respectively may, upon request of the Rector, hold the vote per rollam in order to consider urgent issues or if it turns to be impossible or ineffective to convene a meeting in person.

  2. The Chair of the IAB or the Chair of the AB submit a proposal along with relevant documents to all members of their respective board for their per rollam vote to be taken within the set time-limit.

Article 11 Secretariat of the IAB and the AB

  1. The Secretariat of the IAB and the AB is to ensure their respective administrative and organisational support of their activities.

  2. Activities of the Secretariat is to be governed by the Department of Science and Research of the Rectorate of Charles University.

Article 12 Publishing information on the activities of the IAB and the AB

Resolutions and other statements and recommendations of the IAB and the AB, as well as other information relating to substantial issues debated within their respective agendas, are to be posted on the public part of the webpage of Charles University upon the approval of the respective Chair and the Rector.

Final provisions Article 13

  1. This Directive becomes effective on 15 February 2023.

  2. Rector´s Directive n. 24/2014 is hereby repealed.  

Prague, 8 February 2023

prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.


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Last change: April 5, 2023 11:45 
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