Rector’s Directive No. 31/2022


Constitution of the Equal Opportunities Board ofCharles University

To Implement:


Lead Office:



1 August 2022

Constitution of the Equal Opportunities Board of Charles University

Translator’s note 1

Art. 1 – Initial Provisions

The Equal Opportunities Board of Charles University (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) is an advisory body for the Rector and the relevant Vice-Rector or member of the Rector’s Board who is responsible for the agenda of equal opportunities (hereinafter referred to as the “Vice-Rector or member of the Rector’s Board”). The responsibility of the Board is primarily to provide opinions, recommendations, and feedback in the field of equal opportunities and to mediate information between the Rector, Rectorate of Charles University, and individual faculties and other units. The Board doesnot have any executive powers.

Art. 2 – Membership in the Board

  1. The Board has at least 17 members. The members of the Board are appointed by the Rector primarily from candidates who may be nominated by the faculties and other units (hereinafter referred to as the “Faculties”). Every Faculty may nominate one candidate to the Rector. One member of the Board is appointed by the Rector on the advice of the Academic Senate of Charles University.

  2. In appointing the Board, the Rector takes into account the balanced representation of its members, especially with regard to gender, seniority, and professional specialization of the members.

  3. The members participate in the activities of the Board:


    as experts in the given field,


    as persons familiar with the local environment, internal processes, and subject-area specifications of the Faculties,


    as contact persons mediating the exchange of information between the Rectorate of Charles University and the Faculties in the given field.

  4. The term of office of the members expires on the last day of the calendar month following the day on which the term of office of the next rector has started.

  5. Membership in the Board is terminated:


    upon expiry of the term of office,


    upon delivery of a written declaration to the Rector in which a member resigns his membership,


    by removal from office by the Rector on serious grounds and after consultation with the body which nominated the given member.

  6. The President of the Board is appointed by the Rector from among the members of the Board. The President of the Board is a permanent guest of the extended Rector’s Board. The term of office of the President is identical to the term of office of the members of the Board. The President of the Board may be removed from office by the Rector, in which case the Rector will appoint a new President without undue delay. If a member of the Board is removed from the office of President of the Board, his membership in the Board is not terminated.

  7. Members of the Board take active part in the meetings of the Board, and also actively participate in the work of the Board.

  8. By nature of its advisory character, the membership in the Board does not give rise to any entitlement to financial remuneration.

Art. 3 – Responsibilities of the Board

In particular, the Board:


monitors the development of the field of equal opportunities at Charles University,


identifies current problems or deficiencies in the field of equal opportunities at Charles University,


prepares recommendations for the Rector, or for the management of the Faculties, in the field of equal opportunities at Charles University,


gives its opinions on source documents evaluating the performance of the Equal Opportunities Plan of Charles University,


monitors the impact of measures specified in the Equal Opportunities Plan,


prepares recommendations and analyses,


prepares proposals for specific qualitative follow-up investigations at Charles University,


submits nominations for the award for contributing to equal opportunities at Charles University, among others for the purpose of promoting awareness of this topic,


refines the University environment and creates opportunities for meetings of a wider group of parties interested in this topic, in particular in the context of innovative pedagogical practice and research,


cooperates with other bodies of Charles University and units and persons in the field of equal opportunities at Charles University.

Art. 4 – Work Meetings of the Board

  1. Work meetings of the Board are convened by its President as necessary, but at least three times per calendar year. Meetings are attended by the Vice-Rector or by a member of the Rector’s Board. Upon consultation with the Vice-Rector or a member of the Rector’s Board, the President may invite employees of Charles University (in particular employees of the Rectorate) whose activities are related in their subject matter to the meeting.

  2. The Board decides by voting. A resolution of the Board is adopted if a majority of all members present vote in its favour.

  3. The President of the Board presents the conclusions of the meetings in written form to the Vice-Rector or to a member of the Rector’s Board.

  4. All conclusions of the Board have an exclusively recommendatory nature and serve as sources for decisions of the Rector in the relevant fields.

Art. 5 – Administration Activities of the Board

  1. The administration of the work meetings of the Board is provided by the CU POINT of the Rectorate which provides in particular organizational support, including minutes from the meetings, which are made public in an appropriate way. The Board uses the following email address for communication:

  2. An authorized employee of the CU POINT collects written suggestions for the meetings of the Board and presents them to the President and the Vice-Rector or member of the Rector’s Board without delay. He also prepares the necessary source documents for the meetings of the Board.

  3. Within this agenda, the authorized employee of the CU POINT communicates with the Faculties, other units, and members of the Board


  4. Upon agreement with the Vice-Rector or a member of the Rector’s Board, the Board, through its President, may request the Faculties, in an appropriate form, to provide related source documents, input data, and conclusions of subject-matter related research for the purpose of the Board’s meetings.

Art. 6 – Final Provisions

This Directive comes into effect on 1 August 2022.

In Prague on 19 July 2022

prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.


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Translator’s note: Wordsimporting the masculine include the feminine, and unless the context otherwiserequires, words in the singular include the plural, and words in the pluralinclude the singular.

Last change: March 21, 2023 15:49 
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