Graduates of Master’s degree programmes – who hold the degree ‘magistr’ (Master) – can take a post-Master’s State Examination in the same field. This ‘examen rigorosum’ (‘rigorózní zkouška’ in Czech) includes a defence of a post-Master’s dissertation (‘rigorózní práce’ in Czech); this is an approximate equivalent of the M.Phil. Successful candidates are awarded the following degrees (all titles are written before the holder’s name):
in law, Juris utrisque doctor (JUDr.),
in humanities, pedagogical and social sciences, Philosophiae doctor (PhDr.),
in natural sciences, Rerum naturalium doctor (RNDr.),
in pharmacy, Pharmaciae doctor (PharmDr.),
in theology, Theologiae licentiatus (ThLic.) or Theologiae doctor (ThDr.).
Charles University Rigorosum Examination Code
Applications for post-Master’s examinations are available at the faculties. Applications are accepted throughout the year. The examination process and conditions are governed by the Charles University Rigorosum Examination Code.