Rector's Directive No. 42/2023


Procedure for the assessment of applications for a waiver or reduction of a fee associated with study under section 58 (4) of the Higher Education Institutions Act (fee for study in a foreign language).

To Implement:

Article 4 (4) of Appendix No. 1 to the Constitution of Charles University – Fees for Acts Related to the Admissions Procedure

Lead Office:

Student Affairs Department


1 October 2023

Procedure for the assessment of applications for a waiver or reduction of a fee associated with study under section 58 (4) of the Higher Education Institutions Act (fee for study in a foreign language).

Part I – Introductory Provisions

Article 1

This directive of the Rector of Charles University (“the Rector”) enumerates reasons for waiving or reducing the assessed fee associated with study under section 58 (4) of the Higher Education Act1 (“the fee for study in a foreign language” or “the Fee”) at Charles University (“the University”) within the framework of deciding on an application for the waiver or reduction of a fee for study in a foreign language filed in proceedings on an appeal against a dean’s decision2 on the assessment of the Fee.


Part II – Reasons for Fee Waiver or Reduction Common to all Faculties

Article 2 Expiration of the Maximum Period of Study

An application for a fee waiver on grounds that the date of occurrence of an obligation to pay the Fee falls after the expiry of the maximum period of study3 will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived.

Article 3 Cotutelle

An application for a fee waiver on grounds of study under cotutelle will be granted and the assessed Fee waived if so agreed in a relevant agreement on dual guidance of a dissertation.

Article 4 Delays in Proceedings and Unlawful Procedure

An application for a fee waiver on grounds that it arose in connection with delays in proceedings before a first or second instance body, or in connection with an unlawful decision, will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived.

Part III - Faculty-specific Reasons for Fee Waiver or Reduction

Article 5 Catholic Theological Faculty

Other grounds for a fee waiver or reduction are not set out.

Article 6 Protestant Theological Faculty

An application for a fee waiver or reduction will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived or reduced if their studies are carried out within the framework of an international agreement.

Article 7 Hussite Theological Faculty

Other grounds for a fee waiver or reduction are not set out.

Article 8 Faculty of Law

Other grounds for a fee waiver or reduction are not set out.

Article 9 First Faculty of Medicine

  1. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that the applicant has between one to three parts of the State Rigorosum Examination left to complete his/her studies will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 50%.

  2. An application for a fee reduction on grounds of the repeated enrolment in study after the termination of the interruption of study by the date of the beginning of the summer semester will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 50%.

  3. An application for a fee waiver on grounds that the applicant completed all parts of the State Rigorosum Examination by the end of the calendar year in which the prerequisites for taking the last part of the State Rigorosum Examination were met will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived.

Article 10 Second Faculty of Medicine

  1. An application for a fee reduction on grounds of substantiated financial duress, not caused by the applicant him/herself, which leads to the impossibility to pay the Fee in full will granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by up to 25%, provided that the applicant has fulfilled all study requirements in the preceding unit of study.

  2. An application for a fee reduction on grounds of the repeated enrolment in study after the termination of the interruption of study before the beginning of the summer semester, provided the interruption of study lasted for at least one year, will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 50%.

  3. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that the applicant has not more than one part of the State Rigorosum Examination left to complete his/her studies will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 80%.

  4. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that the applicant obtained at least 60 credits in their first year of study will be granted and the Fee assessed for the second year of study will be reduced by 15%. The Fee can be reduced on said ground only once during the relevant programme of study, and only in the case of a student who enrolled in the relevant programme of study no sooner than in the 2023/2024 academic year.

Article 11 Third Faculty of Medicine

  1. An application for a fee waiver or reduction on grounds of long-term hospitalization or serious illness will be granted, and the assessed Fee will be either waived or reduced by at least 25%.

  2. An application for a fee waiver or reduction on grounds of childbirth during the 9 months before the beginning of the academic year for which the Fee has been assessed will be granted and the assessed Fee will be either waived or reduced by at least 25%.

  3. An application for a fee waiver or reduction on grounds of the need to personally care for a disabled person or a long-term invalid will be granted, and the assessed Fee will be waived or reduced by at least 25%.

  4. An application for a fee waiver or reduction on grounds of losing both parents before reaching the age of 26, as well as situations equivalent thereto, will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived or reduced by at least 25%.

  5. An application for a fee reduction on grounds of substantiated financial duress, not caused by the applicant him/herself, which leads to the impossibility to pay the Fee in full will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by up to 50%, provided that the applicant has fulfilled all study requirements in the preceding unit of study. The Fee cannot be reduced in the case of students enrolled in the first unit of study.

  6. An application for a fee reduction on grounds of substantiated significant financial trouble in the applicant’s family caused by the COVID-19 pandemic will be granted and the assessed Fee reduced by up to 20%.

  7. Where an applicant proves the existence of multiple grounds for the reduction or waiver of the Fee assessed, that fact will be reflected in the total amount of the relief granted.

Article 12 Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen

An application for a fee reduction on grounds that the applicant has no more than between one to three parts of the State Rigorosum Examination left to complete his/her studies will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 70%.

Article 13 Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

  1. An application for a fee reduction on grounds of a permission to complete a unit of study under an individual curriculum will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 50%. Only the Fee assessed in the first year of the unit of study for which the individual curriculum was permitted can be reduced on said ground.

  2. An application for a fee waiver on grounds that what remains for the applicant to complete his/her studies is the passing of the State Rigorosum Examination or its part will be granted, and the Fee assessed will be waived.

Article 14 Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

  1. An application for a fee reduction on grounds a permission to complete a unit of study under an individual curriculum will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 50%. Only the Fee assessed for a period for which the individual curriculum has been permitted can be reduced on said ground.

  2. An application for a fee reduction in cases when the only thing remaining for the applicant to complete his/her studies is the passing of the state examination, which is not divided into multiple parts, or the defence of a diploma thesis, will be granted, and the assessed Fee will be reduced by up to 90%.

Article 15 Faculty of Arts

Other possible grounds for a fee waiver or reduction are determined in a Dean’s directive.

Article 16 Faculty of Science

  1. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that during the study within the framework of which the Fee has been assessed the applicant has achieved outstanding academic results, with an average grade achieved of no more than 1.5, will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 50%.

  2. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that the applicant passed at least one part of the state final examination within the framework of the relevant programme of study will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 50%.

  3. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that, in the course of study within the framework of which the Fee has been assessed, the applicant has created an extensive or particularly distinguished work will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 50%.

  4. An application for a fee waiver on grounds that during study within the framework of which the Fee has been assessed the applicant completed a foreign study placement of at least 4 months during which his/her studies were not interrupted organized or implemented by the faculty or university will be granted and the assessed fee will be waived.

  5. An application for a fee waiver on grounds of long-term hospitalization or serious illness duly documented by an attending outpatient professional’s certificate will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived.

  6. An application for a fee waiver on grounds of an applicant’s duly documented difficult personal circumstances due to a war conflict or a natural disaster will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived.

  7. The Fee can only be waived or reduced if applicant studies in the relevant programme of study for longer than the standard length of study in the programme.

  8. The Fee can be waived or reduced only once within the framework of study of the relevant programme of study.

Article 17 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

  1. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that what remains for the applicant to complete his/her studies is only the passing of the state examination or its part will be granted, and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 80%. The Fee can only be reduced in the academic year in which the applicant meets said conditions and applies for the fee reduction for the first time.

  2. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that what remains for the applicant to complete his/her studies is the passing of the state examination or its part, and, at the same time, the applicant’s studies were interrupted for at least 90 days in the given academic year will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 80%.

  3. An application for a fee reduction on grounds of the interruption of studies during a period for which the previous Fee was paid will be granted and the Fee currently assessed will be reduced proportionally to the total of the length of the interruption of studies during the period for which the previous Fee was assessed and paid and the length of the interruption of studies in the current academic year for which a current Fee is assessed, unless there is a situation under paragraph 2.

  4. An application for a fee waiver or reduction on grounds of duly documented difficult personal circumstances due to a war conflict or natural disaster will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by at least 50%.

Article 18 Faculty of Education

  1. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that what remains for an applicant to complete his/her studies is only the passing of the state examination or its part will be granted, and the assessed Fee will be reduced by up to 80%. The Fee can be reduced on this ground only once during study in the relevant programme of study.

  2. An application for a fee waiver or reduction on grounds of long-term hospitalization or serious illness will be granted and the assessed fee will be reduced by at least 25%. The Fee can be so waived or reduced only once within the framework of study in the relevant programme of study.

  3. An application for a fee reduction on grounds of duly documented financial duress, not caused by the applicant him/herself, which leads to impossibility to pay the Fee in full will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by up to 50%, provided that the applicant fulfilled all study requirements in the preceding unit of study. The Fee cannot be reduced in a case of a student enrolled in the first unit of study.

  4. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that the applicant is a Ukrainian citizen enrolled in the first unit of study will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced. In the case of bachelor’s or master’s programmes of study implemented by the department of music, the Fee will be reduced by 50%; in the case of other bachelor’s or master’s programmes of study, the Fee will be reduced by 75%.

Article 19 Faculty of Social Sciences

Other possible grounds for a fee waiver or reduction are determined in a Dean’s directive.

Article 20 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

Other possible grounds for a fee waiver or reduction are determined in a Dean’s directive.

Article 21 Faculty of Humanities

  1. An application for a fee waiver or reduction on grounds of difficult social circumstances duly substantiated by a document complying with specifics required in a given country will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived or reduced.

  2. An application for a fee waiver or reduction on grounds of long-term hospitalization, serious illness, or other similar reasons according to the records of special needs students, duly documented by a medical certificate, will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived or reduced.

  3. An application for a fee waiver or reduction on grounds of losing both parents will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived or reduced.

  4. An application for a fee waiver or reduction on grounds that, in the course of studies for which the Fee has been assessed, the applicant created an extensive or particularly distinguished work will be granted and the assessed Fee will be waived or reduced.

  5. An application for a fee reduction on grounds that the applicant has completed his/her studies in the relevant programme of study by the end of the examination period in the winter semester of the academic year for which the Fee had been assessed will be granted and the assessed Fee will be reduced by 50%. The same will apply if the applicant completed his/her studies by the final date of a period for the holding of the defence of a final thesis in the winter semester of said academic year if such deadline comes later than the date under the first sentence.

  6. Conditions for granting a Fee relief under paragraphs 1, 2, and 4 also apply to students in doctoral programmes of study. A source document for granting a relief on grounds of the creation of an extensive or particularly distinguished academic work is always also a recommendation of the subject-area board.

Part IV – Common Provisions

Article 22

  1. If justified, the Rector can postpone the due date of a fee assessed

  2. In exceptional cases, the Rector can waive or reduce the fee assessed for a reason worthy of special consideration, that is in unexpected, exceptionally serious situations that cannot be covered by a specific waiver or reduction.

  3. Along with their application, the applicant must supply the relevant documents substantiating the facts alleged; medical reasons are to be substantiated with a medical report. Should the need be, the University can request additional documents.

  4. The basis for the Rector’s decision is the opinion of the Dean.

  5. Unless stipulated otherwise, the conditions for a waiver or reduction of a fee assessed must be met by the date of the filing of an application.

  6. Unless stipulated otherwise, a waiver or reduction of the assessed fee under Part III hereof may be granted only to a student of a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study.

  7. Where a party proves the existence of more than one reason for the reduction or waiver of the fee assessed, relief will be granted in the amount corresponding to the reason for which the highest relief is due, unless provided otherwise.

  8. In cases where the amount of relief is not fixed, the specific amount of relief will be determined while taking into account the duration of the relevant fact and its severity.

Article 23 Instalment Plan and Collection and Enforcement of Fees

  1. The Dean may allow payment in instalments upon request by the party.

  2. A part of the agreement on the payment in instalments is the acknowledgement of a debt.

  3. The collection and enforcement of fees for study in a foreign language is the responsibility of faculties.

Article 24 Final Provision

This Directive becomes effective on 1 October 2023.

In Prague on 29 August 2023

prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.


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Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (the Higher Education Act).


Article 5 (2) of the Appendix 2 to the Constitution of Charles University.


Article 4 (12) of the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University.

Last change: December 8, 2023 11:02 
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