Rector’s Directive No. 52/2023


Flexible Working Hours at Charles University

To Implement:


Lead Office:

Finance, Human Resources, and Wages Department of the Rectorate of Charles University


1 January 2024

Flexible Working Hours at Charles University

Article 1 Fundamental Provision

This Directive provides for flexible working hours and the recording thereof for employees of Charles University (“University”).

Article 2 General rules

  1. Flexible working hours are based on the division of working hours into basic and optional.

  2. In the case of optional working hours, employees determine the beginning and end of their working hours themselves. In the case of basic working hours, whose beginning and end is determined by the employer, the employee must be present at the workplace, except for breaks for meals and rest and for the performance of work duties outside the workplace on the basis of directions given by superordinate managing staff.

  3. Flexible working hours do not apply to cases under Section 85 (5) of Act No. 262/2006 Sb., the Labour Code, as amended.

  4. Flexible working hours are offered to as many employees as possible. Employees whose work excludes flexible working hours, or who work at a workplace operated in a manner excluding them, constitute an exception.

Article 3 Transitional and Final Provisions

  1. The Deans of the faculties of the University, directors of other units of the University who have been authorised to act in employment matters for the University, and the Bursar of the University will publish an implementing regulation which is to regulate in detail flexible working hours at the respective faculty or other unit of the University by 31 March 2024.

  2. This Rector’s Directive comes into force and effect on the date of its execution on 1 January 2024.

In Prague on 15 December 2023

prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.


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Last change: January 18, 2024 09:57 
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