Eliška Šimůnková

First-year student at the Faculty of Arts, CU, specialising in Languages and Communication with the Deaf

(20 years old)

Eliška was immersed in books on nature, palaeontology, and outer space until she was twelve years old. Later, her interests expanded to include biographies, academic publications, and science fiction. She preferred books written in English, as well as watching news, documentaries, series, and films in English. She was fluent in English and studied French at a multi-year secondary school, and in her spare time, she also learned Norwegian.

After completing her time at secondary school, she studied for a year at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University. However, after a few months, she decided to apply to the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Her decision was primarily motivated by her love for languages and the diverse possibilities of communication. She was also dedicated to contributing to an inclusive, intersectional, sensitive, and equitable society.

She became intensely interested in the connection between sign language and the educational sphere and aimed to revitalise outdated structures in the Czech educational system in the context of supporting the Deaf. Outside her studies, she was involved in queer activism and addressed issues of women's rights. The fight for equality and equal rights is undoubtedly Eliška's most vocal legacy. She always took care and showed respect in her interest in the lives of those around her, creating a safe environment even on the most mundane level.

In the words of her mother:

  • She loved nature and everything associated with it.

  • She loved people, loved animals, loved the world.

  • She very much enjoyed and often, just for the joy of it, as she always said, gave people handmade gifts. She liked to give to others. She did not feel comfortable receiving gifts from others.

  • She could make SOMETHING out of nothing! From a small piece of wood, she could carve a figure, a flower, and always beautifully wrap and decorate it so that the wrapping itself was a gift. No one wanted to spoil the beauty by unwrapping it. Eliška always made a box and a gift bag as well.

  • She made beautiful jewellery connected with nature. Birds, foxes, mushrooms, pumpkins – favourites for their shape, colour, and symbolism.

  • She painted beautifully on canvas. We have everything on display at home.

  • She adored cats. She longed to have a black tomcat she wanted to name Fík. She wished to start living with her partner and to get tomcat Fík.

Last change: September 23, 2024 09:49 
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