Lucie Špindlerová

First-year student at the Faculty of Arts of Languages and Communication of the Deaf, CU

(20 years old)

Born on 21 June 2003 in Prague, where she lived and studied until fate intervened.

Lucie attended Budějovická Grammar School and then decided to continue her studies in Czech Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. She had always enjoyed studying the Czech language, but her interest was drawn much more to linguistics than literature. Therefore, after the first semester, she chose to switch her field of study. In those few weeks, she grew very fond of this new discipline.

From a young age, she loved to dance, starting with ballet at the ZUŠ Prosek preparatory class, then contemporary dance at the InDance dance school. Later, she was admitted to the Pop Ballet selective dance ensemble. She always danced with a fascinating grace. Thanks to dancing, she had an excellent developed motor memory. This not only contributed to her growing interest in her studies but also to her attention to detail, meticulousness, and her vision of helping others. On her 15th birthday, she performed in the premiere of the dance show 137 Perspectives at Hybernia Theatre, where she played one of the lead roles. The performance had several successful repeat performances. A few months later, her dance partner became her boyfriend. Their relationship lasted nearly four years and would undoubtedly have continued much longer...

She grew up living with her parents, younger sister Zuzanka, and several adopted cats and one dog. Sharing a room with her two years younger sister sometimes led to disputes, which we said tested their communication tactics in the safety of home. But in the various situations that life brought, they always stood by each other and supported one another.

She was kind, thoughtful, and immensely empathetic. A seemingly unassuming girl who did not seek out large company and, when she found herself in it, would rather be invisible. However, she always had a few truly good friends, whom she chose with her heart. She was always willing to help and was always ready to listen to others’ joys and sorrows. She not only listened but also provided thoughtful feedback.

She showed us the strength found in gentleness and was more concerned with the interests of others than her own. This was sometimes a point of contention for us.

She respected rules, whether they concerned life or spelling. Given how life is today, Lucie was remarkably modest. She valued things, especially those given as gifts, even if they were just small items. She always used them until they served their purpose. Until then, she neither needed nor required new ones. Her compassion and respect for all living things led her and her partner to vegetarianism at the age of 18. Many people remember her for her beautiful, warm, and sincere smile.

She spent her time mostly with her partner, enjoying cooking together, listening to music, and sometimes dancing just for themselves. At home, she often had a purring cat on her lap while studying. In the summer, she enjoyed camping with family and friends in the South Bohemian countryside.

As a student, she supplemented her income by working as a proof-reader at Lidové noviny, where she could apply her knowledge of spelling. She enjoyed correcting mistakes and felt comfortable with.

Gabriela and Pavel Špindler,

Lucie’s parents

Last change: September 23, 2024 09:50 
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