Centre for Theoretical Studies

CTS performs high-quality theoretical research in diverse fields, ranging from the humanities through various social science disciplines to the exact sciences. CTS stimulates transdisciplinary approaches to science, encouraging new ways of interaction and cooperation between disciplines.

It organizes seminars, workshop and conferences. Major fields are: Mathematics of Complex Systems , Biodiversity and its Dynamics, Man and Nature in Quaternary, Theorizing the City, Science, Expertise and Rationality in Society and Phenomenological Philosophy.

Centre for Theoretical Study offers also a membership for graduates.

Webpage: http://www.cts.cuni.cz/index.php?m=3&lang=en

Contact: Center for Theoretical Study

Husova 4

110 00 Praha 1

Phone.: +420 222 220 671

E-mail: office@cts.cuni.cz

Last change: February 10, 2018 23:20 
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