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14 October 2023

Rector's letter to CU students on the situation in the Middle East

This letter from the rector to students was created in connection with current events in the Middle East and subsequent events not only in the Czech but also in the European public space.

Dear students,

I am deeply saddened by the current events, aggression, and violence which are directly or indirectly affecting some of you. Charles University aims to secure and uphold not only ideal conditions for teaching, studying, and research but also to ensure a safe, peaceful, and respectful environment for communication. For these reasons, the entire leadership of Charles University strongly opposes all expressions of hatred, threats of violence, and ethnic and national delineation. Any such behaviour directly contradicts the university's matriculation promise and Code of Ethics, and we are prepared to take appropriate measures in cases of their violation.

We are aware of our responsibility for the safety of our students and staff and, together with state authorities, are doing our utmost to protect them. As your rector but also as a woman and a mother, I am hoping that the situation will improve. At this moment, my thoughts are with all of you, especially with those whose families, friends, and loved ones have been directly affected by the situation. I wish all of you a lot of strength. None of us is alone: we are an academic family and a community that must support each other in difficult times.


Milena Králíčková

rector of Charles University

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