• News


24 April 2020

Announcement by Charles University's Rector Tomáš Zima (April 24, 2020)

Dear Colleagues,

In connection with yesterday's meeting of the Government and the issuing of newly framed res-olutions of the Government of the Czech Republic on the adoption of crisis measures in educa-tion, as well as in connection with other legislative changes, I would like to inform you of the following:

Study - distance forms of teaching and assessment of study

Today has seen the publication in the Collection of Laws (Section 69) of Act no. 188/2020 Coll., on special rules for education and decision-making at higher education institutions in 2020 and on the assessment of the period of study for the purposes of other acts, ("ZZP"). Following this step, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports also immediately registered the university regulation Special Rules of Study at Charles University.

Following the finalisation of this process, it is now possible to carry out state final examinations, state rigorosum examinations (MUDr.), or parts thereof, as well as state doctoral examinations and the defence of doctoral dissertations ("state examinations") in distance form. For more de-tailed information on the newly adopted distance form of state final examinations, please see the content of the section of the website dedicated to the methodology for the carrying out of state final examinations in distance form at: https://cczv.cuni.cz/CCZV-273.html.

Study – easing of crisis measures

According to the government resolution of 23 April 2020, no. 455 (and/or 456), with effect from 27 April 2020 the physical presence of students for consultation, examination and teaching is now permitted up to a maximum of 5 people, and without restriction now only to students in their final year (literal citation of government resolution – see below).

This means that, from 27 April 2020, students of all years can:

  • participate in consultation or examination with the presence of not more than five persons

  • perform laboratory, experimental or artistic work, in particular for the implementation of final theses within the framework of study in a bachelor's, master's or doctoral study programme in the presence of no more than five persons

  • participate in clinical and practical teaching and praxis.

The physical presence of students at mass forms of teaching and examinations (lectures, mass written examinations in the lecture hall) is still prohibited.

At the same time, I would like to point out that it can be expected that the government may further loosen the measures within a matter of days, which will result in the increase of the number of students who will be able to attend classes at the same time (10 students can be anticipated for teaching, and 20 students for clinical, laboratory and practical teaching).

I emphasise that continued compliance with necessary hygiene measures is required. The government resolution permits only students without current symptoms of viral disease to partici-pate in teaching and testing, while providing a written statement on the absence of symptoms of viral disease.

Citation of Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic of 23 April 2020:

With effect from 27 April 2020, the Government hereby prohibits:

  1. the physical presence of pupils and students in primary, secondary and higher vocation-al education in schools and school facilities under Act no. 561/2004 Coll., on pre-school, primary, secondary, higher vocational and other education (the Schools Act), as amend-ed, and at events organised by these schools,

  2. the physical presence of students at mass forms of teaching and examinations during university studies under Act No. 111/1998 Coll., to regulate higher education institu-tions and to change and amend other laws (the Higher Education Act), as amended, whereby physical presence is permitted for clinical and practical teaching and praxis; the prohibition of the physical presence of students under this point does not apply to individual visits to libraries and study rooms for the purpose of collecting or handing in study literature and to the physical presence of students:

    • at consultation or examination with the presence of not more than five persons,

    • to laboratory, experimental or artistic work, in particular for the implementa-tion of final theses within the framework of study in a bachelor's, master's or doctoral study programme in the presence of no more than five persons,

    • at clinical and practical teaching and praxis.

The Government orders that students may participate in the forms of teaching, examination or other activities at the University as referred to in Art. I/2 only if the following conditions are met:

  • the student is free of acute health problems corresponding to a viral infectious disease (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of taste and smell, etc.),

  • the student performs hand disinfection at the entrance to the examination room, where-by the disinfectant is provided by the higher education institution,

  • the student has not been ordered to undergo quarantine measures at the relevant time. They must provide a written declaration of the absence of symptoms of a viral infectious disease.


Following the government resolution, dormitories shall fully re-open to students from 27 April 2020. From this day on, students who have availed themselves of the discount on accommoda-tion will be able to return to the dormitories.

The discount will be maintained for the period of April 2020 for students who have availed themselves of the dormitory discount. The full price of accommodation in dormitories shall be reintroduced and charged from 1 May 2020.

The possibility of terminating accommodation contracts without penalty with a reduced notice period of 15 days shall be retained if students avail themselves of this option by 15 May 2020. Applications will be accepted up to the end of April 2020 or the middle of May 2020, with the proviso that applications received at the end of April will result in the termination of the ac-commodation contract as of 15 May 2020, and applications received by 15 May 2020 will result in the termination of the accommodation contract as of 31 May 2020.


The Kajetánka Refectory is still in operation. Full operation will now be resumed at the Albertov Refectory.

Meals are and will continue to be distributed to the following distribution points:

  • Albertov

  • Sport

  • HTF

  • Jinonice

  • Hvězda

  • U Rotlevů

Other refectories and facilities will be opened up in stages as follows:

  • Právnická Buffet – will be open within three days at the request of the PF

  • Arnošta z Pardubic Refectory – will be open as required depending on the number of portions sold, particularly at the Právnická Buffet

  • The Budeč Refectory will be open as required, depending on the number of portions sold, particularly at Albertov Refectory

  • HTF Dispensary – following agreement with the HTF, this will be open with limited oper-ation from 27 April 2020., and fully open from 4 May 2020

  • Canteen at Komenského Dormitory – will be opened as required (no demand yet)

  • Na Kotli Canteen (Hradec Králové) – will be open according to the requirements of the faculties

  • Šafránkův pavilon Refectory (Plzeň) – will be opened according to the requirements of the Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň

  • Lidická Canteen (Plzeň) – will be opened according to the requirements of the Faculty of Law in Plzeň

  • LF Buffet and Canteen (Plzeň) – will be opened according to the requirements of the Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň

With regard to discussions on the reopening of refectories, I ask the faculties to discuss their requirements for the start of operation with the Dormitories and Refectories of Charles Univer-sity at least three days before the required date of resumption of full operation.

Operation of buffets – Právnická Buffet, the UHK buffet, Kavárna u Rotlevů and the CU buffet will resume full operations from 25 May 2020.

Libraries – operation from 20 April 2020

The libraries of CU have been open from 20 April 2020 to the extent and in the regime set out in the Communication of 17 April 2020.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Kind regards,

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Prague, 24 April 2020, 11.00

Announcement by Charles University's Rector Tomáš Zima (April 17, 2020)

Dear Colleagues,

In connection with the emergency measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic dated 15 April 2020 (ref. MZDR 16184/2020-1/MIN/KAN) I would like to inform you of the following:

Basic information - study

Changes implemented by the emergency measure in relation to teaching and study controls are the subject of a separate communication, which I am sending to you today also in connection with the relevant changes in the law.


The situation is now stable and trouble-free. In cooperation with the Charles University Dormitories, a methodology has been drawn up for the shipping of the personal belongings of international students to their home countries. This is in response to a suggestion from some Erasmus students who do not have the opportunity to return to their dormitories and would like to have their personal belongings as soon as possible. Their rooms will therefore be cleared and, following a check, their personal belongings will be packed and sent home.


The operation of dormitories has been maintained. Students continue to be physically accommodated there, and other students have benefited from discounts at the dormitory with the simultaneous possibility to keep their belongings in their rooms. Approximately 3,000 students are physically accommodated in the dormitories, with five students in quarantine.

Dormitories will allow the termination of accommodation contracts with a reduced notice period of fifteen days. Applications will be accepted at the end or in the middle of the month, whereby applications received at the end of the month shall indicate termination of the accommodation contract on the fifteenth day of the following month; applications received up to the fifteenth day of the relevant month shall indicate termination of the accommodation contract at the end of that calendar month.

This measure will be introduced to reduce the social and economic burden on students and their families.


Operation of the Kajetánka Canteen shall continue.

Meals are delivered to the following dispensing points:

  • Albertov

  • Sport

  • HTF

  • Jinonice

  • Hvězda

  • U Rotlevů

UK Point, Centrum Carolina advisory centres, Hostivař Sports Centre, and training centres

UK Point information services, provided by telephone and via e-mail, are open during standard hours (Mon.-Thu. 9.00 to 17.00, Fri. 9.00 to 16.00) - based on the frequency of inquiries, continuous operation is no longer necessary.

The psychological, social and legal counselling centres of the Carolina Centre are fully available online to those interested.

The Hostivař Sports Centre is open for individual use (up to a maximum of 4 persons per sports field). Dressing rooms and showers are closed. Operation of the swimming pool has been ended until 1 September 2020.

Training centres remain closed. The secretaries of the faculties and the directors of the constituent parts will be informed by a separate note on the possibilities of expanding the capacity of the training centres in the summer months for the holidays of Charles University staff.

Programme for the children of staff

From 11 May to 25 June UK Point will provide child-minding for CU staff. This will be divided into two phases:

From 11 May to 25 May a child-minding group will be available for children aged 5 to 11 from 9.00 to 17.00 on all working days. The programme will also include tutoring in subjects assigned to the children by their school. The maximum number of children in a group will be 15. If demand is greater, we will try to provide child-minding in two separate groups.

From 26 May to 25 June a fun educational programme will be prepared for children in second year of secondary school. Children will be able to take part in activities that will develop their personal and social competences and knowledge: talks by lecturers from the Junior University, screenings of documentaries from the video library of the One World at Schools educational programme, which will include discussions, sightseeing tours in the historical centre of Prague, etc. Here too, the number of children in the group will be limited in accordance with the current measures.

Lunch will be provided free of charge by the CU canteens.

CU card issuance centres

The central card issuance centre in Celetná 13 will have limited opening. The centre is open from 10.00 to 13.00 every Monday and Wednesday. The current opening hours are published here https://cuni.cz/UK-3249.html#9. On the same link, all users can reset their CAS password, as well as revoke or renew their ID.

Operation of the central registry of Charles University at Ovocný trh:

The Registry will operate during the following hours until 15 May 2020:

  • Monday to Thursday 8.00 - 12.00

From 18 May 2020 the registry will be in operation during standard opening hours, i.e.:

  • Monday to Friday 7:30 - 14:00


As of 16 April the Carolina Centre records 202 volunteers on non-healthcare programmes from across the university, of which 111 have responded to at least one request. The Centre then records 22 requests for volunteer work, all of which were resolved. The most in-demand activity is the tutoring of disadvantaged children, for example child-minding for retirement home staff or assistance in facilities for the homeless.

The Carolina Centre is in direct contact with the Faculty of Education, which records around 180 active volunteers involved in assistance with tutoring, and the Faculty of Arts, which has 78 volunteers at its disposal, 44 of whom are already providing tutoring, including tutoring for deaf children.

Libraries – operation from 20 April 2020

CU libraries will be open from 20 April 2020. The specific organisation of the work of libraries is subject to the decision of the faculty management. Specific conditions are listed by faculty libraries on their own websites.

The Central Library recommends the skeleton operation of libraries for the returning and lending of books. Students who have settled their debts can reserve books in advance through the Central Catalogue of Charles University http://ckis.cuni.cz/. Once the books are ready for them, they are notified by e-mail to pick them up at a specific date. This allows libraries to regulate the number of students on their premises. Reservations from the public will not be accepted. Students with unpaid fines for late return can - in most libraries - settle these through bank transfer. Thanks to the unified registration of CU library users, students can order publications from any CU library.

On 15 April 2020, these recommendations of the CU Central Library were discussed with the heads of libraries and conditions for implementation are being prepared. Smaller CU libraries will introduce at least borrowing services based on individual user requests.

The extension of all loans until 15 May 2020 remains in force.

Contacts for specific libraries - https://library.cuni.cz/libraries/. General inquiries: .

You are reminded of the following recommendations:

When handling books that have been returned during the state of emergency, staff must be provided with protective equipment, the most important of which are a clean face mask and single-use gloves. Librarians should not touch their faces when performing this work. The librarian must only enter the necessary record of return of the book, then place the book on the shelf. As with any other work, librarians must wash their hands thoroughly after handling books. Protective equipment should be removed in such a way as to avoid contact with the exposed side. Single-use equipment may only be used once and must be disposed of safely in a bin. Employees should regularly disinfect surfaces such as table tops, door handles and PC keyboards using alcohol-based disinfectants. Rooms in which books are handled should be regularly and thoroughly ventilated. Books do not need to be disinfected.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Kind regards,

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Prague, 21 April 2020, 11.00

Announcement by Charles University's Rector Tomáš Zima in response to the Czech government’s adoption of additional crisis measures (March 16, 2020)

In connection with Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic no. 215/2020 Coll., dated 15 March 2020, on the adoption of crisis measures prohibiting the free movement of people on the territory of the Czech Republic, Charles University’s rector announces the following:

Basic information

All teaching activity is permitted by remote means only. With effect from 16.00 (4 p.m.) on 16 March 2020 until 24 March 2020 inclusive (or until the revocation of the crisis measures stated above), I hereby prohibit any form of individual tuition, including the holding of individual consultation, and individual tests and state exams (including rigorous and doctoral exams).

With effect from 14.00 (2 p.m.) on 16 March 2020, the deans of CU faculties and directors of CU institutes must facilitate home office (“H/O”) for all employees to the maximum possible extent. At the same time it is necessary to ensure the uninterrupted meeting of work obligations and the performance of essential tasks for the operation of Charles University.

Opening hours of relevant workplaces (in particular study departments) must be secured to the extent of no more than 3 hours per day for two days per week. During the notified working hours, the greatest possible number of tasks must be resolved through remote communication; in individual cases it shall be possible to arrange contact (personal) meetings depending on the issue at hand.

With effect from 0.00 (midnight) on 17 March 2020 all CU buildings shall be closed and access shall be granted only to employees and students under conditions set by the dean of the relevant faculty of director of the CU constituent part with respect to ensuring the performance of tasks essential to the operation of CU. The continuity of science and research work (laboratory work, care for laboratory animals etc.) in particular must be ensured. With respect to the continuation of work at individual workplaces, I call on all employees to respect the increased hygiene requirements and to behave responsibly both to those around them and to themselves.

International students and employees

The instructions contained in my memorandum of 13 March 2020 remain in force. The arrival of students from abroad, or international students, if they are permitted to enter the Czech Republic, shall be dealt with on an individual basis. International students should contact the representative offices of their own countries for a possible exemption from travel bans.

Student residences

Student residences shall continue to operate.

I again call on all students in accommodation at residences to not gather, to comply with strict hygiene rules, and to behave in a responsible manner both to themselves and to others. While I realise that the situation faced by students in residences will be complicated in the next few days, I believe that calm, conscious behaviour shall help us to manage the situation together.

In the event that quarantine measures are adopted in rooms or parts of residences, those who are in quarantine must strictly comply with all measures introduced and all conditions of quarantine.


With effect from 17 March 2020 only the Kajetánka Refectory shall be in operation (offer cooked food).

Food shall be delivered to the following dispensing points:

  • Albertov

  • Sport

  • HTF

  • Jinonice

  • Hvězda

  • U Rotlevů

The Snídárna at the Komenského Student Residence shall remain in operation.

Discussions on continuing the operation of refectories and dispensing points in Pilsen and Hradec Králové are ongoing.

Operation in all buffets shall cease.

The number of meals dispensed shall be assessed on Wednesday and further reduction may be adopted.

UK Point, Centrum Carolina advisory centre, Hostivař sport complex and training centres

UK Point, the Centrum Carolina advisory centre, the Hostivař sport centre and training centres are closed.

Card dispensing points

Card dispensing points shall be closed with effect from 14.00 (2 p.m.) on 16 March 2020.

Online support shall remain in operation.

Should you have any issues concerning your password, please follow the instructions on the following website: https://ldapuser.cuni.cz/

To contact our on-line support office, click on the link “Resolve problem with Central Authentication Service” in the “Information and instructions” section.

You can also invalidate or renew your pass after logging in at Whois.cuni.cz: https://cuni.cz/UK-5361.html

CU Rectorate

With effect from 14.00 (2 p.m.) on 16 March 2020, employees of the CU Rectorate shall transfer to H/O. Continued operation of the CU Rectorate shall be ensured through available means of remote communication (online, telephone). Selected land lines shall be redirected to the mobile telephones of contact employees of the CU Rectorate.

A list of redirected land lines for individual departments will be sent out separately tomorrow and will be displayed on the CU website.

In the event of doubt over the interpretation of the measures adopted, please contact the CU crisis team by e-mail at .

We shall take any further measures required according to the current development of the situation. We shall immediately inform you of such measures.

I would like to ask that you cooperate with the measures adopted, and maintain a calm, rational attitude.

Announcement from Rector Tomáš Zima (March 16, 2020)

Rector requests individual deanships to prepare coordinators as gov calls on med students to help in crisis

Charles University's Rector Tomáš Zima has requested individual deanships to prepare coordinators following the government requiring medical students to help in the crisis. In the case of medical students the rector recommended student assitance being recognised - if possible - as either practical teaching or a holiday internship. Students in various programmes are being called upon to help in crisis efforts per a govenment resolution from Sunday, March 15, 2020, following the state of emergency declaration last week.

You can read the text of the government resolution here:


of 15 March 2020 no.

to ensure the provision of healthcare services by healthcare providers and to secure the activities of public health protection bodies for the duration of the state of emergency

In connection with government resolution no. 194 of 12 March 2020, through which the government, in accordance with art. 5 and 6 of constitutional act no. 110/1998 Coll., on the security of the Czech Republic, declared, due to the threat to health in connection with the establishment of the occurrence of the coronavirus, designated as SARS CoV-2, declared a state of emergency on the territory of the Czech Republic, and pursuant to Section 5 a) to e) of Act no. 240/2000 Coll., on crisis management and amending some acts (the Crisis Act), as amended, for the resolution of crisis situations, has decided to adopt crisis measures pursuant to Section 6 (1) c) of the Crisis Act

The government orders the following:

1. in order to secure of the provision of healthcare services by healthcare providers and secure the activities of public health protection bodies for the duration of the state of emergency in connection with the occurrence of the COVID-19 epidemic on the territory of the Czech Republic, the following groups of students are required to work:

• fifth- and sixth year full-time students on general medicine degree programmes at the medical faculties of publicly-funded universities;

• final years of day or full-time degree programmes or subjects providing preparation for the following professions:

• general nurses in bachelor’s degree programmes providing preparation for general nursing or in the field of general nursing with a diploma at vocational colleges,

• paediatric nurses in bachelor’s degree programmes providing preparation for general nursing or in the field of paediatric nursing with a diploma at vocational colleges,

• emergency workers in bachelor’s degree programmes providing preparation for emergency workers or in the field of emergency worker with a diploma at vocational colleges,

• assistant for the protection and support of public health in the bachelor’s study programme for the preparation of assistants for the protection and support of public health

• practical nurses in the field of practical nursing and healthcare assistant in secondary education.

2. the Ministry of Health is required to inform, using the prescribed methodology, persons listed in point 4 as part of the process to ensure the provision of care under point 1;

3. the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports is required to provide the Ministry of Health and persons listed in point 4 with all required cooperation;

4. all public health protection bodies, all providers of emergency healthcare and healthcare providers listed in the annex to this resolution are required to utilise the services of persons listed in point 1 on their areas of territorial responsibility, and inform the Ministry of Health of measures adopted towards this end.

To be enacted by the:

Minister for Health,

Minister for Education, Youth and Sport,

Directors of bodies listed in point 4.

Andrej Babiš (signed)

Prime Minister

Annex to the government resolution:

Bulovka Hospital

Motol University Hospital

Homolka Hospital

Central Military Hospital – Military University Hospital in Prague

České Budějovice Hospital

Pilsen University Hospital

Karlovy Vary Regional Hospital

Krajská zdravotní a. s. (Hospitals of the Ústí nad Labem Region)

Liberec Regional Hospital

Hradec Králové University Hospital

Hospitals of the Pardubice Region

Jihlava Hospital

Brno University Hospital

St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno

Olomouc University Hospital

Ostrava University Hospital

Tomáš Baťa Regional Hospital

This a follow-up announcement by Charles University's Rector Tomáš Zima in response to the Czech government’s state of emergency declaration on Thursday, March 12, 2020, to counter the growing coronavirus threat.


Currently there are no plans to alter the schedule of the 2019/2020 academic year. However, if extraordinary measures remain in place longer, changes will be taken to extend classes and the exam period to extend into June and July 2020. We are gauging what constitutes a standard study period (with regards to mandatory fees) and are preparing changes to internal regulations – should they prove necessary.

The Rector’s Sports Day (scheduled for 6 May 2020) has been cancelled to allow more time for teaching (if classes resume).

Foreign trips

All Charles University students and staff are currently forbidden from travelling abroad, effective immediately and until further notice.


Students returning from – or having travelled through – high-risk areas abroad are required to self-isolate for 14 days and to not come into contact with teachers, other university staff or fellow students. University faculties can modify this requirement in the case of medical students who want to volunteer to help during the crisis, providing they are not returning from a high-risk country where mandatory self-isolation/quarantine is required by the government under the state of emergency resolution.

Faculty deans will ensure that students returning from abroad will have the opportunity to complete the spring semester in the academic year of 2019/2020 so as to continue in their studies next year unhindered. In such cases, block study, or e-courses at partner universities abroad where students are already enrolled can count towards students’ successful completion of the semester.

The Foreign Relations office at the Charles University rectorate has contacted all foreign students studying at Charles University and informed them about developments. For now, foreign students on Erasmus exchange programmes are not required to return to their native countries.

Foreign students at Charles University wishing to end their stay early, may apply the “Act of God” clause, which will allow them to draw their stipend from the day of arrival to the day of early departure. There is also the possibility, being discussed with the national bureau for the Erasmus programme in the Czech Republic, the Centre for International Cooperation in Education (DZS), for foreign students to be exempt from returning funds already spent, for example, on accommodation.

Foreign students already studying at Charles University or setting out, are required to respect the same requirements as all other students (described in the rector’s announcement of 10 March 2020).

Other forms of mobility

It will be negotiated that any students who qualified for mobility programmes on offer (Fond mobility, POINT, inter-university contracts, other) who have missed the opportunity to go abroad, will be able to do so at a later date, after the state of emergency is lifted and conditions are suitable again.

Students already abroad under such mobility programmes are recommended to get in touch and remain in contact with the closest local representative office of the Czech Republic and to carefully consider the situation. We leave it up to these students to rationally weight the risks of staying versus returning home (including the mandatory quarantine period) as well as potential risk represented for family members, partners, etc.)

Students who qualified for funding in internal university competitions but were unable to move ahead with their project because of current circumstances will be given priority and top the list next semester or next year once conditions are suitable. Students who began projects but were unable to complete them and already spent some funds, will not be required to return those to the university.

Charles University is ready to try and help any students and staff currently in the United Stated or other countries that have enacted travel bans with Europe, should they request it.

Full-degree students abroad

While the situation for full-degree students abroad is different, Charles University is ready to provide all possible help to those wishing to return. Students in such circumstances must carefully consider whether they should return to the Czech Republic with regards to how it will affect their studies ie. when these will resume.


The following refectories remain open:

  • Menza Albertov

  • Menza Kajetánka

  • Menza Sport

  • Menza Na Kotli (Hradec Králové)

  • Menza Šafránkův pavilon (Plzeň)

  • Výdejna HTF

  • Výdejna kavárna “U Rotlevů“

  • Výdejna Jinonice including “bufet”– shortened opening hours - from 8:00 – 14:00

  • Výdejna Hvězda

  • Bufet UHK (Hradec Králové)

  • Výdejna Lidická (Plzeň)

  • Bufet a výdejna LF (Plzeň)

  • Provoz Cateringu na menze Právnická

  • Bufet RUK – shortened hours 8:00 – 14:00

  • Snídárna na koleji Komenského

  • Kavárna „U Rotlevů“ – standard opening hours 8:00 – 20:00

From March 16, 2020, the following sites will be closed until further notice

  • Menza Právnická

  • Menza Arnošta z Pardubic

  • Menza Budeč

  • Bufet Právnická

  • Studentský klub Celetná - SKC

Charles University ID cards

ID pick-up sites at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics were shut down on March 12.

Pick-up centres in Celetná Street and in Hradec Králové remain open but with modified opening hours: from 10h00 to 14h00. The site in Pilsen is operating without changes.

CU Point chill out zone

The chill out zone at CU Point (Celetná 13, Prague 1) will be closed from March 16 until further notice. Services offered by CU Point for students, applicants, staff, and graduates remain unaffected.

Information service:

  • tel.: +420 224 491 850

Carolinum Advisory Services

Carolinum Advisory Services are continuing unimpeded.

Hostivař Sports Centre

Hostivař Sports Centre is closed from March 13, 2020 until further notice. All planned events at the centre are hereby cancelled. Compensation for cancelled events will be discussed with the relevant parties next week.

Training Centres

The following training centres will be closed until further notice beginning on March 16, 2020.

  • VS Patejdlova bouda

  • VS Pec pod Sněžkou (chata VAK)

  • VS Albeř

  • VS Horní Poříčí

  • VS Dobronice

All events planned at the sites named are hereby cancelled, whether training, pedagogical, recreational or otherwise. Booked and paid reservations, including pre-paid meals, will be refunded in full.

Issued by Rector Tomáš Zima on March 13 at 13h00

Please read: An announcement from Rector Tomáš Zima (March 12, 2020)

This announcement follows the Czech government declaring a state of emergency on Thursday, March 12, 2020, beginning at 14h00 and to last 30 days, a response to the health crisis caused by the spread of the coronavirus (usnesení vlády České republiky č. 69/2020 Sb., ze dne 12. 3. 2020, kterým byl v souladu s čl. 5 a 6 ústavního zákona č. 110/1998 Sb., o bezpečnosti České republiky).


The conditions set within the state of emergency will not impact measures adopted by Charles University earlier this week concerning pedagogical, scientific and research activities. All three will continue uninterrupted – the only thing that is changing is the form of education and other activities (to distance study, self-education, etc).

Individual forms of teaching and education, such as consultations, individual laboratory work, and so on, are not affected. Likewise, individual and state exams will also continue. In terms of the state of emergency, care must be taken not to exceed a ban forbidding groups of more than 30 people meeting.

Deans of Charles University faculties may agree to exceptions for students or staff who volunteer to help in the face of the crisis. Currently, the university and the Health Ministry of the Czech Republic are negotiating the possibility of 5th and 6th year university medical students helping health care services during this period.

Students and staff abroad

Charles University is focussing on students and staff who are currently abroad for study or work reasons (including students and staff in the United States). The university will make an announcement about developments on Friday.

Dormitories and refectories

Dormitories remain unaffected but with lower demand or need, output at refectories will be lessened beginning next week. The university will release more details on Friday.

If you have questions about the coronavirus, write to  or call to +420 224 491 850 (Monday–Thursday 8:00–17:00, Friday 8:00–16:00).

Persons to contact at indiviudal faculties and related offices at Charles University.

We are continuing to monitor developments and will inform you without delay about new steps should the situation change.

March 12, 2020, 17h00

Charles University’s rector has issued an order prohibiting all students and other participants from attending class regardless of type of study or classes (presentational, long distance or combined) as of Wednesday, March 11, 2020. The order is in accordance with a decision by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic in response to the threat of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

The possibility of long-distance study is recommended.

  • As of 18h00 on Tuesday, March 10, ALL ceremonial activities at Charles University (including all degree or graduation ceremonies) are hereby cancelled.

  • As of 18h00 on Tuesday, March 10, ALL symposia, sports events and other gatherings where attendance is expected to be higher than 100 people, are cancelled.

Individual faculties as well as university bodies are advised to carefully consider the need for any event involving up to a maximum 100 participants.

This order was issued at 11:45 on March 10, 2020.

Additional important information for students as well as teaching and non-teaching staff

A message from Rector Tomáš Zima

Updated: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 7 pm


While all regular classes have been discontinued following the resolution issued on March 10 by the Health Ministry of the Czech Republic in the face of the coronavirus threat, I am asking teaching staff to maintain focus and to ensure the learning process and ongoing research continue at full strength albeit long distance. Pedagogues should electronically send information and study materials to students in the interim. At the same time, students are asked to remain in contact with teachers and lecturers and to maintain open communication. Individual consultation as well as checks on studies and study programmes have not been cancelled but are continuing.

The university workplace

It is paramount that all Charles University sites and workplaces remain open. Individual workplaces are not shutting down; simply, researchers and other staff are shifting the bulk of their pedagogical activities but will offer the same through distance learning. Individual forms of teaching, consultations, individual laboratory work can continue as before to meet goals set by individual faculties.

Currently, we are discussing the issue of student training at university hospitals with the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.


The International Relations Office at Charles University’s rectorate is contacting students preparing for studies abroad under the Erasmus programme to tell them they need to cancel under the current circumstances. Foreign students studying at Charles University are asked to respect the same conditions listed in the paragraph above.

Graduation ceremonies

All graduation ceremonies have been cancelled for the time being and will be rescheduled when appropriate. Students requiring their diploma before then will be able to pick it up from their faculty's student affairs office. Those who pick up their diplomas early will still be able to take part in the official ceremony later.

Study checks

Individual exams are continuing without change. Study checks ie. testing of large groups have been discontinued until further notice (for example, written exams) Individuals tests – such as state exams – have not been affected.

Dormitories and refectories

Dormitories and refectories are operating as normal but with heightened hygiene measures. We are asking students not to gather in larger groups and to focus on self-education. We are leaving it up to students to choose whether to return to their families’ homes but appeal to them to rationally consider the move so as not to put older relatives (grandparents or great grandparents) at risk.


I ask all of our faculties and their offices to allow all employees with children in pre- or elementary schools (which are now closed) - who can do so - to work from home (home office). The same applies for employees in higher-risk groups including anyone who is pregnant staff, suffering underlying health issues or who is 60 or older. Research and creative work at Charles University, meanwhile, continues.

If you have questions about the coronavirus, write to  or call to +420 224 491 850 (Monday–Thursday 8:00–17:00, Friday 8:00–16:00).

Persons to contact at indiviudal faculties and related offices at Charles University.

We are continuing to monitor developments and will inform you without delay about new steps should the situation change.

Thank you for your cooperation, continued dedication and a calm and rational approach.

Best regards,

Rector Tomáš Zima

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