Physical Geography, Cartography and GeoInformatics

Physical Geography, Cartography and GeoInformatics

The focus of the research is analysis of dynamics of spatial and time relations in physio geographical sphere and the impact of these dynamics on the society. The combination of Geography, Cartography, Geoinformatics and Remote sensing within one research direction is motivated by the fact that physical Geography works with spatial data and uses the geoinformatics/GIS tools. Current enhancement of Physical Geography and Geoecology has been influenced by recent boost of research of global environmental threats and risks. At the forefront of the interest of physical geographers and cartographers is especially the impact of climate changes on the different components of the environment. The second large field of research interest lies in comparison of current environmental processes with their past shape and their progress. Crucial findings about the dynamics of physio geographical phenomena can be derived from such comparison and can facilitate prediction of regional and global changes of the environment.

The individual research topics involve:

  • environmental threats and risks and their impact on human society

  • paleographical development of environment in Quaternary

  • changes of dynamics of hydrological processes and ecology of watercourses as indicators of global climate changes and anthropogenetic envronmental changes

  • climate change impacts on landscape dynamics and landscape flows at various time scales

  • interactions between climatic, hydrologic, geomorphic, vegetation and soil systems

  • development of qualitative and quantitative indicators of phenomena in data obtained via remote sensing and spectroscopy

  • algorithms of change detection using remote sensing and analysis of topographical data in digital modelling of (Earth)surface

Selected outputs

Physical Geography

  • Blažková, Š.D., Blažek, V.D., Janský, B. (2017): Continuous simulation for computing design hydrographs forwater structures. Hydrological Processes. 31: 2320–2329

  • Dreslerová, D., Kočár, P., Chuman, T., Pokorná, A. (2017): Cultivation with deliberation: cereals and their growing conditions in prehistory. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 26(5), p. 513–526

  • Engel, Z., Mentlík, P., Braucher, .R, Křížek, M., Pluháčková, M., Aster Team (2017): 10Be exposure age chronology of the last glaciation in the Western Tatra Mountains, central Europe. Geomorphology 293, 130-142

  • Emmer, A., Vilímek, V., Zapata M.L. (2018) Hazard mitigation of glacial lake outburst floods in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru) The effectiveness of remedial works. Journal of Flood Risk Management 11, S489-S501

  • Falátková, K., Šobr, M., Neureiter, A., Schöner, W., Janský, B., Häusler, H., Engel, Z., Beneš, V. (2019). Development of proglacial lakes and evaluation of related outburst susceptibility at the Adygine ice-debris complex, northern Tien Shan. Earth Surface Dynamics, 7(1), 301-320

  • Gvoždíková, B., Müller, M. ( 2017): Evaluation of extensive floods in western/central Europe. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 21, 3715–3725

  • Jenicek, M., Seibert, J., Staudinger, M. (2018): Modeling of future changes in seasonal snowpack and impacts on summer low flows in Alpine catchments, Water Resources Research, 54(1), 538-556

  • Stryhal, J., Huth, R. (2017): Classifications of winter Euro-Atlantic circulation patterns: an intercomparison of five atmospheric reanalyses. J. Climate, 30, 7847-7861

  • Su, Y., Langhammer, J., Jarsjö, J. (2017): Geochemical responses of forested catchments to bark beetle infestation: Evidence from high frequency in-stream electrical conductivity monitoring. Journal of Hydrology. 550(2017), 635-649

  • Treml, V., Veblen, T.T. (2017): Does tree growth sensitivity to warming trends vary according to treeline form? Journal of Biogeography 44, p.1469-1480

Cartography and GeoInformatics

  • Bayer, T., Kočandrlová, M. (2018): Reconstruction of Map Projection, its Inverse and Re-Projection. Applications of Mathematics, 63(4), 455-481

  • Kupková, L., Červená, L., Suchá, R., Jakešová, L., Zagajewski, B., Brezina, S., Albrechtová, J. (2017): Classification of Tundra Vegetation in the Krkonose Mts. National Park Using APEX, AISA Dual and Sentinel-2A Data. Europen Journal of Remote Sensing [online], 50(1), 29-46

  • Grešlová, P., Štych, P., Salata, T., Hernik, J., Knížková, I., Bičík, I.,Jeleček, L. Prus, B., Noszczyk, T. (2019): Agroecosystem energy metabolism in Czechia and Poland in the two decades after the fall of communism: From a centrally planned system to market oriented mode of production. Land Use Policy. 2019, 82, 807-820

  • Pazúr, R., Feranec, J., Štych, P., Kopecká, M., Holman, L. (2017): Changes of urbanised landscape identified and assessed by the Urban Atlas data: Case study of Prague and Bratislava. Land Use Policy, 2017, 61(Feb), 135-146

Last change: October 3, 2019 15:23 
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