Modern methods in education

Charles University is systematically developing e learning tools for education. The central installation of LMS Moodle CU, a systém for creating e learning courses, is among the biggest Moodle installations worldwide. The central installation of Adobe Connect (webinars, video conferencing) and Streamserver CU (distribution of educational videos) is also available to teachers.

Subject Wiki are operated at a number of faculties. CU also deals with the issue of standardization of tests. The Medical Faculty of Charles University contributed significantly to the creation of MEFANET (Medical Faculties Network), aimed at sharing electronic educational materials of medical faculties in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Three main tools are operated within this network – a portal platform, LMS Moodle and WikiSkripta, where Moodle and WikiSkripta are operated for the entire MEFANET network at Charles University. WikiSkripta is the most visited repository of materials for undergraduate medical education in the Czech Republic.

Last change: January 7, 2019 10:37 
Responsible for site content: Research Support Office
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