Expertise in Longevity and Long-term Care

Expertise in Longevity and Long-term Care

The CELLO‑ILC is specialised interdisciplinary research centre focused on longevity and aging‑related issues with emphasis on applied research, public policies and policy‑oriented research, and evidence‑based practice in the management and delivery of long‑term care and support services. Recently, the Centre implemented several research and development projects for the Czech Government (Ministry of Health) and for the regional governments. It is a member of the Global Alliance of International Longevity Centres. The CELLO co‑operates with international organisations (WHO, EUGMS, INTERDEM, Alzheimer Europe, Eurocarers, etc.) and participates in international projects (ELTECA, FRAM, INNOVAGE, PALLIARE, INDUCT etc.).

Selected outputs:

  • VAŇKOVÁ H., Holmerová I., Machacová K., Veleta P., Volicer L., Celko A.M. The Effect of Dance on Depressive Symptoms in Nursing Home Residents. JAMDA. 2014;15(8): 582–58.

  • HRADCOVÁ D., Hájková L., Mátlová M., Vaňková H., Holmerová I. Quality of care for people with dementia in residential care settings and the “Vážka” Quality Certification System of the Czech Alzheimer Society. European Geriatric Medicine. 2014;in press.

  • HOLMEROVA I., Machacova K., Vankova H., Veleta P., Juraskova B., Hrnciarikova D., et al. Effect of the Exercise Dance for Seniors (EXDASE) program on lower-body functioning among institutionalized older adults. Journal of aging and health. 2010;22(1):106-19.

  • HOLMEROVA I., Vaňková H., Wija P. Opportunities and Challenges for Integrated Provision of Long-term Care Services in the Czech Republic. In: Széman Zsuzsa (ed.) Challenges of Ageing Societies in the Visegrad Countries: Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia. Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, Budapest, 2013; 91-103.

Last change: February 10, 2018 23:20 
Responsible for site content: Research Support Office
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