Ecumenical Theology

Ecumenical Theology

For the past five years the research conducted by Professor Noble and her team has concentrated on three main areas:

(i) Orthodox theology in the West – its relationship to Western thought and the Western Christian traditions (a study of the ways in which Orthodoxy came to the West, of the main theological themes, the personalities, confrontations and dialogues with Western theology and philosophy);

(ii) the relationship between theology and culture in post‑communist countries (the concept of the world as a threatened place, the concepts of memory and reconciliation; the understanding of what human life most depends on and of what in the final instance most fulfils that life);

(iii) ecumenical hermeneutics emerging froma synchronic work with the basic themes of fundamental theology in various Christian traditions (the revelation of God and human experience of God; the interpretation of Scripture in the tradition; the relationship between theology and spiritual, social and political life). These themes have come together under the research project “Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy”. At the moment Professor Noble and her team are preparing a continuation project centred on the theme of theological anthropology in the Orthodox and Western traditions that aims to investigate especially the concepts of personhood, human relationships and hospitality towards the other.

Selected outputs

  • NOBLE, Ivana. Theological Interpretation of Culture in Post-Communist Context: Central and East European Search for Roots. Farnham - Burlington: Ashgate, 2010, s.220 [ISBN: 9781409400073 (hbk); 9780754698487 (ebk)]. {Teologická interpretace kultury v post-komunistickém kontextu: středoevropské a východoevropské hledání kořenů }.

  • NOBLE, Ivana. Tracking God: An Ecumenical Fundamental Theology. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2010, s.261. [ISBN: 13: 978-1-60608-700-8]. {Hledání Božích stop: Ekumenická fundamentální teologie; upravená verze české knihy Po Božích stopách: Teologie jako interpretace náboženské zkušenosti }.

  • NOBLE, Ivana. "History Tied Down by the Normativity of Tradition? Inversion of Perspective in the Orthodox Theology: Challenges and Problems“, in DICKINSON, Colby (ed), The Shaping of Tradition: Context and Normativity, Leuven – Paris – Valpole, MA: Peeters, 2013, 283-296. [978-90-429-2936-4]. {Dějiny omezeny normativitou tradice? Výzvy a problémy inverze perspektivy v pravoslavné teologii}.

  • NOBLE, Ivana, NOBLE, Tim, BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina a PARUSHEV, Parush. Ways of Orthodox Theology in the West, SVS, Yonkers, New York, 2015, s. 384. [ISBN 978-0-88141-505-6 . {Cesty pravoslavné teologie na Západě}.

  • Нобл Ивана, Бауерова Катержина, Нобл Тим, Парушев Паруш

    Пути православного богословия на Запад в ХХ веке, (Серия

    «Современное богословие»). – Москва: Издательство ББИ, 2016. – хiv + 438 с.

    ISBN 978-5-89647-339-8 {Cesty pravoslavné teologie na Západ ve 20. století; revidovaný a rozšířený překlad, Cesty pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na Západ. Brno: CDK, 2012. s.411,[ISBN 978-80-7325-290-8] }

Last change: October 8, 2019 09:51 
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