History – transcontinental studies: Europe and/vs. the World

History – transcontinental studies: Europe and/vs. the World

Group of specialists from the Institute of World History, Centre for Ibero‑American Studies, and individuals from other departments and institutes follows up purposefully with the project Europe and (vs.) the World: Intercontinental and intracontinental political, economic, social, cultural and intellectual transfers and their consequences”. Under the new title, the members of the team not only study the various dimensions of relations between Europe and the other continents and their mutual influences, but also problem that manifested itself as extremely important in the past years: the transformations of the European identity. They are aware of the fact that the “Old World” is, without exaggeration, standing on crucial crossroads (uncertain future of the process of European integration, economic and social problems, demographic development, disturbances on its peripheries, etc.). All of this is studied with respect to the increasingly more important global context (attention is paid also to the position of Czech society in these relations and the analysis of the image of non‑European states and regions in the Czech lands). The team follows up with the existing contacts in Europe and in the world. The main axis is constituted by the institutions in Germany, Austria, France, Britain, Spain, and in Latin America. Other traditional area of cooperation is Asia, especially China.

Selected outputs

  • Bárta, M. – Kovář, M. (eds.), Kolaps a regenerace. Minulost, současnost a budoucnost komplexních společností. Praha: Academia, 2011; cena rektora UK za tvůrčí činnost 2012.

  • Bárta, M. – Kovář, M. (eds.), Civilizace a dějiny. Historie světa pohledem dvaceti českých vědců, Praha: Academia, 2013.

  • Opatrný, J. (coord.), Las relaciones checo-argentinas (= Ibero-Americana Pragensia, Supplementum 37), Praha, Vydavatelství Karolinum, 2014.

  • Serrano, J. M. (ed.; ve spolupráci s M. Kovářem, J. Soukupem aj. Kourou), Juegos de poder. Relaciones Internacionales en la Era Post Guerra Fría, Siglo del Hombre, Medellín 2013.

Last change: February 10, 2018 23:19 
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