Crisis of rationality and modern thought

Crisis of rationality and modern thought

Today, like always since the birth of our civilization, the crisis of rationality is announced and feared in equal measure. There is, however, something specific about the contemporary shape of this age-old discussion: in the footsteps of Enlightenment, it is believed that rationality shall play the main role not only, for instance, in rational choice theory, but also in ethics and political theory. This framework sets the questions of our project: What are the contemporary forms of both rationality and the diagnosis of its crisis? How, beyond the discourse of humanities, does art reflect this situation, and what is the role of religion today? What are the implications of these questions for a renewed, perhaps not strictly rationalistic, foundations of ethics?

To address these issues, the research team, associated with the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies, has three thematic sub-groups: (1) Rationality Crisis and Contemporary Philosophy, Art and Science, (2) Religion and Rationality, (3) Genealogy of Rationality and Its Crises. This structure allows for a smooth continuity with several research projects, including the multi-disciplinary programme Progres Q14 Rationality Crisis and Modern Thought.

Selected outputs

  • Chlup, R., Proclus: an introduction. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

  • Kolman, V., Zahlen, Boston: De Gruyter, 2016.

  • Palkoska, J., The a priori in the thought of Descartes: cognition, method and science. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.

Last change: February 10, 2018 23:19 
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