Theology, Philosophy, and Reflection of Art as Ways of Interpreting the Reality

Theology, Philosophy, and Reflection of Art as Ways of Interpreting the Reality

The Catholic Theological Faculty focuses on the important task of interpreting the reality while using instruments of various disciplines in order to receive a unified image. Theological research aims at interpreting history and the present in respect to transcendence, i.e. the mystery of being, which is not fully accessible through mere rationality; it needs to be complemented by the hermeneutics of faith. Philosophical questioning reveals what is not self‑evident in being, and is related to the essential appeal of man on the level of his freedom and his responsibility. Reflection of art offers the scope of aesthetic grasp of reality and its mediation through a new creative act. Unifying these three disciplines enables more complex interpreting of the reality as related to the truth, the beauty, and the good.

Selected outputs

  • Sousedík, Prokop - Svoboda, David: Je matematika věda? Mezi strukturalismem a formalismem, Triton 2017, s. 192, ISBN 978-80-7553-511-5.

  • Vopřada, David: La mistagogia del commento al Salmo 118 di Sant'Ambrogio. Roma: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2016, 576 stran. ISBN 978-88-7961-145-9

  • Červenková Denisa: Katolický pohled na náboženskou pluralitu, Karolinum 2016, s. 200, ISBN 9788024633275.

  • Radek Tichý: Oremus: komentáře ke vstupním modlitbám mešní liturgie, Krystal OP 2016, s. 188, ISBN 978-80-7575-003-7.

  • Radek Tichý: Proclamation de l'Évangile dans la Messe en Occident, EOS – Editions of Sankt Ottilien, 2016, s. 268, ISBN 978-3-8306-7781-9.

  • Svoboda, David: Aquinas on One and Many. Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: Editiones scholasticae, 2015, 156 s., ISBN: 978-3-86838-563-2

  • Ryšková, Mireia: Pavel z Tarsu a jeho svět, Karolinum 2014, s. 502, ISBN 9788024623337.

  • Novotný, Vojtěch: Anthropologia sacra: Origini dell’antropologia teologica nell’ortodossia veteroprotestante. Milano: Casa Editrice ITL-Centro Ambrosiano, 2014. 196 p. ISBN 978-88-7836-463-9

  • Ryšková, Mireia – Mikulicová, Mlada (eds.): Myšlení o transcendenci. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2013, ISBN 978-80-7465-088-8

Last change: May 16, 2019 10:39 
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