Rector’s Directive No. 50/2017

Bioethics Platform of Charles University

Effective as of: 1 July 2017

Article 1

Introductory Enactment

1. There are emerging ethical questions associated with a significant increase of knowledge in various medical disciplines, including Genetics and Genomics Neurophysiology and Neuropsychology, and systemic conception of human beings and their integration into the society. A Platform of the Charles University (hereinafter „Platform“) has been set up to address the aforementioned issues via research, education, and clinical practice.

2. The Platform will work as a research centre at Charles University. However, its scope and activities will impact the entire Charles University at large. The Platform will strive to achieve a consensus, as well as keep the public informed about the developments.

Article 2

Platform Tasks

The Platform will support and coordinate Bioethics studies in the following areas (Note that the list is subject to revision):

a) Genetic diagnoses of diseases, CRISPR-based technologies and ethics;

b) Human enhancement;

c) Normality, quality of life, and health;

d) Personalized medicine;

e) Principialism in modern Bioethics.

Article 3

Platform Management

1. Platform’s operations are managed by a Council whose members represent faculties involved in both teaching and research of Bioethics. Council members are appointed and replaced by the Rector. Council members are expected to take into account proposals of heads of Bioethics departments of faculties and University Departments.

2. The Council consists usually of 9 members, including its Chairman, Vice-Chairman and an Executive secretary.

3. The Rector or an individual authorized by him will serve as the Chairman of the Council. The Vice-Chairman of the Council will be elected by the voting Council members from the representatives elected by the Bioethics departments of the faculties

4. The Executive secretary is responsible for the organization and administration of the Council. S/he is appointed or replaced by the Rector.

5. The Executive secretary will perform the administrative work associated with the Council activities and archive all its documentation in accordance with the legal regulations.

Article 4

Platform Constituents

The Platform’s constituents are as follows:

1. Center for Bioethics, Institute for Humanity Studies in Medicine of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University;

2. Department of Medical Ethics and Humanity Foundations of Medicine of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;

3. Department of Ethics and Humanity Studies of the 3rd Faculty of the Medicine of Charles University;

4. Department of Social Medicine of Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové;

5. Department of Psychiatry (responsible for teaching Medical Ethics) of Charles University in Pilsen;

6. Representatives of three Faculties of Theology, Charles University;

7. The Platform may consist of the following associated components: Bioethics Society of the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně or educational research centers of Bioethics of the Faculties of Medicine of other Universities within the Czech Republic.

Article 5

Meetings and managing the Platform’s Council

1. The Council holds meetings as necessary, however not less than twice a year. The Chairman will call the meetings; in his/her absence the Vice-chairman will act on behalf of the Chairman.

2. Members of the Council will be invited to the meeting only in writing. The invitation must be sent no later than 10 working days before the meeting.

3. If requested by one third of the Council’s members, the Chairman is obligated to call a Council‘s meeting within ten working days.

4. During the Platform’s meeting Council members may be deputized by his/her substitute. The member is obligated to inform the Chairman and Secretary in writing about the identity of his/her deputy before the meeting. Although the deputry has a voting right, he/she cannot lead the Council’s meeting.

5. Council members will actively participate in the Council’s activities.

6. The Council is quorate if there is unanimous agreement among Council’s member participating in the meeting. The Council will pass its resolutions by simple majority votes from the members present at the time of meeting.

7. The Council meetings are non-public. Persons invited by the Council or the Chairman may participate in the meetings.

8. Meeting minutes will be sent to Council members.

9. Depending on the facts and circumstances presented before them, the Council members may agree on more detailed rules for the Council’s meetings.

Article 6

Platform’s Financing

All costs associated with the Platform’s activities will be covered by the Platform’s constituents described in the Article 4 (above) and also by grants and various resources of the Czech Republic and the European Union.

Article 7

Closing Enactment

The directive comes into effect by July 1, 2017.

Professor Tomáš Zima, M.D., D.Sc., MBA


Last change: August 5, 2019 14:01 
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