Rector’s Directive No. 57/2017

Conditions for Cotutelle Doctoral Study under the Joint Supervision of a Dissertation Model

To implement: Sections 47a, 55 and 57 of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”) as amended, and Article 19 (5) of the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University

Article 1 Introductory Provisions

  1. This directive lays down the basic conditions for a special type of international joint doctoral study programme at Charles University (generally referred to as cotutelle) implemented in cooperation with a foreign higher education institution in compliance with section 47a (2) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Institutions Act”), as amended, and Article 22 (5) of the Constitution of Charles University (“Cotutelle Programme”).

  2. In the case of study in a Cotutelle Programme, a student is enrolled in a doctoral programme of study at Charles University (“the University”), as well as in a doctoral programme of study at a foreign higher education institution (“Partner University”); a single dissertation thesis is jointly supervised by two supervisors, one from each partner institution, and there is a single defence of the dissertation thesis. (The term “Partner Institutions” will be hereinafter used to commonly refer to the University and a Partner University.)

  3. Study in a Cotutelle Programme is specified for each student in a relevant agreement on the joint supervision of a dissertation thesis which it concerns.

Article 2 Conditions for Study in a Cotutelle Programme

  1. Study in a Cotutelle Programme at Charles University, including students’ rights and obligations, is carried out in compliance with the Higher Education Institutions Act, namely under section 47a thereof, the internal regulations of Charles University, and the internal regulations of a relevant faculty. Study at a partner university is carried out in compliance with its internal regulations and legislation of the relevant state.

  2. The schedule for the preparation of a student’s dissertation thesis at a Partner University is determined in a student’s individual curriculum.

  3. The defence of a dissertation thesis is conducted as a joint defence before the Board for the Defence of Dissertation consisting of the Chair and members from both Partner Institutions on the basis of proportional representation, with the possible participation of both supervisors of the dissertation.

  4. Unless otherwise provided, study at both Charles University and the Partner University is duly terminated by a successful defence of the dissertation thesis, whereupon corresponding academic diplomas of both the University and Partner University will be issued.

Article 3 Exceptions to the Rules Stipulated in the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University

  1. The below-stated rules of study, enshrined in the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University (“the Code of Study and Examination”), do not apply to study in a cotutelle programme; the relevant regulation is contained in an agreement on the joint supervision of a dissertation thesis, internal regulations of a faculty, regulations of a Partner University, and/or other regulations:


    deadlines for the publication of the date of a State Doctoral Examination and the defence of a dissertation (Article 11 (15) sentence 2 of the Code of Study and Examination;


    the duty of the Board for the Defence of Dissertation to determine whether a dissertation that has been graded as “fail” needs to be rewritten or supplemented, and the closest possible date of repeating the defence of the dissertation (Article 11 (12) of the Code of Study and Examination).

  2. The below-stated rules of study prescribed by the Code of Study and Examination do not apply to study in a cotutelle programme provided that a corresponding regulation is contained in an agreement on the joint supervision of a dissertation thesis. Otherwise the below-stated rules of study remain applicable:


    the determination of the number of attempts to defend a dissertation (Article 11 (14) sentence 1), the determination of a regular and resit dates of a defence of a dissertation (Article 11 (15) sentences 1 and 5 of the Code of Study and Examination);


    the determination of the way in which reviewers of a dissertation are chosen by the Board (Article 11 (10) sentence 1 of the Code of Study and Examination).

Article 4 Agreement on Joint Supervision of a Dissertation Thesis

  1. Study in a cotutelle programme is implemented based on an agreement on the joint supervision of a dissertation thesis (“the Agreement”) which is individually concluded for each student’s study. If there is a framework agreement between the University and a Partner University, the Agreement is concluded on the basis of such framework agreement.

  2. The Agreement is signed by an executive representative of the University and an executive representative of the Partner University, an executive representative of the relevant faculty and an executive representative of the corresponding unit of the Partner University, as well as by the respective supervisors from both Partner Institutions, and by the student. The Agreement is governed by the legal regulations of both states or countries (“the State”), the Code of Study and Examination and other internal regulations of the University, and by the relevant internal regulations of the Partner University (with respect to Article 3).

  3. At the moment of signing the Agreement, a student must be enrolled in study at both Partner Institutions.

  4. The minimum requirements regarding the essential elements of an agreement on study:


    the name and address of the University and the Partner University; the name of the relevant faculty of the University and the name of the faculty or corresponding unit of the Partner University which the Agreement concerns;


    student’s name, surname, academic degree, and date of birth;


    names, surnames, and academic degrees of the supervisors of the dissertation;


    the name of the higher education institution, or its unit, where the defence of the dissertation will take place;


    the name and language of the dissertation


    the composition of the Board for the Defence of Dissertation consisting of the Chair and members from both Partner Institutions on the basis of proportional representation; the potential presence of both supervisors; the number of present members of the Board for the Defence of Dissertation, including the Chair, must not be lower than 3;


    the number of and means of appointing supervisors of the dissertation, and the method for preparing reports thereon, including the language of such reports;


    the method for grading the defence of a dissertation, where the appendix to the diploma must contain grading under the Code of Study and Examination;


    the content and format of the records of the defence of a dissertation;


    the number of dates of defence of a dissertation, it being understood that at least one re-take date must be determined;


    the formal elements of the diploma and the appendix to the diploma;


    the determination of which of the Partner Institutions is responsible for all administrative acts relating to the defence of the dissertation thesis (“Dissertation”). Both Partner Institutions are jointly responsible for keeping records and other documentation relating to their student in compliance with their own relevant regulations, principles, and processes;


    conditions for the publication of a dissertation, reviewers’ reports, and the record of the defence in compliance with the relevant legislation and regulations of both Partner Institutions;


    rules for the organisation of study contained in Article 2 (1) – (3).

  5. A recommended template of the Agreement can be found on the web site of the University.

Article 5 Certificates of Completion of a Study Programme

  1. The University and a Partner University will issue, in compliance with the legal regulations of both States, a diploma and appendix to the diploma to a student who successfully completes study under the joint supervision of a dissertation model.

  2. The diploma issued by the University contains the sentence: “The co-operating foreign higher education institutions which ensure study are listed in the appendix to the diploma.” The sentence appears in the Latin translation: “Exterarum gentium academiae quae Universitati nostrae cooperantes disciplinam supra dictam colunt in huius diplomatis supplemento leguntur.”

  3. The name of the Partner University is listed in the appendix to the diploma. Under section 47 (3) of the Higher Education Institutions Act it is also possible to include other data in the appendix to the diploma.

  4. Alternatively to paragraph 2 hereof, the Agreement can contain a provision that will make it possible to include the name of the Partner University directly in the diploma (see subparagraph (a) (i) below), or, as the case may be, a provision that will make it possible to join the diplomas issued by the University and the Partner University for the same study into one legal document (see subparagraph (a) (ii) below):


    A diploma issued by the University and the Partner University, or a separate

    1. diploma issued by the University as stipulated in count (i) below, will contain, in addition to the data currently included, the following elements: the name of the Partner University or the text: “Study was implemented in co-operation between Charles University and … (the name of the Partner University).”, translated into Latin as: “Studio disciplinae supra dictae Universitas Carolina Pragensis academiae [name of the Partner University] cooperans moderata est.”; or

    2. the text: “This diploma is issued at the same time as the diploma of the Partner University … (the name of the Partner University)”, translated into Latin as: “Hoc diploma una cum diplomate academiae [the name of the Partner University] cooperantis effectum est”; the text is given in the language of the diploma.


    The appendix to the diploma is issued separately by each Partner University in compliance with its own internal regulations and relevant national legislation.

  5. Charles University may issue a joint diploma executed by the Partner University, provided that the following conditions are fulfilled:


    the essential elements of a joint diploma issued to a student who was enrolled in study at the University are included:

    1. name and surname of the graduate;

    2. date of birth; place of birth including the state or nationality of the graduate;

    3. date of graduation;

    4. name of the University or, as the case may be, the faculty;

    5. name of the Partner University;

    6. name and abbreviation of the academic title awarded by the University, and the academic degree awarded by the Partner University in compliance with the legal regulations of a respective state (with respect to count xii.);

    7. name of the programme of study, or a field of study if accredited therewith, according to a decision of the National Accreditation Office or the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on the accreditation of a programme of study, or according to a resolution of the Internal Evaluation Board of Charles University granting authorisation to implement the programme of study which is in effect on the date of graduation from the study, and, as the case may be, also the name of a study programme at the Partner University (with respect to count xii.);

    8. the number of the diploma at the University;

    9. an impression of an official stamp depicting the lesser version of the Coat of Arms of the Czech Republic;

    10. the name and signature of the Rector of the University;

    11. the Coat of Arms of the University;

    12. any other requirement of the Partner University for a joint diploma awarded to a graduate from a study programme at the Partner University (with respect to subparagraph (c)).


    In compliance with the wording of the Agreement, the Partner University will execute the appendix to the diploma along with the diploma. The structure and content of the appendix to the diploma corresponds to a template drafted by the European Commission, Council of Europe, and the UNESCO/CEPES organisation.


    The language and formalities of the diploma and appendix to the diploma are set out in the Agreement (with respect to subparagraph (a) (xii)).


    The full content and graphic template of the joint diploma and appendix to the diploma, as well as the procedure for issuing, signing, and handing it over to a graduate, including all dates and a guarantee by the relevant faculty of the University (e.g., with respect to co-operation when providing data) must be enshrined in the Agreement, or in a numbered addendum to the Agreement.


    Duplicate copies of the documents, i.e., a joint diploma and the appendix to the diploma, are to be issued by the issuer of the original instrument. The data of graduates is maintained in the register of students in compliance with section 88 of the Higher Education Institutions Act.

Article 6 Date of Effect

  1. This directive becomes effective on 1 October 2017.

  2. Rector’s directive no. 9/2016 is hereby repealed.

In Prague, 11 August 2017

Professor MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Last change: August 19, 2019 17:07 
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