Internal Salary Regulation


Under sections 9 (1) (b) and 17 (1) (d) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”), as amended, the Academic Senate of Charles University has adopted the following Internal Wages Regulation of Charles University:

Article 1 - Scope of Regulation

  1. The Internal Wages Regulation of Charles University (“the Wages Regulation”) regulates the provision of wages and remuneration for being on call at Charles University (“the University”).*

  2. The Wages Regulation applies to workers who are in an employment relationship with the University (“an employee”).*1

Article 2 - Wages

  1. For the purposes of this regulation, a wage is monetary remuneration provided to an employee for work done in compliance with the Labour Code (particularly with sections 109 – 121 of the Labour Code). The wage includes a basic wage at the rate of the wage scale for the relevant pay band, as well as, as the case may be, a personal performance bonus and extra pay for managerial positions, a wage and extra pay for work in a difficult working environment (and as the case may be special pay under Article 9 hereof), a wage and extra pay for overtime work, a wage and extra pay for work on public holidays, a wage and extra pay for night-time work, and a wage and extra pay for working on Saturdays or Sundays; the wage also includes bonuses provided in connection with the employee’s work other than remuneration for being on call.

  2. Wages are determined individually in line with the overall wage levels of the University, with regard for the level of complexity and difficulty of the work, qualification requirements, and job performance, and, where justified, taking into account the wage levels for a particular position on the relevant labour market. The amount of each of the components of the wage, in particular the basic wage, personal performance bonus, and extra pay for a managerial position is determined either in a pay statement or the wage is agreed upon as a contractual wage.

  3. The wage does not include other monetary fulfilments provided in connection with the employment which are not provided to an employee for performing the work, in particular wage compensation, severance or redundancy payment, travel expenses, etc.

  4. With the exception of the wage and extra pay for overtime work, extra pay for work on public holidays, extra pay for night-time work, extra pay for work in a difficult working environment, and extra pay for working on Saturdays or Sundays, the wage must not be lower than the minimum wage stipulated by labour regulations2, or, where it follows from labour regulations3, than the lowest level of the guaranteed wage.

Article 3 - Contractual Wage

  1. The University, acting through the Rector or a dean, may make an agreement with an employee that he be paid contractual wages. Contractual wages are agreed upon in particular with academic staff; they can be also agreed on with foreign experts, heads of units of the University, and other employees whose work involves a high degree of expertise, complexity, and quality. A contractual wage also includes a personal performance bonus and, as the case may be, extra pay for managerial positions. However, it does not include a wage and extra pay for overtime work (provided that the wage has not been agreed upon with regard to the overtime work), extra pay for working in a difficult working environment (and, as the case may be, special pay under Article 9 hereof), extra pay for work on public holidays, extra pay for night-time work, extra pay for working on Saturdays and Sundays, and bonuses. Articles 4 to 8 and Article 14 do not apply to the determination of wages of an employee with whom a contractual wage has been agreed upon.

  2. The principles for negotiating and agreeing on contractual wages may be set out in a Rector’s directive, on which the Academic Senate of the University expresses its opinion.

Article 4 - Placing Employees in the Pay Scale

  1. The basis for the placement of an employee in a pay band of the pay scale is a job description which must be based on a type of work agreed upon in the employment contract.

  2. The employee must be made familiar with the job description prior to commencing work.

  3. For the purposes of drafting job descriptions, the Rector will issue the catalogues of work in the form of a Rector’s directive, which contain lists of typical work activities in relevant pay bands.

  4. Work activities at the University are divided, according to categories of employees, into the following catalogues of work positions and work:


    the catalogue of work for employees performing educational or creative activities,


    the catalogue of work for economic, administrative, technical, and professional staff and for manual workers, service employees, and business-operational employees (“another employee”).

  5. Work activities in a catalogue are classified according to their complexity, difficulty, and responsibility and are subdivided into nine pay bands for academics, researchers, and teaching staff, and into eight pay bands for other employees.

  6. The University will place an employee performing teaching or creative activities in a pay band such that the main part of working activities listed in the catalogue of work positions for the pay band is contained in the job description of the employee.

  7. The University will place another employee in a pay band to which the most demanding work the performance of which the University requires is assigned in the catalogue. If such work is not included in the catalogue, the University will place the other employee in a pay band which includes examples of work in the catalogue comparable to the required work in terms of complexity, responsibility, and psychological or physical difficulty.

  8. The condition for the placement of an employee in a particular pay band is the fulfilment of the relevant qualification prerequisites listed in the catalogue of work. However, achieving the qualification requirements needed for the placement in another pay band does not constitute the right to be placed in that band. Exceptionally, the University may place an employee in a pay band for which he does not qualify, however, for no longer than a maximum of two years; such placement may be repeated only in cases deserving special attention. For a period longer than two years, the University may exceptionally place an employee who is neither a member of educational staff nor a researcher in a pay band for which he does not meet the qualification criteria if such criteria are not met by one academic degree and:


    if he has demonstrated, through long-term activity in the respective field, the ability to perform the required work; or


    if, during the period for which he has been, as a matter of exception, placed in a pay band or prior to such an exceptional placement, he commenced, and duly continues, studies, by the completion of which he will acquire necessary qualifications; or


    if the required work is mainly of a manual or operational nature and requires, in compliance with the relevant catalogue, only secondary vocational education, completion of special courses, completion of apprenticeship in the field, or passing a special examination of professional competence set out by another legal regulation; at the same time, the employee may be placed in no higher than pay band 5.

  9. The specific scope of the pedagogical and research duties of academic staff and other employees performing educational or creative activities may be determined in a directive issued by the dean of a faculty or by the director of another unit, to which those employees are assigned, according to the educational and scientific focus of the relevant faculty or other unit. The dean or director will discuss the content of such directive with the Rector in advance; in the case of a faculty, the faculty’s senate expresses its opinion on the directive.

  10. The dean of a faculty may determine, in a directive he issues, more detailed rules for the placement of employees in pay bands.

Article 5 - Determining Basic Wages

  1. An employee is entitled to a basic wage of at least the lower limit and not more than the upper limit of the wage bracket for the relevant pay band in which he has been placed. The wage brackets for individual pay bands are listed in Appendix 1 hereof.

  2. When determining the basic wage within the framework of a bracket of a respective pay band, the University will also take account of the length of the employee’s previous professional experience.

  3. The University acts pursuant to paragraph 2:


    when an employment relationship is created;


    when the type of work agreed upon in the employment contract is changed;


    when the job description is modified;


    when the Wages Regulation is amended;


    when the placement in the pay band is changed.

    Further professional experience is recognised to the full extent, regardless of whether or not the employee satisfies the prescribed academic degree requirement.

  4. The following periods are fully counted as professional experience:


    the period of basic (substitute) military service, or civil service substituting military service, in the length set out for the performance of such service by the relevant legal regulation effective at the time of its performance;


    the period of maternity leave or parental leave in the length corresponding to the length of such leave under the relevant legislation effective at the time it is being taken;


    the period of study in a postgraduate study programme under Act No. 172/1990 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions, or in a doctoral study programme, which has been duly completed, however for not more than four years.

  5. The assessment of the type of professional experience and a decision on the scope of its recognition is, except for paragraph 4, fully within the competence of the University.

  6. The dean of a faculty may issue a directive setting out more detailed rules for the determination of basic wages.

  7. The remuneration of employees with unevenly distributed working hours may be determined as hourly wages. The conditions for the assigning of employees to this category are set out in the Labour Code.

Article 6 - Extra Pay for Managerial Positions

  1. Officers of the University are entitled to extra pay for managerial positions depending on the level of management and the difficulty of the managerial work. The span of extra pay for managerial positions is set out in Appendix 2 hereof.

  2. The exact amount of extra pay for a managerial position is determined by a person authorized to conclude the employment contract with an employee on behalf of the University.

Article 7 - Extra Pay for Acting as a Substitute in a Managerial Position

  1. The entitlement to extra pay for acting as a substitute in a managerial position accrues to an employee irrespective of his current job assignment if he is substituting for an officer in a higher-level management position, unless such substitution has been included in his job description.

  2. Extra pay for substituting in a managerial position accrues to an employee who has been mandated to act in a given position, and who acts for a senior officer at a higher level of management for at least four weeks, counted retroactively as of the first day on which such employee took on the acting position. Periods of fewer than four weeks for which an employee has acted for a senior officer may not be added together.

  3. The amount of extra pay for substitution in a managerial position is determined by the University within the limits of the range of the pay for managerial positions set for the senior officer for whom the employee is acting.

  4. The University is under no obligation to set the extra pay for acting as a substitute in a managerial position at the same level as the extra pay for a managerial position paid to a senior officer for whom the employee is acting. If an employee acting as a substitute is himself an officer at the same or higher level (see Appendix 2 hereof) as the one he is acting for and he receives an extra pay for a managerial position, such employee who is acting as a substitute is entitled to the higher of the extra pays.

Article 8 - Personal Performance Bonus

  1. A personal performance bonus is an individually determined variable wage component. An employee is not entitled by law to be awarded a personal performance bonus. An award of a personal performance bonus in one period does not constitute a right to be awarded it again in the future.

  2. Factors relevant for the determination of a personal performance bonus are the quality of the employee’s work, including recognition of his personal contribution to educational and research activities, and to other professional activities of the University, and recognition of the employee’s stable long-term performance. At the same time, the employee’s managerial and organisational abilities, his knowledge, skill, experience, professional and personal development, his ability to work in a team, and his work performance, as defined in the principles of employees’ regular appraisals, are taken into account.

  3. The personal performance bonus brackets are determined in a dean’s directive, in the case of a faculty, or a director’s directive, in the case of a unit, taking in to account the financial possibilities of the faculty or unit.

  4. The amount of an employee’s personal performance bonus is proposed by a superior employee and determined by the dean of a faculty, bursar, or director of another unit within their competences based on the assessment criteria described in paragraph 2, in compliance with the rules set out in the principles of employees’ regular appraisals, and factoring the outcomes of regular employees’ appraisal.

  5. A personal performance bonus is determined for a specific period, usually corresponding to either the length of a regular appraisal period or the duration of a specific work activity, or for an indefinite period.

  6. A personal performance bonus can be increased, decreased, or withdrawn at any time, however, only if:


    the results of the employee’s activities which were the grounds for the award of a personal performance bonus have improved or deteriorated;


    the scope of the employee’s activities on the grounds of which the personal performance bonus was awarded has been extended or narrowed.

  7. If the personal performance bonus is decreased or withdrawn, the employee must be notified thereof in writing, including the reasons, no later than on the date when the change becomes effective.

Article 9 - Wages and Extra Pay for Work in Difficult Working Environment; a Special Pay

  1. An employee who performs work in a difficult working environment where the performance of work is associated with extraordinary difficulties resulting from exposure to the effects of aggravating factors and from measures taken to reduce or eliminate them is entitled to the wage earned and to extra pay.

  2. Extra pay for work in a difficult working environment under paragraph 1 accrues to an employee in the amount and under the conditions determined in accordance with the Labour Code and in the collective bargaining agreement.

  3. Special pay for work in a difficult working environment may also be provided to employees performing activities that are comparable to those referred to in paragraph 1 in terms of the risk to the life or health of the employee.

Article 10 - Wages and Time Off in Lieu for Overtime Work

  1. Overtime work is work performed by an employee on the order of the University or with its consent which exceeds the fixed weekly working time resulting from a predetermined schedule of working time, and which is performed outside the work shift schedule.

  2. For overtime work, an employee is entitled to the earned wage and to extra pay in the amount determined in the collective bargaining agreement in accordance with the Labour Code.

  3. The University may, upon agreement with the employee and within a period of three calendar months following the overtime work, or within a period agreed upon otherwise, provide time off for overtime worked instead of the extra pay.

  4. The conditions for the enjoining and the scope of overtime work are governed by the Labour Code.

  5. If the wages agreed upon with an employee under the conditions stipulated in the Labour Code already take account of possible overtime work, the employee is neither entitled to the wage earned for that overtime, nor to the extra pay, nor to time off in lieu of overtime work.

Article 11 - Wages for, Time Off in Lieu, or Wage Compensation for Work on Public Holidays

  1. For work on public holidays, an employee is entitled to a wage earned and to time off in lieu of work on a public holiday to the extent of work performed on a public holiday; this will be provided to him no later than by the end of the third calendar month following the month in which the work on a public holiday was carried out, or within a period agreed upon otherwise. For the duration of time off in lieu of work on a public holiday, the employee is entitled to wage compensation equal to average earnings. The University may agree with the employee to give him extra pay in addition to a wage earned instead of time off in lieu of work on a public holiday; the amount of the pay is determined in a collective bargaining agreement in accordance with the Labour Code.

  2. An employee who did not work on a particular day which would otherwise be a regular working day because there was a public holiday is entitled to wage compensation equal to the average earnings if the wage was lost because of the public holiday.

Article 12 - Wages for Night-time Work

For night-time work, an employee is entitled to a wage earned, and to extra pay for night-time work in the amount and under the conditions set out in a collective bargaining agreement in accordance with the Labour Code.

Article 13 - Wages for Working on Saturdays or Sundays

  1. For work on Saturdays or Sundays enjoined by or agreed upon with the University within the framework of weekly working hours, an employee is entitled to a wage earned, and to extra pay in the amount determined in a collective bargaining agreement in accordance with the Labour Code.

  2. For work enjoined by or agreed upon with the University on Saturdays or Sundays beyond the weekly working hours, an employee is, in addition to the wage earned, extra pay, or time off in lieu of overtime work, entitled to extra pay in the amount of 50% of the applicable basic wage, but no less than the amount referred to in paragraph 1.

Article 14 Wage Supplement When Transferred to Another Position

  1. If the University agrees with an employee that he will be temporarily transferred to a job with work activities included in a higher pay band, or to office included in a higher pay band, the employee is, for a maximum period of 60 working days, entitled to a wage supplement equal to the difference between the lower limit of the bracket set out for the higher pay band and the employee’s basic wage.

  2. In the case of a temporary transfer to another job with work activities included in a lower pay band, or to office included in a lower pay band, the employee’s basic wage does not change.

  3. Partial performance of the activities of another employee who is temporarily absent, when the employee simultaneously performs his own activities, is not considered as a transfer to another position.

  4. For the term of transfer to another job, an employee is entitled to a wage supplement amounting at least to his average earnings, where the transfer is a transfer of an employee to another job with work activities included in a lower pay band because of:


    a threat of occupational disease, or where the employee has, under another regulation, attained the maximum permissible limit of exposure at the workplace determined by a decision of the competent authority for public health protection;


    a medical statement issued by a provider of occupational healthcare services, or a decision of the competent authority for the public health protection in order to protect the health of other individuals against infectious diseases;


    averting an emergency situation, natural disaster, or another imminent accident, or mitigating the immediate consequences thereof; or


    downtime or work interruptions caused by unfavourable weather conditions.

Article 15 - Wages for Time Spent in Professional Training

Participation in professional training courses or other forms of preparation or study for the purpose of enhancing qualifications, including examinations, enjoined by the University is considered to be the performance of work for which an employee is entitled to a wage.

Article 16 - Other Bonuses

  1. The University may award other bonuses to an employee for the following performance:


    for a one-off or recurring, but time-limited, performance of a particular activity; successful performance of tasks carried out beyond the scope of regular work activities; performance of tasks in high quality; above-standard work performance as per the outcome of the employee’s regular appraisal;


    for the provision of assistance in preventing fires or other natural disasters, helping with the clean-up thereafter, or eliminating their consequences, or in other emergency situations in which property, health, or life may be endangered;


    for work and activities carried out as ancillary activities;


    for securing or obtaining financial resources other than a state subsidy or grant;


    for work and activities performed when carrying out grant projects, scholarly and research projects, and other projects, including foreign ones, within the framework of the main activities of the University4 and related activities;


    for significant and extraordinary representation of the University, faculty, or another unit;


    in the case of supervisors of students in doctoral programmes of study, for successfully guiding the students in doctoral programmes of study who have completed their studies within the prescribed length of study. The amount of the bonus for the supervisor is determined in a Rector’s directive.

  2. The University may award a bonus to an employee, in accordance with the collective agreement, to reward his work merits upon the 10th anniversary of his employment, and then every 10 years of employment thereafter; when the employee reaches the age of 50 years; at the first termination of employment upon being granted a disability pension; or upon the accrual of entitlement to a retirement pension.

Article 17 - Remuneration for Being on Call

  1. In case of an employee’s off-site, on-call duty outside his working hours, the University will provide to the employee hourly remuneration for being on call in the amount determined in a collective bargaining agreement.

  2. If an employee performs working activities while on call, he is not entitled to remuneration for being on call.

Article 18 - Creative Leave

During the time of creative leave5 (sabbatical), an employee is entitled to a wage in the amount of a contractual wage, or to the sum of the basic wage and the personal performance bonus as they were awarded to the employee before he went on creative leave.

Article 19 - Payment of Wages and of Remuneration for Being on Call

  1. Wages and remuneration for being on call are paid in arrears for the calendar month in which they accrued, no later than on the fourteenth day of the following calendar month.

  2. Upon the request of an employee, and if the payday falls during the time of the employee’s holiday, the University will pay the employee, before he takes his holiday, the wages that become payable during the holiday. If such payment is not possible due to the wage calculation method, the University will provide a reasonable advance payment and will pay the balance of his wages no later than on the closest regular pay date following the employee’s holidays.

  3. If the payday falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday, the wages are paid on the preceding working day.

Article 20 - Transitional Provision

If it is necessary, with respect to this Regulation, to change the placement of an employee in a pay band, the change will be carried out no later than within six months of the date of effect of this regulation.

Article 21 - Common and Final Provisions

  1. Prior to the issuance of a directive under this Wages Regulation, the dean or a faculty or a director of another unit will discuss such directive with the trade union operating at the faculty or another unit.

  2. The Internal Wages Regulation of Charles University, registered by the Ministry of Youth, Education and Sports on 21 December 2017, and its amendment registered by the Ministry of Youth, Education and Sports on 21 May 2018, are hereby repealed.

  3. Where the term “University” is used in this Wages Regulation, it means the authority which is empowered to decide and act in employment relations. In the case of the employees listed in Appendix 2 hereof, letter (a), the rate of wages is determined by the Rector.

  4. This Wages Regulation was approved by the Academic Senate of the University on 1 October 2021.

  5. This Wages Regulation becomes effective on the date of its registration by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.6

  6. This Wages Regulation becomes effective on the day following the date of coming to force.

Prof. Ing. František Zahálka, Ph.D.

President of the Academic Senate

of Charles University  

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Rector of Charles University

Appendix 1

 Brackets for Basic Wages for Employees Performing Educational and Research Activities


Minimum Limit (MIN)

Maximum Limit


GW for Category 7

MIN + 50 % of MIN


GW for Category 7 + 2,000

MIN + 70 % of MIN


GW for Category 6

MIN + 60 % of MIN


GW for Category 7

MIN + 90 % of MIN


GW for Category 8

 MIN + 130 % of MIN


GW for Category 7

MIN + 50 % of MIN


GW for Category 7 + 2,000

MIN + 80 % of MIN


GW for Category 8

 MIN + 130 % of MIN


GW for Category 8 + 3,000

 MIN + 140 % of MIN

GW – guaranteed wage (section 112 (2) of the Labour Code and government regulation No. 567/2006 Sb., as amended)

 Brackets for Basic Wages for Other Employees


Minimum Limit (MIN)

Maximum Limit


GW for Category 1

MIN + 20 % of MIN


GW for Category 2

MIN + 30 % of MIN


GW for Category 3

MIN + 30 % of MIN


GW for Category 4

MIN + 50 % of MIN


GW for Category 5

MIN + 60 % of MIN


GW for Category 6

MIN + 60 % of MIN


GW for Category 7

MIN + 80 % of MIN


GW for Category 8

 MIN + 100 % of MIN

GW – guaranteed wage (section 112 (2) of the Labour Code and government regulation No. 567/2006 Sb., as amended)

Appendix 2 - Brackets for Extra Pay for Managerial Positions


Vice-Rector of the University, dean of a faculty, the Bursar

  • 7,000 to 45,000 CZK/month;


Vice-dean of a faculty, faculty secretary, director of another unit

  • 5,000 to 35,000 CZK/month;


Head of a department, institute, or division, head of a clinic, dormitory manager, refectory manager, deputy director of a unit, head of a department of the Rectorate

  • 3,000 to 25,000 CZK/month;


Head of an office, head of a centre, deputy to the head of a department, deputy to the head of an institute, deputy to the head of a division, deputy to a dormitory manager, deputy to a refectory manager

  • 1,500 to 15,000 CZK/month;


Guarantor of a study programme

  • 3,000 to 15,000 CZK/month;


Guarantor of a subject area (in the case of study programmes accredited no later than on 31 August 2016)

  • 1,000 to 10,000 CZK/month;


A university employee who is, according to a Rector’s, dean’s, or director’s directive, authorised to organize, manage, and supervise the work of other employees and to give them binding instructions

  • 500 to 13,000 CZK/month.



* Translator’s note: Words importing the masculine include the feminine, and unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular.


Section 111 of the Labour Code, and government regulation No. 567/2006 Sb., as amended.


Section 112 of the Labour Code and government regulation No. 567/2006 Sb., as amended.


Article 2 of the Constitution of the University.


Section 76 of the Higher Education Act.


Section 36 of the Higher Education Act. The registration was completed on 21 December 2017.

Last change: November 25, 2021 16:38 
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