Rector's Directive No. 1/2017

Constitution of the Board for the Commercialisation of Science and Research Results of Charles University

To implement:


Date of effect:

1 January 2017

Following the appointment of members of the Board for the Commercialisation of Science and Research Results of Charles University, I am issuing the new text of the Constitution of the Board for the Commercialisation of Science and Research Results of Charles University:

Constitution of the Board for the Commercialisation of Science and Research Results of Charles University

Art. 1 – Basic Provision

The Board for the Commercialisation of Science and Research Results of Charles University (the “Board” and the “University”) is an advisory body of the Rector of the University in the matters of commercialisation of science and research results of the University.

Art. 2 – Composition of the Board

  1. The Board has at least seven members who are appointed and dismissed by the Rector; the term of office of the Board members is three years. The number of Board members with a voting right representing research institutions (the “research sector”) is not higher than one half of the Board members with a voting right; the other Board members with a voting right are representatives from the industry (the application sector) and the financial sector. The chair of the Board is appointed and dismissed by the Rector from among the Board members.

  2. Membership in the Board is conditional upon the appointee’s consent in writing and a confidentiality agreement regarding any confidential information and facts learned while working for the Board or any other sensitive issues raised in the applications under consideration.

  3. In addition to the Board members, the Rector may appoint permanent guests to the Board. A permanent guest to the Board is entitled to attend Board meetings and receive any background documents. However, a permanent guest to the Board does not have a voting right and is not included among the total number of the Board members. The provision of paragraph 2 applies to a permanent guest by analogy.

Art. 3 – Main Responsibilities of the Board

  1. The main responsibilities of the Board include the following tasks:


    evaluating and recommending commercialisation projects and, where appropriate, the use of internal funding within the University budget for proof-of-concept, preseed activities, and spin-out;


    considering annual activity reports of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Centre (“CPPT”);


    drafting the Board’s annual activity reports and submitting the reports to the Rector of the University;


    proposing updates to the internal rules of the University for knowledge and technology transfer and commercialisation1; and


    proposing to the Rector ad hoc (subject-area) boards for individual specialised cases of commercialisation; the provision of Article 2 (2) applies to such ad hoc boards by analogy, and the number of the ad hoc board members from the research sector may not be higher than one half of all members of such board.

Art. 4 – Secretary of the Board

  1. The secretary of the Board is in charge of administrative and organisational matters for the Board.

  2. The secretary is not a member of the Board; he or she may always attend Board meetings, but without a voting right.

  3. The role of the secretary of the Board is fulfilled by the director of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Centre of the University, or an employee of the University designated by the director; such designation is conditional upon the Rector’s consent.

  4. The secretary keeps records regarding the Board’s activities and archives any Board documents in accordance with legislation.

  5. The confidentiality agreement under Article 2 (2) applies to the secretary of the Board.

Art. 5 – Basic Principles Governing the Work of the Board

  1. The Board holds its meetings as necessary, but at least twice a year. The meeting is convened and chaired by the chair of the Board.

  2. The Board considers applications for the commercialisation projects or motions to amend internal rules of the University. Such applications and motions can be submitted to the Board, via CPPT, by any faculty or unit of the University.

  3. In addition, every three months the Board receives from the CPPT, and evaluates, interim progress reports on approved sub-projects.

  4. A member of the Board may not take part in the consideration of an application if there are doubts as to his or her impartiality with respect to such application or persons involved. In particular, a member of the Board is not impartial if a project is to be considered in which he or she has a property interest or in which he or she is to be a member of the research team.

  5. With respect to every application considered on its merits, the Board provides the Rector of the University with a recommendation in writing proposing further action to be taken by the University.

  6. The Rector of the University may accept or reject the recommendation of the Board, or request further background documents including opinions or statements.

  7. The Rector’s decision and the minutes of the Board’s meeting are published on the University website, unless this is precluded by legislation.

  8. Details concerning the procedures followed by the Board are stipulated in the Code of Procedure of the Board for the Commercialisation of Science and Research Results of Charles University which is approved by the Board and issued, subject to the Rector’s consent, by the chair of the Board.

Art. 6 – Final Provision

As of the date of effect of this Rector’s directive No. 1/2017, the Rector’s directives No. 13/2014 and No. 8/2015 are repealed.

This directive becomes effective on 1 January 2017.

In Prague on 12 December 2016

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA



1 For example: “Strategie Univerzity Karlovy v oblasti komercializace poznatků a technologií” [Strategy of Charles University for the Comercialisation of Knowledge and Technology] and “Doporučený postup komercializace výsledků výzkumu a vývoje na fakultách a dalších součástech Univerzity Karlovy” [Recommended Procedure for the Comercialisation of Science and Research Results at Faculties and Other Units of Charles University], the relevant Rector’s directive on the use of the RDI results at Charles University, the long-term strategy for proof-of-concept at Charles University, etc.

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