Rector's Directive No. 64/2017

Effect: 1 October 2017

Support for Submitting Applications for ERC Grants at Charles University

Article 1 Introductory Provision

The aim of support provided under this directive is to spur the creation of academic, research, and development works, in compliance with the Long-Term Plan of Charles University (“the University”), to file top-quality application for projects funded by the European Research Council (“the ERC”). Support will be financed from sources earmarked by the University within the framework of the Breakdown of Non-investment Contributions and Subsidies at the University.

Article 2 Conditions

  1. An application can be filed by an applicant:


    who is, at the time of filing the application, an academic, research, or development worker at the University;


    who falls under one of the ERC funding schemes1;


    who co-operates with a University contact person and an ERC co-ordinator at the University when preparing his/her application.

  2. The maximum amount of support is CZK 100,000 and it is provided no sooner than after a quality project proposal has been submitted via the ERC’s electronic application.

  3. A submission of an application for support under this directive excludes the possibility to file an application for support for the preparation of collaborative projects under Rector’s Directive No. 63/2017; at the same time, a particular project proposal may only be subject of one project plan.

  4. Provided support may be used to remunerate the grant applicant, to reimburse him/her for travel expenses or costs incurred in connection with the formal preparation of the application (reviewers, services, translation, etc.).

Article 3 Submission of Applications Procedure

  1. Applications for support may be submitted continuously. The applications along with all attachments are to be filed electronically at the following address:

  2. An application must include the following:


    the type of the ERC funding scheme the applicant intends to apply for;


    an abstract of the project (max. 2,000 characters), the title and acronym of the proposal;


    the applicant’s CV (max. 2 pages);


    early achievements track record (max. 2 pages).

  3. All the attachments must be in English, complying with rules for ERC proposals documentation, and using the ERC templates.

  4. After the submission of a project via the ERC electronic application, the full text of a project proposal will be delivered to a contact person electronically, or, as the case may be, as a printed hard copy.

Article 4 Evaluation of Submitted Applications

  1. Only projects that satisfy conditions stipulated in Article 2 and Article 3 hereof will be considered.

  2. Support will be granted on the basis of a decision of the Vice-Rector for Research upon a proposal from the ERC co-ordinator and with consent of the dean of a faculty, depending on budgetary possibilities.

  3. The applicant will be notified of whether he/she has been granted support or not within three weeks of the delivery of the submitted project to the Rector’s Office under Article 3 (4) hereof.

Article 5 Other Provisions

The applicant is responsible for the efficient, economical, and expedient use of the support in compliance with relevant legal regulations, conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and this directive.

In Prague on 27th September 2017

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA




Last change: August 19, 2019 17:24 
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