Rector's Directive No. 63/2017

Effect: 1 October 2017

Support for Preparation of International Collaborative Projects

Article 1 Introductory Provision

The aim of support provided under this directive is to boost, in compliance with the Long-Term Plan of Charles University (“the University”), research initiatives based on a multi-partner consortium that will lead to the submission of top-quality project applications within the European Framework Programme (H2020) and other important international projects. Support will be provided from sources earmarked by the University within the framework of the Allocation of Non-investment Contributions and Subsidies at the University. The approved support will be provided to a relevant faculty or another unit (“the Faculty”) at which the academic, research, or development worker who applied for support is assigned.

Article 2 Conditions

  1. An application may be filed by an applicant who is, at the time of filing the application, an academic, research, or development worker at the University.

  2. The applicant must be a co-ordinator of an intended H2020 project (or another significant international project) with a minimum budget of EUR 70,000.

  3. The applicant must have already participated in an international collaborative project.

  4. A submission of an application for support under this directive excludes the possibility to file an application for support for ERC grant projects at the University under Rector’s Directive No. 64/2017; at the same time, a particular project proposal may only be the subject of one preliminary project.

  5. Support for the preparation of international collaborative projects can be provided within a period of 18 to 5 months before the closing date of a particular call for proposals by a grant provider.

  6. The support from the University may be used up to the moment of submission of an application to the funding provider.

  7. The support provided must lead to the submission of a project proposal and may be used for the following:


    travel and accommodation expenses;


    organisation of meetings of the entire consortium (preferably with the participation of a member of the Department of Science and Research, the European Centre (“the EC”));


    interim financing for an administrative, research, development, or academic worker of the University to prepare the project documentation.

Article 3 Budget

  1. The maximum amount of support is CZK 100,000.

  2. In the case of a two-stage evaluation, the maximum amount to be provided in the first stage is CZK 50,000. If the application proceeds to the second stage, the remaining amount is transferred to the faculty.

Article 4 Procedure

  1. Applications for support may be submitted continuously, however no sooner than 18 and no later than 5 months before the closing date of the call for proposals 1.

  2. Applications for support for the preparation fund, along with all attachments, are submitted via email to the following address:

  3. An application must include:


    The applicant’s CV;


    Details of the international call the applicant intends to participate in (website, closing date of the call, topic);


    Abstract in English (max. 2,000 characters), including the assumed objective of the project;


    Indicative list of expected partners of the project along with the determination of the type of the entity (university, company, think-tank, etc.);


    Estimated amount of support that is being applied for;


    Estimated budget of the proposed project;


    Consent of the faculty to participation in the project.

Article 5 Evaluation of Applications Submitted

  1. Only projects that satisfy the budget limit and other conditions under Article 2 and Article 4 hereof will be considered.

  2. The Vice-Rector for Research will consider an application upon recommendation from the head of the Department of Science and Research, taking budget possibilities into account. In the case of a two-stage evaluation, the Vice-Rector decides on the amount of support in the first and second stages.

  3. The applicant will be notified of whether he/she has been granted support or not within 3 weeks of the delivery of the application for support to the Rector’s Office under Article 4 hereof.

Article 6 Other Provisions

  1. Where the support is not used by the closing date of the call for a project for which it was granted, the faculty will return the unused funds to the budget of the Rector’s Office.

  2. Where no proposal for a project is submitted to the grant provider, the faculty will return the support provided to the budget of the Rector’s Office.

  3. Where an application is successful, i.e., project funded from H2020, or from another provider, is granted, 80% of the amount of support provided is paid back to the Rector’s Office from the overheads.

  4. It is advisable that the applicant whose application for support has been approved subsequently contact the Department of Science and Research, the European Centre of Charles University, which can assist with further formalities (drafting the schedule of preparation of the application, project concept, meetings of the consortium, first drafts of the text of the project, budget, etc.).

  5. A H2020 project to be submitted should be prepared in close co-operation with the EC.

  6. The applicant is responsible for the efficient, economical, and expedient use of the support in compliance with relevant legal regulations, conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and this directive.

In Prague on 27th September 2017

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA



1 Calls have already been published in Work Programmes although they are not yet to be found on the Participant Portal (in the case of H2020). Should you have doubts regarding whether your call has been published, or when it will be published, contact the EC.

Last change: August 5, 2019 14:26 
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