Rector's Directive No. 13/2018

To implement: Article 3 of the Rules for Supporting Extracurricular Activities of Students of Charles University

Date of effect: 16 April 2018

Principles of Providing Support for Extracurricular Activities of Students

Article 1 – Introductory Provisions

  1. In compliance with Article 3 and other relevant provisions of the Rules for Supporting Extracurricular Activities of Students of Charles University (“the Rules” and “the University” respectively), these Principles of Providing Support for Extracurricular Activities of Students specify details on the provision of individual forms of support, limits for those forms of support, and other elements.

  2. Under Article 2 (5), in conjunction with Article 2 (1) of the Rules, support for extracurricular activities at the University may only be provided to a student association, foundation, or endowment fund satisfying the conditions stipulated in Article 2 (6) of the Rules, if it engages or intends to engage in activities relating to the student part of the academic community of at least two different faculties; support for extracurricular activities at a faculty may be only provided to an association or foundation under Article 2 (7) of the Rules, if it engages or intends to engage in activities relating to the student part of the academic community of the faculty whose students are members of the association. An extracurricular activity means any activity aimed at the fulfilment of sporting, cultural, social, and other needs of students in their leisure time, at the organisation of debates, talks, and other meetings, and at the provision of information services, organisation of exhibitions, concerts, artistic performances, student conferences, and the like, as well as the support of the association’s operation itself.

Article 2 – Periodic Financial Support Provided for Extracurricular Activities at the University

  1. In compliance with Article 3 (1) (a) of the Rules, a student association under Article 2 (3) (a) and Article 2 (6) (a) of the Rules, or a foundation and an endowment fund under Article 2 (3) (b) and Article 2 (6) (b) of the Rules (“Foundation”), may be provided periodic financial support in the form of annual financial support paid in one or multiple instalments.

  2. Periodic financial support of up to CZK 100,000 may be provided to a student association. Where a student association comprises more than 250 members, periodic financial support of up to CZK 180,000 may be provided. For the purposes of this provision, members of associations that are members of an association with university-wide operation are included.

  3. The date decisive for the determination of the number of members of a student association under paragraph 2 is 31st December of the preceding calendar year. For the purposes of the ascertainment of the amount of support, a student of the University may be included in only one student association; the date of filing an application is decisive.

  4. The amount of periodic financial support provided to a student association under paragraph 2 may not exceed 30% of the amount spent on the extracurricular activities under Article 2 of the Rules (“Extracurricular Activities”) in the preceding calendar year or the calendar year before last.

  5. Periodic financial support to a Foundation may be provided in the amount of up to 10% of the amount spent on extracurricular activities in the preceding calendar year or the calendar year before last; however, the amount shall not exceed CZK 180,000.

Article 3 – One-off Financial Support Provided for Extracurricular Activities at the University

  1. A student association or a Foundation may be provided one-off financial support for extracurricular activities at the University (Article 3 (1) (a) of the Rules) up to the amount of 65% of the costs of an event, both upcoming or executed, which falls under extracurricular activities; the amount provided, however, shall not exceed CZK 100,000.

  2. The Rector can, on a proposal from the Social Commission of the Academic Senate of the University (“the Commission” and “the Senate” respectively), grant one-off financial support for extracurricular activities at the University that exceeds CZK 100,000 in the case of an event that directly concerns at least 1,000 students of the University.

  3. The Rector can, on the proposal of the Commission grant one-off financial support for extracurricular activities at the university that exceeds the limit of 65% under paragraph 1 in the case of either an event that concerns special-needs students, irrespective of the faculty at which they study, or an event that is worthy of special consideration; the amount provided, however, may not exceed the costs of such event.

  4. Where an event has already taken place, the application for one-off financial support of extracurricular activities at the University may be submitted within 60 days of the date on which the event finished, but no later than by the deadline set out in Article 7 (9).

Article 4 – One-off Financial Support Provided for Extracurricular Activities at the Faculty

  1. A student association or a Foundation may be provided one-off financial support for extracurricular activities at the faculty (Article 3 (1) (a) of the Rules) up to the amount of 65% of the costs of an event, both upcoming or executed, which falls under extracurricular activities; the amount provided, however, shall not exceed CZK 15,000, or CZK 20,000 in special cases where an event directly concerns a large number of students.

  2. The Rector can, on the proposal from the Evaluation Commission, grant one-off financial support that exceeds the limit of 65% under paragraph 1 in the case of either an event that concerns special-needs students or an event that is worthy of special consideration; the amount provided, however, may not exceed the costs of such event.

  3. When considering applications submitted, the Evaluation Commission proceeds in compliance with Article 3 of the Rules; at the same time, the Commission ensures that at least one application for support for extracurricular activities at the respective faculty be granted reasonable financial support, provided that such an application has been filed.

  4. Where an event has already taken place, an application for one-off financial support may be submitted within 60 days of the date on which the event finished.

Article 5 – Preferential Leases, Rentals, Loans for Consumption and Gifts

  1. Support in the form of a preferential lease or rental of immovable and movable property (Article 3 (1) (c) and (d) of the Rules) can be provided only if it is not to the prejudice of the fulfilment of main activities of the University.

  2. The support under paragraph 1 can be provided only if it concerns property to the handling of which the Rector or Chief Financial Officer is authorised. This support thus cannot be provided if it concerns property entrusted to the administration by a faculty or another unit of the University.

  3. Support in the form of a simple loan for consumption (Article 3 (1) (b) of the Rules) and in the form of a gift (Article 3 (1) (e) of the Rules) can be provided only in exceptional cases.

Article 6 – List of Associations and Foundations

  1. The following data is recorded in the list of associations and Foundations maintained by the University:




    legal form,


    name of a person or persons authorised to act on behalf of the association or Foundation,




    contact address, contact details, and


    as the case may be, link to a website or another form of electronic presentation.

  2. The list may also contain students’ interest groups that have no legal form; however, such groups cannot be grantees of support under the Rules.

  3. The list of associations and Foundations is published on the University’s website.

  4. An application for registration, along with data listed in paragraph 1, is to be sent to the following address:

  5. The association or Foundation will be informed about registration in the list within 15 days of the delivery of the application for registration, or it will be notified, within the same period, of the need to complement the application. Should they fail to complement the application for registration within the deadline set, the application will be set aside.

  6. The association or Foundation is obliged to immediately notify the University of changes of data under paragraph 1 via the address provided in paragraph 4.

Article 7 – Formal Elements of Applications and Deadlines for Submission

  1. An application for support under Articles 3-5 must contain the following elements:


    identification of the applicant, including proof of its legal form, and other relevant data according to Article 2 of the Rules;


    description of the upcoming or executed event, the date and ensuring organisation thereof;


    information regarding the people for whom the event is intended, and the mode of its publication and promotion;


    information about securing relevant permissions or decisions if such permissions or decisions are necessary under legal regulations in effect or under the internal regulations of the University;


    budget for the event (a recommended template for a budget form can be found in Appendix No. 3 hereof; it is also available for download on the IASAC website);


    in the case of an event that has already taken place, subparagraphs (b)-(e) apply with the necessary modifications; and


    the application must be signed by the governing body; where the application is filed by another person, such person must be authorised to file an application by the governing body, and the authorisation must be attached to the application.

  2. The support provided cannot be transferred to another legal entity or individual, be it in whole or in part.

  3. An application for regular support under Article 2 must contain the following elements:


    identification of the applicant, including proof of its legal form, and other relevant data under Article 2 of the Rules;


    the annual report and report on financial management of the applicant for the last year or the year before last;


    relevant data regarding the extracurricular activities performed, under Article 2 of the Rules, including the enumeration of costs and revenues if they are not expressly stated in the reports under subparagraph (b); and


    an affidavit of the number of University students who are members of a student association, broken down according to the faculties in which they study, or a list of the names of University students who are members of the governing and supervisory bodies of a Foundation.

  4. A printed hard copy of the application is to be submitted to the Rector using the form found in Appendices No. 1 and 2 hereof, and at the same time in electronic form to the email address: The application for support will not be considered if the printed hard copy is not delivered to the University by the set deadline (the electronic version of the application is not sufficient). Applications delivered after the set deadline will not be considered at the respective Commission session. If an applicant consents to it, the application will be considered at the following session of the Commission.

  5. Instead of the elements of an application that are already recorded in the list under Article 6, it suffices to refer to that list in the application. Where the nature of the elements of the applications allows, an applicant may substitute them with an affidavit stating that those facts are identical to the facts that have already been supplied in connection with an earlier application. The Rector may request that a list of names of members of a student association be provided for inspection.

  6. If an application is filed by a student association or Foundation that is not registered in the list of associations under Article 6, the Rector will immediately invite them to first apply for registration in said list. If the data required for registration is not submitted within 30 days of the delivery of the invitation, the application will be set aside; where the application concerns the support for extracurricular activities at a faculty, the time limit is 7 days. Where an incomplete application is filed, a student association or Foundation will be invited to complement it within 7 days. If the application is not complemented within said period, it will be set aside.

  7. The Rector, Social Commission of the Academic Senate of the University, and/or the Evaluation Commission may, in reasonable cases, request further data unless legal regulations provide otherwise. The time period set for the complementing of data is not included in the period under Article 4 (6) of the Rules, nor in the period under paragraphs 10 and 12. If the application is not complemented within the set period, it will be set aside.

  8. In the case of an event in the current calendar year, the application for support for extracurricular activities at the University under Articles 3 or 5 can be filed no later than on 15th November of the current calendar year.

  9. The Social Commission of the Senate will express its opinion regarding an application for support for extracurricular activities at the University usually within 45 days of the delivery of the application; however, in the case of an application delivered between 15th June and 14th September, the Commission will express its opinion thereon usually by 10th October.

  10. Applications for support for extracurricular activities at the faculty under Article 4 are submitted three times a year, namely by 28th February, 30th April, and 15th October.

  11. The Evaluation Commission will express its opinion regarding the applications for support for extracurricular activities at the faculty no later than by 22nd March, 22nd May, and 7th November.

  12. Administrative activities related to the granting of support for extracurricular activities of students is secured by the Information, Advisory and Social Affairs Centre (“the IASAC”), a department of the Rector’s Office, which may request the opinion of the legal and financial departments regarding the assessment of special issues. Decisions and drafts of contracts are prepared by the legal department of the Rector’s Office.

Article 8 - Contract

A contract on the provision of support must, among others, always contain a provision regarding the obligation of the grantee of support stipulated in Article 9 hereof, to allow the inspection of relevant primary accounting documents, and the obligation to return the provided financial support, or part thereof, if the conditions of the provision of support are not observed, be it only partially, as well as an obligation to adequately publish that the grantee of support or an event is supported by the University.

Article 9 – Using the Support

An association or a Foundation that has been provided support for extracurricular activities is obliged to present to the University through a relevant commission under Article 4 (8) of the Rules a final accounting of the financial support provided within 60 days of the completion of the supported event, or, where the support was provided for an event that had already been executed, within 60 days of the conclusion of the contract on the provision of support. Financial support provided cannot exceed 65% of actual expenditures for the event, with the exception of events stipulated in Article 3 (3) and Article 4 (2) hereof. The total actual expenditures for an already executed event is documented by an affidavit and stipulated in the final accounting. A recommended template of the final accounting form can be found in Appendix No. 4 hereof; at the same time, it is available for download on the IASAC website.

Article 10 – Common, Transitional, and Final Provisions

  1. The co-ordination of activities related to the administration of support for extracurricular activities is secured by a person authorised thereto by the Rector.

  2. The processing of applications for support for extracurricular activities at the University submitted before this directive takes effect is governed by Rector’s Directive No. 37/2017. The checking of the use of such support is, in accordance with Article 9, governed by this new Rector’s Directive No. 13/2018.

  3. This directive becomes effective on 16th April 2018.

  4. Rector’s Directive No. 37/2017 is hereby repealed.

In Prague, 9th April 2018

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA


Last change: August 5, 2019 09:11 
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