Rector's Directive No. 74/2017

Constitution of the Charles University Research Ethics Commission

Date of effect: 1 January 2018

Article 1

Basic Provision

The Research Ethics Commission of Charles University is established with the aim of outlining the policy and goals of Charles University in research ethics, issuing unifying recommendations for and positions on the ethical aspects of research for the faculties’ commissions, or issuing positions on and recommendations for proposals for research projects or research projects already acquired.

Article 2

Composition of the Commission

1. The Charles University Research Ethics Commission has five members. Members are appointed by the Rector; three members are appointed upon nomination of the Vice-Rector in charge of Science Activities, one member upon nomination of the Research Council of CU, and one upon nomination of the Academic Senate of CU. Members of the Commission elect a chairman from among their ranks. The Rector strives to appoint Commission members representing the social sciences, natural sciences and medicine and areas of study offered at Charles University. If necessary, the Commission is entitled to acquire the opinions and recommendations of other independent experts on condition that all University and statutory regulations are complied with.

2. The term of office of the Commission matches that of the Rector of the University. Membership may be terminated by written notice submitted to the Rector or by dismissal of a member by the Rector upon proposal of the Research Council of Charles University, the Academic Senate of Charles University, or the Vice-Rector in charge of Science Activities.

3. Members of the Commission may be re-appointed.

Article 3

Activities of the Commission

1. In particular, the Charles University Research Ethics Commission:

a. proposes principles and goals of University policy in the assessment and approval of the ethical aspects of research projects;

b. monitors the implementation of such policy and recommends to faculties’ research ethics commissions possible changes. The recommendations and opinions of the Commission are binding on the faculties’ commissions unless the Rector or the Commission provide otherwise;

c. supports understanding and awareness of research ethics issues at Charles University;

d. issues recommendations and opinions on applications for approval of research concerned with human participation, and personal or other ethically relevant data which are submitted to the Commission by a faculty, other unit, or a research ethics commission of a faculty;

e. isan advisory body for the Rector and for the faculties’ research ethics commissions.

2. The Commission’s activities are based on principles stipulated in the Constitution of Charles University, in particular its Preamble, the Code of Ethics of Charles University, the European Charter for Researchers, and the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

Article 4

Organisation of the Commission

The organisation, procedures, and activities of the Commission are governed by the Code of Procedure for the Research Ethics Commission, which is issued in a Rector’s directive upon proposal of the Commission.

Article 5

Research Ethics Commissions of Faculties and Subject Area Boards

1. The research ethics commissions of faculties are responsible for the consideration of the relevant ethical aspects of projects or acquired projects. Members of these commissions are appointed and dismissed by deans or directors of other units of Charles University.

2. If it is appropriate in order to make the consideration by subject area boards simpler and uniform, a joint commission for more faculties or other units of Charles University may be established upon agreement of the relevant deans of faculties or director of units. Provisions on research ethics commissions at faculties apply by analogyto these research ethics commissions of subject area boards.

Article 6

Transitional and Final Provisions

1. The activities of the existing Ethics Commission are not prejudiced.

2. The deans and directors of other units concerned with research have a duty to establish a research ethics commission at the faculty or to join a research ethics commission of the subject area board within six months of the legal effect of this directive. If such or similar commission already exists, its members have a duty to act in compliance with this directive in the commission.

3. This provision becomes effective on 1 January 2018.

In Prague on 21 November 2017

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Last change: August 5, 2019 14:47 
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