General recognition of foreign higher education at CU

Your questions regarding the recognition of foreign education please send to the e-mail address:

Consultations during office hours only:

Monday 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00, Wednesday 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00 (other days by appointment only).

Information for applicants who were granted temporary protection in connection with Russian aggression in Ukraine

Foreign diplomas issued in one of the republics of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics between June 6, 1972 and February 27, 2000 are automatically recognized in the Czech Republic, i.e. their holders do not need the certificate of recognition of foreign higher education. Holders of these diplomas can use an authenticated copy of their diploma with attached official translation into the Czech language and refer to the "Protocol of equality of documents of education, academic titles and degrees, which are issued or awarded in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" („Protokol o rovnocennosti dokumentů o vzdělání, vědeckých hodnostech a titulech, které jsou vydávány nebo udělovány v Československé socialistické republice a ve Svazu sovětských socialistických republik“), signed June 6, 1972, published in the Czech language under no. 123/1973 Sb.

General information

The decisions upon the recognition of foreign college education are solely in the hands of public colleges/universities, offering a similar study programme in terms of content. This right is not extended to private colleges.

According to the administration code, the applicant can’t require the recognition of the same college/university education from multiple public colleges at the same time.

As for holders of college-level qualifications provided by military colleges and universities, the decision is made by the Ministry of Defence; in the field of security services, it’s made by the Ministry of the Interior (pursuant to § 95 par. 9 of the Higher Educational Act).

Prior to submitting the request for the recognition of their foreign education, the applicants are advised to inquire which public college/university in the Czech Republic provides a study programme similar to their foreign study.

All requests for recognition of foreign university education addressed to Charles University shall be submitted to the following address only:

Rectorate of Charles University

Ovocný trh 5/560

116 36 Praha

The deadlines for the proceedings are set by the general rules of administration procedures, i.e. 30 days since the delivery. In complex cases, the deadline can be extended by 30 more days.

Due to the increased volume of applications, the deadline is now set at 60 days. In complex cases it can be extended.

The requests for recognition are subject to payments as of September 1, 2016

If a request for the recognition of foreign college/university education and qualification (pursuant to § 89 of the Higher Educational Act) is submitted to a public college/university, the latter collects the fee of CZK 3,000 for the proceedings related to the request. The fee is to be paid to the college/university’s bank account, and is an income of the school.

How to pay the recognition fee:

1. Bank transfer to Charles University account No. 190-907907399/0800, IBAN CZ66 0800 0001 9009 0790 7399, BIC-Swift GIBACZPX in Česká spořitelna.

As a variable symbol, please use your date of birth (DD-MM-YY), and add your name and surname (as written in your passport or ID) to the Note field.

You can either pay in CZK or in a foreign currency.

Please make sure that the full payment of CZK 3,000 arrived on the bank account of the university (any bank fees are due by the applicant).

2. Payment in cash in the box office of Charles University Rectorate (Ovocný trh 560/5, 116 36 Praha 1, room 404, 4th floor) – CZK only.

Working hours:

Mo 10:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:00

We 10:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:00

3. Payment by card online - the fee can be paid online through the payment gateway.

If it shows during the proceedings that the rector is not able to make a decision on the request for recognition of foreign college/university education, e.g. because Charles University does not provide similar study program, the payment of CZK 3,000 is not due, and will be reimbursed if already paid.

Once the proceedings are discontinued due to the faulty application, and the applicant does not remove the deficiencies upon request (most likely these concern the absence of necessary documents), there is no compensation for the fee.

If the application is rejected due to major differences between the compared study programs, there is no compensation for the fee.

Written application:

Please fill in following form.

Attached documents:

  • Officially authenticated copy of a diploma or equivalent document issued by the foreign higher education institution;

  • Officially authenticated transcript of examinations taken, or of the diploma supplement;

  • Officially authenticated translations of both documents into Czech or English. The translations are not required if the original documents are in English;

  • Decision to grant refugee status, if applicable, where recognition of qualifications is requested by a person to whom such status has been granted;

  • Power of Attorney, where the applicant is represented by an authorized person (model power of attorney);

  • Charles University may also ask for additional information to be provided, e.g. whether the degree programme was run by an institution authorized to provide higher education, or for an official document certifying the content of the higher education courses or curricula.

Special requirements for recognition foreign degrees in Medicine and Pharmacy

Beside abovementioned documents Charles University also require:

  • A verified copy of the list of passed examinations, or of a diploma supplement, including the extent of completed courses (in hours).

  • A document stating the content of the final examination, unless this information is part of the diploma supplement

Special requirements for recognition of foreign doctoral (PhD) study

Beside documents mentioned above Charles University also reguire:

  • A verified copy of the list of examinations passed during the postgraduate studies, or of a diploma supplement, plus certified translations of both documents to the Czech language (the translation is not required if the original version is in English)

  • A dissertation or doctoral thesis, or an abstract thereof, in Czech or English (no need for the certified translation). May be submitted in the electronic form

  • List of citations and publications of the applicant, especially in impacted papers (or a professional CV focused on expert and research activities)

  • Letter of authorization, if the applicant is represented by a proxy (authorization template) – it is recommended to include the phone/e-mail contact to the proxy in the application or the letter of authorization

The university may also require additional information, e.g. that the study program was provided by an institution authorized to provide college education.

The recognition of the foreign college/university education in the countries that signed a bilateral equivalence agreement with the Czech Republic (Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia, Germany, Hungaria) HERE.

Translation of documents:

Documents which are not in English or Slovakian language require a certified translation to Czech or English language (by a certified court translator or by an embassy of the Czech Republic). If the documents are issued in two languages and one of them is English, the translation is not necessary.

Legalization of documents:

If a verified copy or certified translation is required, the verification procedure follows the following patterns based on the country of origin and valid international agreements:

l. For countries that signed multilateral convention on judicial assistance – the documents are valid on the territory of signatory countries without any further verification. A verified diploma copy is required, together with a certified translation to Czech.

2. For countries that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): A uniform procedure of verification is set – the apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin.

3. Other states – documents proving the completion of studies must be verified:

a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the university/college issuing the document;

b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.

Requirements for authentication of submitted documents:

The table contains a list of countries and required verification of college/university diplomas. The issues related to the legalization and super-legalization of diplomas and certificates of studies completed abroad can be consulted with the Foreign Office of the Czech Republic, Department of Document Legalization, address: Hradčanské náměstí 5, 125 10 Prague 1, tel. 224 182 153. The addresses of Czech embassies abroad and foreign embassies in the Czech Republic are available at the website of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.

Start and course of proceedings:

The proceedings start based on a written application of a graduate from a foreign university/college (hereinafter “the applicant”), submitted via Charles University Rectorate (Ovocný trh 5/560, 116 36 Praha 1). If the applicant submits the application to one of the faculties at Charles University, major delay of the proceedings may occur. The application cannot be submitted electronically.

The rector is only entitled to decide on the requests to recognize the foreign college education if this education was provided by an institution that’s a valid and recognized part of the college/university system in the country of origin. The rector will discontinue any proceedings relevant to the applications submitted by the graduates from institutions that don’t comply with these criteria.

If major differences are found in the compared study programs, this is a reason to reject the application. In this case, the rector issues a rejecting statement.

If the foreign college/university education is recognized, Charles University rector will issue a certificate of recognition of the education and of its equality with the education provided by Charles University.

Alongside the college/university education, the academic degree granted by the foreign university is also recognized. The holder of the foreign diploma is therefore only entitled to use the degree or title as stated in his/her diploma.

The statement and certificate will be sent by a recorded delivery mail to the applicant, or his/her proxy. The applicant or his/her proxy can also receive the documents in person at Charles University Rectorate.

The deadlines for the proceedings are set by the general rules of administration procedures, i.e. 30 days since the delivery. In complex cases, the deadline can be extended by 30 more days.

Within 15 days since the delivery, the applicant can appeal against the statement to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (hereinafter “Ministry of Education”). The appeal is submitted by the applicant via the rector of Charles University (Charles University Rectorate).

The rector may decide on the appeal on his own if he fully complies with the applicant’s objections. Otherwise, he submits the appeal to the Ministry of Education within 30 days.


Rectorate, Charles University

Ovocný trh č. 5, 116 36 Prague 1, Czech Republic

E- mail:

Map of the area (click to enlarge)

How to find us

Contact e-mail:

Consultations in office hours only:

Monday 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00, Wednesday 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00

(other days by appointment only)

Mgr. Ing. Milada Pavia


phone: +420 224 491 442


Nová Astorie, 2nd floor, office No. 223

Ing. Iva Stehlíková

phone: +420 224 491 262


Nová Astorie, 2nd floor, office No. 223

Mgr. Kateřina Kubitová

phone: +420 224 491 368


Nová Astorie, 2nd floor, office No. 223

Mgr. Jan Liška

phone: +420 224 491 627


Nová Astorie, 2nd floor, office No. 223

Markéta Šmolcnopová, DiS.

phone: +420 224 491 428


Nová Astorie, 2nd floor, office No. 224

Mgr. Johana Vitásková - maternity leave

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

Higher Education Department, Karmelitská 7, 118 12 Prague 1, Czech Republic

Last change: February 25, 2025 15:51 
Responsible for site content: Student Affairs Department
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