Rector's Directive No. 28/2021

To implement: -

Responsible office: Rector’s Office and the Human Resources Department of the Rectorate of Charles University

Effect: 1 July 2021

Framework Principles of Career Growth of Academics, Researchers, and Lecturers at Charles University

Article 1 Introductory Provision

These Framework Principles of Career Growth of Academics, Researchers, and Lecturers at Charles University (“Principles of Career Growth”) provide a framework for the university within which the faculties and other units of the university may operate, and adjust the career growth system specifically to the fields of study in which the programmes of study and research are carried out. The Principles of Career Growth provide the employees with a clear overview of their career growth and future career possibilities.

Article 2 Principles of Career Growth

The Principles of Career Growth are attached hereto.

Article 3 Duties of Faculties and other Units of the University

  1. Deans of faculties and directors of other units of the university, to which academics, researchers, and lecturers are assigned, provide in their directive further details in accordance with this Rector’s Directive.

  2. The Deans and directors must publish the directives under paragraph 1 with effect as of 1 July 2022 at the latest.

Article 4 Transitional Provision

This Rector’s Directive and the directives published by the Deans and directors under Article 3 (1) apply by analogy to current employees.

Article 5 Final Provisions

  1. This Directive was discussed by the Academic Senate of Charles University on 25 June 2021.

  2. This directive becomes effective on 1 July 2021.

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA


Last change: September 1, 2021 10:15 
Responsible for site content: Legal Department
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