Rector’s Directive No. 23/2022 (consolidated version)


A proposal for a programme of study under institutional accreditation

To Implement:

Article 11 (4) of the Accreditation Code of Charles University

Lead Office:

Department of Quality of Education and Accreditations


1 June 2022

Rector’s Directive No. 14/2019 as amended by Rector’s Directive No. 23/2022 (consolidated version)

A proposal for a programme of study under institutional accreditation

Art. 1 – Introductory provisions

  1. A programme of study that belongs to an area or areas of study for which Charles University (“CU”) has institutional accreditation may be implemented only on the basis of an authorisation to implement the programme of study granted by the Internal Evaluation Board.

  2. This Directive lays down the elements of a proposal for a programme of study submitted to the Rector, on the basis of which the Internal Evaluation Board may grant authorisation for the implementation of the programme of study within the framework of the institutional accreditation for an area or areas of study (the “Authorisation”).

Art. 2 – Proposal for a Programme of Study

  1. A proposal for a programme of study means:


    a proposal for a new programme of study;


    a proposal for the repeated grant of authorisation to a programme of study;


    a proposal to extend a programme of study to include an additional curriculum for another form of study, specialisation, including a change in the name of the specialisation, double curriculum study, and for the granting of authorisation to carry out the state rigorosum examination;


    a proposal to offer a programme of study in another language of instruction;


    a proposal to extend the authorisation to implement a programme of study in cooperation with another faculty or a higher education institute at CU;


    a proposal to extend the authorisation to implement a programme of study at an external department outside of the premises of a faculty;


    a proposal to extend the authorisation to implement a doctoral programme of study in cooperation with a department of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (“the ASCR”);


    a proposal to extend the authorisation to implement a programme of study in cooperation with a foreign higher education institution which offers a content-wise related programme of study within the same form of study (sec. 47a (1) of the Higher Education Act);


    a proposal to narrow the authorisation to carry out a programme of study in cooperation with another faculty or a higher education institute at CU, consisting in the termination of the joint implementation of the programme of study by any of the participating faculties or higher education institute;


    a proposal to narrow the authorisation to carry out a doctoral programme of study in cooperation with an institute of the ASCR, consisting in the termination of the joint implementation of the programme of study with an institute or institutes of the ASCR;


    a proposal to narrow the authorisation to carry out a programme of study in cooperation with a foreign higher education institution, consisting in the termination of the joint implementation of the programme of study with any of the participating foreign higher education institutions;


    a proposal for major changes to a programme of study submitted under Article 18 (2) of the Accreditation Code, or, as the case may be, for changes in connection with an inspection report or a corrective measure.

  2. A proposal for a programme of study under section 1 (a) and (b) is submitted in full scope of elements listed in Articles 4 and 5. A proposal for a programme of study under section 1 (c) – (l) is submitted in the scope of elements corresponding to the type of a proposal.

  3. All data and information regarding a programme of study are the elements of a proposal for a programme of study.

Art. 3 – A Programme of Study

  1. A programme of study is determined by:


    the name of the programme of study;


    the type of programme of study, be it bachelor’s, master’s, post-bachelor, or doctoral programme of study;


    the predominant field of study;


    the profile of the programme of study, which can be professional or academic;


    the language of instruction;


    the standard length of study;


    the academic degree awarded to graduates;


    the training of graduates for the performance of a regulated profession;


    an ISCED-F 2013 classification code;


    a code for the programme of study assigned by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports.

Art. 4 – Submission of a Proposal for a Programme of Study

  1. A proposal for a programme of study implemented independently by one faculty is submitted1 by the dean of the faculty, a proposal for a programme of study implemented jointly by several faculties or in cooperation with a higher education institute is submitted jointly by the deans of the participating faculties or together with the director of the higher education institute.

  2. A proposal for a programme of study includes:


    a cover letter from the dean of a faculty or deans of faculties, or, as appropriate, together with the director of a higher education institute, which includes basic information about the proposal being submitted as listed in Part A of Attachment 1, and a written proposal for the appointment of the guarantor of the programme of study;


    elements of the proposal for a programme of study under Articles 5 – 7.

  3. Along with the proposal for a programme of study, the research board of the faculty or faculties expresses its opinion on the proposal for the appointment of the guarantor of the programme of study and, in the case of a doctoral programme of study, also on the proposal for the appointment of members of the subject-area board.

  4. The Rector appoints the guarantor of the programme of study and, in the case of a doctoral programme of study, the members of the subject-area board based on the information provided in the proposal for the programme of study. The Rector appoints the guarantor of the programme of study within one month of the granting of the authorisation and the members of the subject-area board within one month of the submission of the proposal for their appointment.

Art. 5 – Essential Elements of a Proposal for a Programme of Study

  1. The essential elements of a proposal for a programme of study (“the Essential Elements”) include the components of the programme of study under sec. 44 (2) of the Higher Education Institutions Act, other elements listed in sec. 44 (3) – (6) of the Higher Education Institutions Act, and documents regarding the staffing of the programme of study.

  2. The Essential Elements have the following structure:

    • fundamental information regarding the programme of study;

    • detailed overview of the programme of study;

    • curricula for bachelor’s or master’s programmes of study, and/or a framework curriculum for a doctoral programme of study;

    • detailed overview on the subjects of study; and

    • staffing of the programme of study.

  3. Fundamental information on a programme of study is determined by the requirements in sec. 44 (2) of the Higher Education Institutions Act, Articles 5 – 11 of the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University, and by the requirements following from other regulations of Charles University.

  4. The description of a programme of study and the profile of a graduate of the programme of study constitute a part of the detailed overview of the programme of study.

  5. Specific requisites for admission based on the requirements of an approving body are set out for post-bachelor programmes of study, the completion of which directly meets professional prerequisites for the exercise of a regulated profession.

  6. A curriculum of a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study sets out mandatory and elective subjects, their structure, as well as the content and scope of the individual parts of the state final examination. The curriculum is to be indicated separately for each form of study, specialisation, double-curriculum study, study at an external unit, and study in cooperation with a foreign higher education institution. In the case of a proposal for a master’s programme of study, the content of the state rigorosum examination is to be indicated along with the approval to organize the state rigorosum examinations.

  7. The description of a framework curriculum of a doctoral programme of study includes the basic list of study obligations, requirements for creative activities and for the completion of internships which are further specified in a student’s individual curriculum, and the data important for the state doctoral examination.

  8. The description of a subject of study describes the subject in compliance with the requirements of Article 7 of the Code of Study and Examination, and with the requirements of Rector’s Directive No. 13/2019, the Standards of University Study Programmes at Charles University, as amended (“RD No. 13/2019”), and corresponds to the description of the subject of study in the Information System of Charles University.

  9. The staffing of a programme of study includes data regarding the individual lecturers in the format of the C-I “Staffing” form as per Attachment No. 1.

  10. The detailed structure of the Essential Elements is indicated in Attachment No. 1. Guidelines for the completion and other supporting information for the processors are set out in the guidance document of Charles University, “The Preparation of Programmes of Study”.

Art. 6 – Specific Elements of a Proposal for a Programme of Study

  1. The specific elements of a proposal for a programme of study (“the Specific Elements”) include the following:


    in the case of a proposal for a programme of study carried out in a foreign language: a dean’s statement in a cover letter on the meeting of the requirements set out in Article 17 of Rector’s Directive 13/2019 as amended;


    in the case of a proposal for a programme of study through the completion of which professional prerequisites for the exercise of a regulated profession are directly met2: the approval of the relevant approving body;


    in the case of a proposal for a programme of study aimed at the preparation of professionals in the field of security of the Czech Republic3: approval of the Ministry of Defence or the Ministry of Interior;


    in the case of a proposal for a programme of study in which the practical training can be carried out only at an establishment accredited under a special legal regulation: the accreditation for the practical training in the programme of study;


    in the case of a proposal for a programme of study the part of which is the contracted mandatory professional training/internship: copies or samples of framework, or partial, contracts on the securing of professional training/internship with the relevant establishments;


    in the case of a proposal for a programme of study implemented at an external unit: agreement between the faculty/faculties and the relevant institution on the material, technical, and other securing of the programme of study, or, as the case may be, other information regarding the implementation of the programme of study;


    in the case of a proposal for a doctoral programme of study implemented in cooperation with an institute of the ASCR: an agreement on the mutual cooperation between the faculty/faculties and the unit(s) of the ASCR in the implementation of the relevant doctoral programme of study drafted based on a template which constitutes the attachment of the cooperation agreement within the framework of doctoral programmes of study made between CU and the ASCR;


    in the case of a proposal for a programme of study which is to be implemented in cooperation with a foreign higher education institution (or institutions):

    • key data regarding the foreign higher education institution including the official name of the institution and the academic degree awarded by that institution under the legal system of the relevant country, official translation of the name of the institution into English, and the contact details of the authorised contact person;

    • key information regarding the diploma awarded (a joint diploma under Rector’s Directive No. 61/2017, or two or more simultaneously awarded diplomas under Rector’s Directive No. 51/2021);

    • inter-university study agreement made under section 47a (2) of the Higher Education Institutions Act, Article 22 (5) of the Constitution of CU, and Rector’s Directive No. 66/2017;

    • a certificate of the validity of the foreign accreditation or another form of recognition of content-wise related foreign tertiary programme of study under the legal regulations of the country of origin of the foreign higher education institution, or, as the case may be, the proof of submission of an application for said foreign accreditation by the foreign higher education institution, or the recognition; the relevant legal regulations of the country of origin of a foreign higher education institution are specifically determined, cf. the attachment to Government Decree No. 274/2004 Sb.;

    • any additional information important for the implementation of the programme of study.


    in the case of General Medicine programmes of study, a list of clinical sites at which the clinical training of students is carried out within the framework of three or more study subjects and the total length of which is more than eight weeks.  

Art. 7 – Elements of a Proposal to Extend or Narrow a Programme of Study

  1. The authorisation to implement a programme of study can be extended (“Extension of Authorisation”) in compliance with Article 18 of the Accreditation Code. Similarly, the authorisation can be narrowed in certain cases.

  2. A proposal for a programme of study includes elements in the extent corresponding to the required extension or narrowing, namely:


    in a proposal to Extend the Authorisation for another form of study, specialisation, or a curriculum for a double curriculum study:

    1. key information on the programme of study, or, as the case may be, other information which is to be changed along with the indication of changes and a description of the proposed changes;

    2. a new curriculum or curricula in the relevant form of study in full extent;

    3. the detailed overview of subjects of study in the new curriculum;

    4. the personal data of the lecturers in the new curriculum.


    in a proposal to Extend the Authorisation for a right to carry out a state rigorosum examination:

    1. key information on the programme of study, or, as the case may be, other information which is to be changed along with the indication of changes and a description of the proposed changes;

    2. information on the content of the oral part of the state rigorosum examination.


    in a proposal to Extend the Authorisation to implement a, content-wise, identical programme of study in a foreign language:

    1. key information on the programme of study, or, as the case may be, other information which is to be changed along with the indication of changes, the name of the programme of study or specialisations in the relevant language of instruction, and a description of the proposed changes;

    2. the curriculum of the bachelor’s or master’s programme of study in the relevant language;

    3. the detailed overview of subjects of study in the relevant language;

    4. the personal data of the lecturers;

    5. the Specific Elements set out in Article 6 (1) (a).


    in a proposal to Extend the Authorisation to implement a, content-wise, identical programme of study with the identical graduate’s profile for the authorisation to implement the programme of study also at an external unit outside of the seat of the faculty:

    1. key information on the external unit in the following extent: the official name of the unit, translation of the name into English, and contact details of the person in charge;

    2. key information on the programme of study, or, as the case may be, other information which is to be changed along with the indication of changes and a description of the proposed changes;

    3. the curriculum of a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study in the relevant form of study implemented at the external unit, in full extent;

    4. the detailed overview of subjects of study in the new curriculum;

    5. the personal data of the lecturers of the subjects of the new curriculum;

    6. the Specific Elements under Article 6 (1) (f).


    in a proposal to extend or narrow the authorisation to implement a doctoral programme of study in cooperation with an institute of the ASCR:

    1. key information on the institute of the ASCR in the following extent: the official name of the institution, official translation of the name of the institution into English, and contact details of the person in charge;

    2. key information on the programme of study, or, as the case may be, other information which is to be changed along with the indication of changes and a description of the proposed changes;

    3. the Specific Elements under Article 6 (1) (g).

    4. up-to-date personal data of the members of the subject-area board and supervisors from the acceding institute of the ASCR, and the members of the subject-area board who have been appointed since the last consideration of a proposal for the programme of study by the Internal Evaluation Board.


    in a proposal to extend or narrow the authorisation to implement a programme of study in cooperation with a foreign higher education institution, in which no major changes in the graduate’s profile occur in connection with the extension or narrowing:

    1. key data of the foreign higher education institution in the extent set out in A-II form found in Attachment No. 1: the official name of the institution, official translation of the name of the institution into English, and the contact details of the authorised contact person;

    2. key information on the programme of study which is to be changed along with the indication of changes and a description of the proposed changes;

    3. the curriculum or curricula of a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study in the relevant form of study in full extent, or, as the case may be, the relevant curriculum of doctoral study if there are changes in connection with extending or narrowing the authorisation;

    4. the Specific Elements under Article 6 (1) (h).


    in a proposal to extend or narrow the authorisation to implement a programme of study in cooperation with another faculty or faculties of the University:

    1. key information on the programme of study, or other information which is to be changed, along with the identification of changes and a description of the proposed changes;

    2. in the case of bachelor’s or master’s study, the modified, and in the case of specialisations the new, curriculum or curricula for specialisations in the relevant form of study in full extent;

    3. the detailed overview of subjects of the modified or new curriculum of a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study;

    4. the personal data of new lecturers or instructors of the new curriculum;

    5. up-to-date personal data of the members of the subject-area board and supervisors from the acceding faculty, and the members of the subject-area board who have been appointed since the last consideration of a proposal for the programme of study by the Internal Evaluation Board

  3. If there are major changes in a programme of study, compared to the original proposal for the programme of study, particularly in the detailed overview of the programme of study, graduate’s profile, content and scope of the parts of the state final examination, and staffing, in connection with a proposal to extend the authorisation for another form of study, implementation of rigorosum proceedings, joint implementation with a foreign higher education institution, or in connection with a proposal for the implementation of the given programme of study in another language of instruction, it is necessary to submit the proposal for a programme of study in the full extent set out in Article 5.

Art. 8 – Changes in a Programme of Study in the Course of its Implementation

  1. Under Article 18 (2) of the Accreditation Code, the dean of a faculty or deans of faculties are required to submit, for consideration by the Internal Evaluation Board, major changes in a programme of study in the course of its implementation under Article 19 of Rector’s Directive 13/2019 as amended.

  2. A proposal for major changes is to be submitted to the Internal Evaluation Board within reasonable time prior to these being reflected in the educational activities. Major changes which, given their nature, cannot be submitted in advance are to be sent to the Internal Evaluation Board as soon as possible after they are reflected in the educational activities.

  3. A proposal for major changes includes the elements of a programme of study under Articles 5 – 7 in the extent corresponding to the proposed changes, particularly:


    key information on the programme of study, or, as the case may be, other information which is to be changed, including the indication of changes and a description of the proposed changes;


    a curriculum or curricula in which there are major changes;


    the detailed overview of new subjects of study, or subjects which are to be substantially changed;


    up-to-date personal data of the lecturers associated with the changes submitted.

Art. 9 – Final Provisions

  1. This Directive becomes effective on 1 September 2019.

  2. Rector’s Directive No. 58/2017 is hereby repealed.

Transitional Provision with Respect to the Amended Rector’s Directive:

Regarding programmes of study submitted to the Rector before the date of effect of this amendment, Rector’s Directive No. 14/2019 as amended before the effective date of this Directive shall apply.

The consolidated text becomes effective on 1 June 2022.

Rector’s Directive No. 14/2019 became effective on 1 September 2019


  1. Detailed elements of a proposal for a programme of study

  2. Rules and recommended procedures for the preparation of programmes of study at Charles University

Prague, 1 June 2022

prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.


.pdf to download



Art. 11 (2) of the Accreditation Code of Charles University.


Section 78 (7) of the Higher Education Institutions Act.


Section 78 (7), third sentence, of the Higher Education Institutions Act.

Last change: March 21, 2023 16:12 
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