Rector's Directive No. 27/2024


Change of Rector’s Directive No. 17/2022, Rules for the Internal Governance of the Rectorate of Charles University as Amended by Rector’s Directive No. 10/2023 and No. 10/2024

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Legal Office of the Rectorate of Charles University


1 August 2024

Change of Rector’s Directive No. 17/2022, Rules for the Internal Governance of the Rectorate of Charles University as Amended by Rector’s Directive No. 10/2023 and No. 10/2024


Rector’s Directive No. 17/2022, Rules for the Internal Governance of the Rectorate of Charles University, as amended by Rector’s Directives No. 10/2023 and No. 10/2024, is changed as follows:

  1. Article 7 (1) reads as follows: “The Bursar’s Office provides administrative and, where necessary, also counselling support for the Bursar in the execution of his office and guidance in the operational area of investments.”

  2. In Article. 7, paragraphs 4 to 6 are inserted after paragraph 3 and they read as follows:

    “4. An Investment Guidance and Management Department has been established in the Bursar’s Office.

    5. The Investment Guidance and Management Department carries out the following activities:


    Economic and financial management of investments with a particular emphasis on:

    1. interdepartmental cooperation within the Rectorate;

    2. coordination and guidance with respect to the economic side of the investment agenda; and

    3. coordination of the preparation and implementation of internal and external university-wide financial instruments designed to secure investments, including the coordination of processing drafts and amendments of internal university legislation relating to this operational area.


    In cooperation with the Finance, Human Resources, and Payroll Department, the Department of Construction, the Project Support Department, the Legal Department, and the Public Procurement Department:

    1. guidance on the setting of investment projects and plans in different areas;

    2. coordination of the preparation and implementation of projects, in particular those projects which require funding from multiple sources (National Recovery Plan, Programme 133, operational programmes, etc.);

    3. communication with the units of the University, the Project Support Department, and the Department of Construction about upcoming projects which are synergistic and complementary to the investment plans/projects;

    4. participation in the control of the progress of investment projects according to the instructions of the management of CU, guidance of the individual teams at the Faculties, and transfer of best practices (including participation in the control teams of large-scale investment projects);

    5. prevention of undesirable developments in the preparation and implementation of investments, possible communication with suppliers, and resolution of contentious issues with suppliers; and

    6. participation in the preparation of documents for investment projects (evaluation of investment plants with respect to notices and applications submitted, providing guidance to the Faculties in this field), identification of suitable sources of funding with adequate capacity (primarily in cooperation with the Department of Construction and the Project Support Department), and commenting on the tender documentation for these projects.


    Coordination of the activities of the Energy and New Construction working group within the Sustainable Development Strategy of CU (setting the agenda, working with the outputs of the working group and the outputs of the energy audit, etc.), preparation of documents for the action plans of the Sustainable Development Strategy of CU and updating of the Sustainable Development Strategy within a given operational area, and cooperation with the Department of Construction (implementation of BIM and facility management).

    6. The Investment Guidance and Management Department receives instructions on its activities from the Rector, the Bursar, the Executive Director of the Rectorate, and the Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development.”


This Directive comes into force on the day of its signature and into effect on 1 August 2024.

In Prague on 15 July 2024

prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.


.pdf for download

.doc for download

Rector’s Directive No.: 17/2022 as amended by Rector’s Directive No.: 10/2023, Rector’s Directive No.: 10/2024, and Rector’s Directive No.: 27/2024 - Consolidated Rules

.pdf for download

.doc for download

Last change: August 15, 2024 11:42 
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