Erasmus Staff Mobility

Staff mobility (both academic and non-academic) is an integral part of the internationalisation strategy of Charles University and, in addition to student mobility, one of the key activities of the European ERASMUS+ exchange programme for the current 2021-2027 project cycle.

The primary aims of staff mobility are:

  • gaining international experience with teaching abroad, hosting lecturers from abroad, sharing examples of good practice, e.g. in the development of foreign-language study programmes, etc.

  • upgrading the professional or language qualifications of Charles University employees

... resulting in the:

  • development of relations with partner universities abroad

  • deepening of cooperation for the purpose of joint project activity

  • visibility and promotion of Charles University both at home and abroad

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Conditions for participation

Participation is open to:

  • Employees of Charles University who are in an employment relationship, i.e. have an employment contract, or an agreement to perform work/complete a job (DPP/DPČ).

  • Employees of Charles University who have been nominated through a regular competitive selection procedure that has been announced and supported by the International Office of the CU Rectorate.

Eligible activities:

  • Staff Mobility for Teaching (academic staff only):

    • Systematic teaching activities, i.e. in particular lectures abroad, seminars, cooperation on joint/double degree study programmes, consultations, etc.

  • Staff Mobility for Training (academic and non-academic staff):

    • This encompasses a wide range of activities, including training, language and other training courses, participation in staff weeks, job shadowing, etc.

  • In both cases, participation in conferences, a stay for the purpose of research and so-called preparatory visits aimed at negotiating and expanding new cooperation projects are considered ineligible. These activities may be included as an added value of the relevant training or teaching programme, but not its sole or primary content.

Destination countries:

Charles University employees can carry out their mobilities in the so-called ERASMUS+ programme countries:

  • Member States of the European Union

  • Countries associated to the Programme:

  • Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye

  • Partner countries: United Kingdom, Switzerland

Receiving institution:

  • Staff Mobility for Teaching:

    • Partner university abroad that is a holder of ECHE and with which CU has a valid interinstitutional agreement.

  • Staff Mobility for Training:

    • Partner university abroad that is a holder of ECHE or other company, organisation or institution. These are listed, for example, on the iMotion website here.

    • An interinstitutional agreement is not mandatory for staff training. However, in case of mobilities to the United Kingdom and Switzerland the interinstitutional agreement must be signed also for staff training mobilities.


The minimum duration of eligible activities is at least 2 consecutive calendar days, not including travel days. In case of mobilities to the United Kingdom and Switzerland the minimum duration of eligible activities is 5 days.

The maximum duration of eligible activities is 60 calendar days, not including travel days.

In case of a teaching stay, it is mandatory to teach at least 8 hours per week (or any shorter mobility), and in case of a longer mobility, the number of weeks multiplied by 8. In case of training, there is no set minimum number of hours. If the mobility is a combination of teaching and training the participant has to teach at least 4 hours per week (or a shorter period).

How to apply

Employees must be nominated for mobility in a competitive selection procedure. This takes place 4 times per year according to the following schedule:

  1. February – for stays in April, May and June

  2. May – for stays in July, August and September

  3. August – for stays in October, November and December

  4. November – for stays in January, February and March

Applications must be submitted online via the PAS (Projects and Contests) module in IS Věda.

Administrative arrangements


Participants who are nominated in the selection procedure must prepare, in cooperation with the receiving institution, a Mobility Agreement, which is then signed by their manager or the vice-dean of the faculty for international affairs.

Based on a mutually approved Mobility Programme, the International Relations Office contacts the outgoing participant for the purpose of signing the Participant Agreement, which stipulates the:

1. rights and obligations of the contractual parties

2. amount of financial support provided for the trip from Erasmus+ programme funds, or other sources.

At the same time, the participant must prepare and ask their faculty for approval of a travel order for the business trip abroad and, if necessary, for the payment of an advance (by bank transfer or in cash at the cash desk).

During your stay

Usually, no special administrative procedures are required during the stay; nevertheless, we would like to draw your attention to the possible obligation to provide information to the faculty and the International Relations Office of the Rectorate in the event of unexpected changes in the approved mobility programme, especially these concern the length or content of the stay (this may affect the amount of the financial support).

At the end of the stay, the participant is obliged to obtain a

Confirmation of Duration and Content of the Stay, which he/she receives together with the Participant Agreement prior the trip.

Upon return

Participants must provide the original of the Confirmation of the Duration and Content of Stay to the International Relations Office within 10 days after their return. This document must be requested from the foreign institution prior to their return - see above (CU form or equivalent at foreign institution).

The confirmation must include in particular: the full name of the participant, specific dates of eligible activities from/to (again EXCLUDING travel days), confirmation of activities carried out under the mobility programme, number of teaching hours carried out (for STA), or confirmation of teaching/training and weekends.

Participants must also submit an online report, the Erasmus Participant Survey, to which they receive a link in an e-mail, and a final report on the billing of the trip for the purposes of their faculty or primary workplace.

Financial support

Individual Support Grant

Financial support to cover statutory per diems, accommodation, local public transport or other necessary additional expenses (course fee, admission to public institutions, etc.)

The maximum amount of the financial support is determined by multiplying the number of days of eligible activities under the Staff Mobility Agreement and the lump sum for the relevant destination country (Erasmus+ Call 2024).

Public holidays may also be classified as days of eligible activities (i.e. the day on which teaching or training takes place) upon presentation of proof of such fact.

A travel day may also be classified as a day of eligible activities if it is a result of the situation, i.e. especially for short trips to nearby destinations.

Travel Grant

Financial support to cover the cost of a flight ticket, second-class ticket or compensation for the approved use of a car, or transport connection to/from an airport or station on travel days.

The maximum amount of the financial support is determined by the distance in kilometres as calculated by the Distance Calculator (starting point being the address of the workplace: Prague, Hradec Králové or Pilsen) and by the current travel grant support (Erasmus+ Call 2024).

Billing and Documents for the European Office of the CU Rectorate

After the end of the trip, participants are obliged to provide proper accounts for the business trip abroad according to the measures of the Bursar (Rectorate) or the secretary (faculty).

The faculty then asks the International Office of the Rectorate for reimbursement of eligible costs up to the amount specified in the Participant Agreement, or up to the number of confirmed days of eligible activities + travel expenses.

Requests for reimbursement are sent by the faculty through a shared environment on Sharepoint within 30 days of the end of the participant's business trip abroad.

The following must be included as attachments to the reimbursement request (internal invoices):

  • copy of the travel order or confirmed application for a business trip abroad

  • copies of all accounting documents for the fare (flight tickets including invoice, copies of tickets with price or proof of payment; when using a car, a copy of the vehicle registration certificate, a calculation of depreciation and fuel consumption).

  • copies of all accounting documents for costs of the stay (proof of accommodation, travel insurance, per diems etc.)

Last change: January 24, 2025 13:56 
Responsible for site content: International Relations Office
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Prague 1

116 36

Czech Republic

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Phone: +420 224 491 850

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