Professional development of Teacher´s Education

Professional development of training of teachers

The school is now confronted with urgent new challenges, arising primarily from the development dynamics of contemporary society, from the need to ensure equality of educational opportunities, from changes in childhood and youth caused by factors within contemporary society, from the benefits of new discoveries, especially in the field of pedagogy, didactics, psychology of effective teaching and learning, from changes in the educational reality caused by developments in the sphere of information and communication technologies and their penetration of structures and functions in society, from evaluation of the differences in the effectiveness of educational systems and the necessity of international cooperation in achieving common goals.

The aim of the research is development and usage of the innovative potential contained in research discoveries relevant for education, schools and teachers’ work in the following areas:

  • development of the theory of schools and the teaching profession, including the methodology of their research;

  • creation of programmes of undergraduate training and lifelong learning for teachers in order to increase the effectiveness of educational activity;

  • didactic measures addressed to pupils from different levels and types of schools;

  • methods and organisational forms of education;

  • measures ensuring the inclusion of disadvantaged groups of pupils in educational streams;

  • creation of standards for teachers and school directors and policies for career growth and attestation degrees;

  • counselling support system for teachers and other educational staff.

Selected outputs

  • WILDOVÁ, R. Initial Reading Literacy Development in Current Primary School Practice.  Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, pp. 334-339. ISSN 1877-0428.

  • WILDOVÁ, R., RAMBOUSEK, V., VAŇKOVÁ, P. Selected Research Findings on Pupils of Informatics Subjects in Elementary Schools . In: SGEM 2014 Conference Proceedings, vol. 3, pp. 793-800. ISBN 978-619-7105-19-3.

  • RAMBOUSEK, V., ŠTÍPEK, J., PROCHÁZKA, J., WILDOVÁ, R. Research on ICT literacy education in primary and lower secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, pp. 1263-1269. ISSN 1877-0428.

  • JEDLIČKA, R. ed. Teorie výchovy – tradice, současnost, perspektivy. Praha :  Karolinum 2014, 276 s. ISBN 978-802-4624-12-9.

Last change: February 10, 2018 23:20 
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