Research of the psychological development of a child under the influence of scholarization

Research of the psychological development of a child under the influence of scholarization

The research in this area focuses on the theory of the psychological development of pupils and adolescents in the context of school, family and their own individual activities, including interactions, both in terms of basic research and application approaches (the creation of diagnostic tools).

Areas of research

  • the child and pupil on the developmental trajectory (from pre‑school age to adolescence) and in the context of school demands and requirements – the concept of the social role of the pupil and student in the perspective of education formation, personal development and productive social inclusion; emotional, social and motivational aspects of learning (e.g., fear and boredom at school, the time perspective of secondary school students, including the possibility of diagnostics, diagnostic tools);

  • development of literacy with the search for psychological aspects and measures of this process, the dynamics of the development of reading, writing, reading comprehension, the variability of development in high‑risk groups (children with learning disabilities, with dysphagia, with Asperger’s syndrome, poor readers, etc.) diagnostic options, diagnostic tools;

  • influence of the family and familycircumstances, education and upbringing (including the issue of equal opportunity), communication between the school and the family, the theme of the relationship between the family and child with a behavioural disorder and the school.

  • monitoring the development and transformation of children’s culture, the family and gender relations and connections with upbringing and education;

  • research of the position of minorities in school, social factors and their influence on the formation of pupils’ personality and social inclusion;

  • people (children, adolescents) with special educational needs, concepts, options and strategies of inclusive education as an urgent task for the present and future school, counselling and prevention in school‑age children (problems in child development, childhood disorders, gifted children and their position and upbringing at school, etc.).

Selected outputs

  • KUCHARSKÁ, A., ŠPAČKOVÁ, K. Learning Difficuilties. In: Psychology. Texts for international students. Praha : Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta, 2012, pp. 109-121. ISBN 978-80-7290-389-4.

  • WILDOVÁ, R. Innovation of Handwriting Literacy Development as a Psycho-Didactic Issue. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014. 114(21 February 2014), pp. 816-825. ISSN 1877-0428. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.791. WOS: 000335607400143.

  • SMETÁČKOVÁ, I., BENT, J. GAVIN, H. Sexual and Gender Motivated Harassment at Czech Universities : Incidence, Perception and Implications for Sexual Ethics. In: Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll. Oxford : Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2010, pp. 77-86. ISBN 978-1-84888-031-3.

Last change: February 10, 2018 23:20 
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